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Kurt's POV:
    I looked into Blaine's hazel eyes and saw him tearing up, but I swear I was crying more. "Yes" I said, Blaine got up and kissed me in front of the whole school. I heard cheering and clapping but then silence. It was like Blaine and I were the only 2 people in the entire world.

    After about 10 seconds we both pulled back because we apparently need oxygen to survive. Blaine took the ring and put it on my finger after taking off the promise ring I had on before.

Blaine's POV:
    Yes! Kurt said yes! I am now engaged to my best friend. He is perfect! He is that perfect thing I was missing in my life.

    After everything we walked off stage together hand in hand, fingers intertwined. Every time we touch I feel fireworks and I just go weak. He is the love of my life and I will always love him.

Kurt's POV:
    Blaine just proposed to me, and I said yes.
I wonder what my dad is going to say about this. I want to have a long engagement though, I mean we just graduated high school. Both me and Blaine are trying to get into NYADA. I heard Rachel is too.

Blaine's POV:
   Today Kurt and I will perform for, get this, Carmen Tibideux! Kurt is performing Not the Boy Next Door. I am performing Teenage Dream by the one and only Katy Perry.

    That song reminds me of Kurt. In another world where there was no soulmates, when we first met I would sing this to him. What if that did happen in another world? That's too tripy, back to reality.

In the auditorium: (still Blaine's POV)
    "Hey hobbit!" I heard a voice say. It was, Santana? "Hey what you did at graduation, was just so wanky, but sweet" she said. "Do you guys even talk to Kurt anymore? Do you know what he has gone through for the past few years?" I decided to ask Santana.

    "Yeah, and I am sorry too, I feel really bad." Santana said on the verge of crying. Santana actually crying cause she feels bad? Since when? Then I held my arms out for a hug, she gladly took it. "Blaine? Can you tell him I'm sorry too?" Santana asked. I looked over her shoulder and saw Kurt and smiled at his perfection.
    "Why don't you tell him yourself" I said to her as I turned her around to face Kurt.

Kurt's POV:
    I was walking to the auditorium to see Blaine, then as I walked in I saw Blaine and Santana hugging. Then I saw Blaine smiling at me, and turning Santana around and saying, "why don't you tell him yourself". Then I saw Santana with red puffy eyes and tear stained streaks down her face.

    "Are you okay Santana?" I asked her. "Yeah I just-" she got cut off by her sobbing and running up to me and hugging me. I hugged her back and said "but what's wrong?" "Sorry I've been ignoring you, I do miss you, and I'm so sorry!" She sobbed into my chest.

    "It's okay, I've missed you too, sorry I quit glee club, bullying just got worse" I started to cry too. "I came to watch your guy's performances" Santana said while wiping her tears. "Okay, but either way we are both going to New York, to finally get out of this god awful town!" I said with a groan. "But we will all keep in touch!" Blaine added. "Okay, I'm going to go sit down" Santana said while walking off the stage.

Performance time: (Blaine's POV)
Be your teenage dream tonight
    I ended the song, I made it the acoustic version on the piano. Carmen said I did amazing and I'll get a letter if I get in! Now for Kurt's performance!
I am not the boy next door!
    Kurt did outstanding! Carmen also said he did outstanding. I hope we will both get in!
   In just one week we will get the letter, I know Kurt will, but what if I don't?

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