33- Stomach Bug

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Blaine's POV:
Ever since Santana told me about how she thinks something is wrong with Kurt, I won't lie, I am a little worried.

But he just assures me he's fine.

But he is just getting worse.

He has been throwing up a lot lately. He always seems so tired too, I can't help but be worried.

I keep everyone updated on his 'sickness' and how he is doing.

Santana still thinks something is wrong, but she can't be right, can she?

Kurt and I put Tracy into bed, and we also went to bed. As Tracy is getting older, she hasn't been fussing in her sleep, like not at all!

    But around six in the morning, I heard a faint sound of retching from the bathroom. Kurt probably is throwing up again.

    "Kurt? Honey?" I said as I peeked my head into our bathroom. He just threw up more as he hung his head over the white toilet bowl.

    I walked over to him and just rubbed small circles into his back.

    Once he was done, he flushed the toilet and he just had tears running down his beautiful face.

    "Honey are you okay?" I asked.
    "Just-I. Yeah,"
    "Are you sure you don't want to go to the doctors?"
    "I'll be fine, just a stomach bug," he said.

    He just leaned into my shoulder and just cried. He looked so sad, it makes me feel so bad for him. Usually he is always up and energetic and always his sarcastic self. But lately, he doesn't have the energy to be his sarcastic self.

    "How about we go back to bed? I'll get a bowl for you," I suggested.

    He just nodded as I stood up and held my hand out for him, he took it and stood up.

    He then grabbed the counter to steady himself.

    "Are you okay?" I said looking into his tired eyes.

    "Yeah, just...got up too fast," he said as he took a deep breath and stood up straight.

    "Okay let's get you back to bed," I said.

    He started to walk but just fell to the floor, he seemed to dizzy to even walk.

    "Kurt, are you okay?" I rushed to his aid.

    He just looked up at me confused, but after a moment he nodded, so he tried to stand back up.

    "Here, I'll carry you," I said grabbing his arm to steady him.

    "I can walk to the bed myself...Blaine," he said but hesitated to say my name.

    "No you can't, I'm going to carry you," I told him as I put one arm under his legs, and one arm behind his back.

    I carried him and put him on our bed, I ran to the kitchen to grab a bowl and I rushed back to give it to Kurt.

    He took it and he turned on his side and tried to fall back asleep.

    I called out of work so I could take care of him, he can't even walk without falling over right now.

    I'm really worried about him.

Kurt's POV:
    Over the past few days I have been just terrible. But I can't really remember it for some reason.

    I have been throwing up a lot, and I have been just terribly dizzy. But this morning has been the absolute worst I have ever been with my dizziness.

    I woke up again around 7:30am, Blaine must've called out of work because I can smell the food from the bedroom.

    I wanted to get up but my leg was asleep and my stomach was in pain from me throwing up so much. I touched my leg to make it wake up but it was like pins and needles.

    How am I supposed to get up with my leg being all stupid and shit? Ugghh...

    So I just grabbed my phone and decided to check Facebook while I wait for my leg to get over this shit. Quinn is apparently getting better, so might as well know the details.

    But when I turned on my phone it was like 7 inches from my face and it was just blurry.

    I probably just need to get my eyes checked.

Santana's POV:
    I have been updated on Kurt's condition a lot. He is in pain, and something is definitely wrong, but I don't know what.

    "Britt?" I asked my beautiful girlfriend.
    "Yes, San?" She replied.
    "Do you think something is wrong?"
    "Like what?"
    "With Kurt?"
    "He seems sick, but not like a stomach bug, something worse," I said with a serious face.

    Brittany nodded, why can't Blaine listen to me? Something is wrong!

Rachel's POV:
    "Carson?" I asked as my boyfriend held me in our bed. "Have you noticed that something is wrong with Kurt?"

    "Yeah, he is a lot paler than usual, and he is throwing up a lot, headaches, something is wrong," he said.

    "I know, I can't figure out what's wrong though," I said.

    I had my hands over Carson's and they were on my stomach, on my baby bump.

    "I know sweetie, but no worrying! It's bad for the baby," he said wagging his finger in front of me.

    I giggled and just continued to sit in our comfortable silence.

Kurt's POV:
    After my leg stopped being a piece of shit...I got up and made my way to Blaine, slowly.

    I was still super dizzy and I somehow still had the blurry vision.

    "Kurt! What are you doing up? You are in no condition to walk!" Blaine said while rushing over to me, Tracy was already in her highchair.

    "I need food, wait! No I don't!" I said as I rush to the bathroom.

    I just dry heaved over the toilet because I had nothing in my stomach.

"Kurt, I'll bring you some water, you should go back to bed," Blaine said while soothing me.

I just nodded and I went back to bed.

The next day...
As I woke up, I felt so much better.

For some reason, I was just like better, all of a sudden, it's weird...

I told Blaine, it was just a stomach bug.

A/N: yeah! New chapter! So............ what's wrong with Kurt? Any ideas? Next chapter should be soon! So be ready! Because you are all in for a ride!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

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