34- Little Time

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3 years later....
Blaine's POV:
Kurt's 'condition' has been going up and down like mountains.

Tracy is 4 years old now and she is as cute as ever. Kurt would sometimes out her light brown hair up into a bun with a stylish headband to go with her hairstyle.

Tracy can walk perfectly now and she is, just perfect.

She is more of a daddy's girl with Kurt, but we have our moments.

    Even when Kurt gets better, he refuses to go to the hospital, I know he needs it.

    Tracy can see when either one of us is in pain and she will NOT let it go.  Sometimes I think she cares too much, but I don't think we can do anything.

    Today is one of those days.

    "Dad? Papa is hurting, what's wrong?" Tracy asked me.

    "Papa is just not doing to good right now sweetie, but he'll get better," I said to the the little 4 year old.

    "Okay, I hope so, I love him too much," she said with a sad smile. She is so sweet.

    "Same baby. Now how about we make you some lunch?" I said with a smile, hoping to brighten up her mood.

    "Okay? But if I help, can I change first? This is a new dress!" She said to me.

    "Of course peanut," I said while picking her up. Then we went to go and make lunch.

Tracy's POV:
    I can tell something is wrong with Papa, he is getting really dizzy and falling over everywhere.

    I may be only four years old, but I can tell if somethings up, or down...whatever.

Blaine's POV:
Today Kurt is having those problems. The dizziness, throwing up. The usual.

    "Kurt you need to go to the doctor, please honey, you are not well," I begged him. I can't lose him.

    "Blaine, I told you, I'm fine, it's just these weird stomach bugs I get every now and then," he said with his eyes closed.

    "Kurt look at me in the eyes, and tell me you are okay," I said sternly, he can't be not okay.

    So Kurt opened his eyes and took a breath as he sat up against our bed. I put my hand on his cheek and he tried to stare at me in the eyes, but his pupils were moving around everywhere.

    "Kurt, can you focus your eyes on me sweetie," I said while taking my other hand up to his other cheek and framing his porcelain face with both of my hands.

    "What do you mean? They- they-they are focused, you just seem a-a little blurry," he said looking at me a little confused.

    "What do you mean a little blurry?" I asked him while looking into his glasz eyes. They were just moving around, and he doesn't even notice it.

    "Baby, you can go back to sleep, I'll take care of Tracy," I said while kissing him on the head.

    "What? Tracy?" He asked.
    "What do you mean Kurt?"
    "Umm, yeah, go umm, take care of her,"
    "Okay, go back to bed," I told him again.

    While he went back to bed I grabbed my coat and keys and I ran to Brittany's place. Tracy is with Santana.

    "Blaine? What are you doing? Where's Kurt? You're not supposed to pick her up until one," Santana said while her and Brittany were walking out of their own apartment.

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