20-Don't Stop Believing

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Rachel's POV:
It's been a week, now I think I am really going to die. I look down at my legs, they are so slim, my arms look very similar. I have now gained a thigh gap, and my stomach, my stomach is so small. My dress is starting to feel super loose now!
My dress is a two piece, the top part is a light peach color with a small white collar at the neck part. My skirt was a light mix of the two colors, blue and gray. But to tie my outfit all together, was my Finn necklace.

Through the person sized box I'm in, I can see light, so I'm guessing that it's obviously day time. When I was buried, someone put a small black and brown wrist watch with me, so I checked the time. It was 2pm.

But all of a sudden, I could hear voices outside, they seemed to get closer and closer, I listened and tried to be extra quiet.
"Seeing it again, it makes it all feel so real. I know it was real, but I miss her"
"I know Kurt, we all miss her"
Then I finally realized who had those familiar voices, it was Kurt, Blaine, and Santana! As I listened in on their conversations, I came to think that they were right above me, which they were...

I then channeled all of the strength left in my powerless body, I lifted up my hands and turned them into fists. I the pounded on the wooden surface. At first, the pounds came out soft and weak, but I kept on going, only the sounds getting harder and louder, but even more forceful.
"What the hell?" I heard Kurt say really frightened, "Help" I managed to squeak out. Then I got a stronger voice and shouted, "HELP!"
"Oh my god, Rachel!" Santana said worried.

Kurt's POV:
Well, today is the day, we are all going to go and visit Rachel... In her grave.
When we got there, the graveyard was completely empty, nothing but graves, dirt, and flowers. Santana, Blaine, and I all walked the exact gravel pathway we did at her funeral. When we reached our destination, the stone and the space around was bare. No flowers or anything like that!

I placed down her flowers, to make things a little less awkward, I talked to my husband and my best friend.
"Seeing it all again, it makes it all feel so real. I know it was real, but I miss her" I spilled out to them.
"I know Kurt, we all miss her" Santana assured me.

Then as our conversation was about to carry on, we heard a loud thump, from under the ground...

"What the hell?" I said now frightened for my life. "HELP!" We all heard a voice that sounded just like Rachel's said, that made us jump. "Oh my god, Rachel!" Santana exclaimed covering her mouth with a gasp.
"KURT, BLAINE, SANTANA! IS ANY OF YOU OUT THERE?!?!" Rachel screamed out, we could hear the weakness in her voice.

"Blaine, go get someone!" I yelled to my husband as he tried to call 911.

20 minutes later:
Finally the cops and paramedics came to where we were, standing directly over Rachel's grave."Where is she?" One of them asked Blaine and I. All three of us pointed to her grave, where our best friend was buried alive.

We just stood there, appalled by what was happening right now. The paramedics dug up all the dirt so they could reach the actual wooden box. Four of them lifted the coffin out of the ground and laid it down right next to us.
As they got tools to pop the lock, Santana was crying while her arms were wrapped around herself. My head was digging into the crook of Blaine's neck, as his head was crying on my shoulder.

Santana had wide eyes now, Blaine was holding me against his chest, all of us completely inarticulate. Once they broke the box, we were faced with Rachel's slim and skinny body. Rachel sat up with tear filled eyes, and tear stained cheeks. "Rachel!" I yelled as I ran to her along with Blaine.

    We both picked her up and carried over to the paramedics stretcher. The ambulance drove to the nearest hospital, while we followed by car.

    When we got there, we were allowed to see Rachel. Santana, Blaine, and I walked into the white filled hospital room, Rachel was so thin, she was just, she really looked...Dead. Her cheeks were hollow, and her arms were just skin and bone.

    "Rachel?" Blaine asked her. "How are you alive?" I quickly finished his thought. "Don't stop believing" she said quietly, but quiet enough so we could all hear her. Now we just need to sit and wait, and hopefully the doctor will come back with some good news...

Okay, here is the next chapter! I literally can't go 3 days without my friend yelling at me to post another chapter! So here you go Jüłïö thë łłämä! Enjoy!

A/N:Okay, here is the next chapter! I literally can't go 3 days without my friend yelling at me to post another chapter! So here you go Jüłïö thë łłämä! Enjoy!

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