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Santana's POV:
I can't help but feel that this is all my fault. She even said it in her suicide note, that she slept with me! Now she is in a hospital, thin as a twig....because of me.
"Santana?" Rachel said to me. "Yes?" I replied back to Rachel. She replied with, "I j-just w-want you t-to know, none of this is y-your fault," she stuttered, she read my mind.

She cleared her throat with a deep cough and continued, "T-this is all m-me, your f-fine." Even though she said that, I still feel like this is ALL me.

    "S-so, while I-I was 'gone', what is happening? Anything new?" Rachel asked us. "Blaine and I, get ready for this! We want to have a baby!" Kurt squealed with joy and excitement. "Now? D-do you think it m-might be a l-little soon?" Rachel asked him. "Maybe, but we both want this really bad!" Blaine answered for him.

    After that, I just tuned everyone out, I'm pretty sure after a few minutes Kurt noticed, because he was now waving his hand in front of my face. "Santana?" Kurt said, continuing to wave his hand.

    "Wanky! What did I miss!?" I said being brought back to reality.

    "There's nothing to be wanky about-"
    "Yet" I said cutting him off. "Watch it!" Kurt said pointing at me. "Hang on, for some reason, Brittany's calling me" Kurt said looking at his ringing phone, the ringtone for Brittany was hers and my mash-up of One Hand in my Pocket/the Earth Moves. Damn it, I miss her.

Kurt's POV:
    "Hello?" I asked my phone as I exited the hospital room. "Hey my happy unicorn!" Brittany said through the phone. "Hey Britt, what's up?" I replied. "So I heard you and Blaine are having unicorn babies! Did Blaine knock you up?" Brittany asked in a serious tone. "No Britt, I mean we are planning on having a baby. But boys can't get pregnant" I tried to explain to her.

    "What? No wonder I failed human anatomy class" Brittany replied. "It's fine Britt" I said.
    After a few more minutes of talking with Brittany, I went to go check on Rachel again.

    "What did Brittany say?" Santana asked as soon as we walked in the door. "She said she wanted to meet with you" I said back, playing with my phone in my hands. "Why so smiley?" Rachel asked with a grin. You could tell she was now gaining a small portion of strength back in her body, not much, but you could definitely tell.

    "The doctor said I can go home in a week!" Rachel said happily. "Oh my god!yay!" I said equally happy. "But, seriously, why are you so smiley?" Rachel said, now very serious. "Brittany was talking about how she found out about Blaine and I wanting kids, it just made me happy to think about it" I said smiling.
"You guys are going to be the best dads ever!" Rachel squealed/shrieked. "Speaking of babies. Kurt, Blaine, I need to talk to you ladies. Rachel, we'll be right back" Santana said, pulling us into the hall onside the room.

    "I know how to get a baby for you guys" Satan instantly told us. "It will be adoption, but, I want you guys to have my baby!" She said excitedly.

    "Really? You would do that for us?" Blaine asked her. "Yes, I need to put my baby into a better family, while I can still visit her, and you two want a kid!" Santana replied.
    "Okay" I finally gave in.
    "Yay!" Satan exclaimed. We all shared a hug and went to go tell Rachel.

    We are going to have a kid a lot sooner than we thought.

Okay, new update! Also, this story has reached over 550 reads and 80 votes! I cannot believe it, thank you everyone who likes this story! This gives me motivation while I'm trying to find ideas!!!! Again, thank you! And stay tuned...

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