16-Our Wedding

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At the church: 15 minutes until the wedding: Kurt's POV:
    Only 15 minutes until our wedding?! Oh my god I am freaking out! "Mercedes? Where are you?!" I said a little worried. "I'm right here boo!" She said, 'Boo' was her nickname for me.
"I'm freaking out, what if he runs from the altar? What if the flowers are all wrong? What if the food isn't here? What what if we forgot- did we forget the rings?! What if he decides he doesn't love me anymore?!" Then Mercedes cut me off.

"Kurt, you are okay, nothing will happen, and we have the rings" by then I was hyperventilating and crying a little bit. "Come here and take a seat, you need to calm down" Mercedes said patting a seat for me to sit down on. "Okay" I said and sat down with my head in my hands. "You are okay, you look hot, and so does Blaine, the food is good, we have the rings. But most importantly, he still loves you, and you still love him. I bet he is doing the same thing you are right now" she informed me.

Blaine's POV:
"Oh my hell! What if he doesn't love me anymore? I love him so much, what if he hates me now?" I started hyperventilating. "Blaine you okay?" I heard Mercedes say while walking in the room. "Yeah, what's wrong? Did Kurt leave?" I said a little worried. "Are you hyperventilating and crying a little bit right now?" She asked. "Also questioning if Kurt still loves you and if everything is right?" She asked again.

"Yes, all of that!" I said crying a little more, I am freaking out!!!!! "You didn't have to worry, you still love him don't you?" She asked me, "what do you mean? I love him to death!" I said calming down a bit. "He is doing the same thing you are right now. Do you want to see him?" She asked me offering a hand. "Yes please" I replied taking her hand and walking out the door.

"Blaine?!" Kurt said running up to me and giving me a hug, a very tight one. "You still love me right? I still love you and I don't want to let you go! I want to get married especially to you" Kurt said really fast, I luckily understood everything he said. "Of course, I love you so much, we will ever together forever" I said looking into his eyes.
We just stared and hugged lovingly, and passionately. "Hey 5 minutes until we start, we need both of you to get ready" Sam said walking in and pulling me away, "I'll see you out there" He said as I walked into another room.

A/N: okay quick authors note, I am skipping to vows because I don't know exactly how weddings work, so yeah.

Kurt's POV:
After the whole aisle and talking thing, we finally got to the vows. "Blaine" I started. "I have never loved another, and well, you saved me. You were my prince, you pick me up when I'm down, and sometimes actually pick me up and struggle cause I'm probably so heavy." I laughed a little bit.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and have the perfect life with you in it. I am a work in progress, and I love you" I finally ended.

"Kurt, I could say the same exact thing. I love you so much, and I also am a work in progress. I have been in love with Disney films my entire life, I would look up there and see the prince and princess and their endless loves with them. I wanted that so bad, but then I found my prince, I did save you, but you also saved me. So thank you for that and again, again, and again, for the rest of our lives, I love you" he ended.

"I do" I said with tears in my eyes, "I do" he said back, then my heart dropped, he really does want to marry me. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss one another" the person up front said. Then we had our very first kiss as husbands. We started slow and passionate and it felt like it lasted forever, but in reality, it was like 10 seconds.
We pulled away and just stared into each others glossy eyes, I was so happy to spend eternity with this man.

After the party:
"Let's get home, everyone else either went home because they were drunk, or they wanted to hook up" Blaine said to me grabbing me hand, and intertwining our fingers. "Where is Santana and Rachel? We need to go get them" I said stopping for a second. "They went home an hour ago" Blaine replied. "Okay, let's go home then" I said as we bother walked out to his car we rode in.

At the apartment: Blaine's POV:
Next morning:
After we got home, Santana and Rachel weren't in the kitchen or living room, so we just went to bed. It was already 10:30pm so we went to bed, we had to get up at 6:00am to leave for Hawaii.
When we woke up I smacked my now husband, with a pillow. "Hey! Let me sleep!" Kurt yelled at me. "Guess what?" I whispered in his ear. "What?" He said which a sudden mood swing of happiness. "We got married, and our honeymoon is today" I whispered.

"I know, and it makes me so happy" he said sitting, and kissing me on the lips. Our kiss was going to get heated, I but then we heard a scream come from Santana's room. Santana can't have her baby, now right? She is only 3 months.

So Kurt and I pulled a shirt on and ran into Santana's room with a frightening sight...

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