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1 year and a half later:
Blaine's POV:
Today is Kurt and my 3 year anniversary. I want to do something special too, we have been engaged for a year and a half too. I love him so much, I honestly don't know what I would do without him, he is the love of my life. Today is August 17th, exactly 3 years ago we started dating. I need to do something special for him.

     Kurt is my soulmate, I want to do something special for him, and I know exactly what to do. I am going to try to plan our wedding, I will ask  him questions about the flowers and colors stuff, without him knowing. Later Kurt came home from his job, Vogue.com. Shortly after we started going to NYADA, we got jobs, I work at the Spotlight Diner, we both make good money. I work 3 days a week and he works 4.

    Kurt told me that he wants to get married this year, but we are both so busy so he put it off. But we are going to, I want the date to be November 4th, nothing special, just a good date to do it. I will take care of everything, that is how much I love him.

     "Hey babe" he said to me. "Hey, happy 3 year anniversary!" I said walking up to him and giving a fiery, passionate kiss. "What was that for?" Kurt said with a big grin on his face. "I just love you, so much" I said back. "Question, which flowers look better? These blue orchids, or the white ones? I need another opinion besides my own" I said holding up 2 pictures, this is one of the sneaky wedding questions. "I like the white ones, but the blue are more beautiful, just like you" he said giving me a kiss on the nose.

    "Thanks, I agree, the blue ones are more beautiful, but you are the most beautifulest person ever" I said back lovingly. One question down, and he has no idea!

Kurt's POV:
    I really love Blaine, I want to do something special, but I don't know what. So when he goes out to get us our evening coffee, I will get out the dinner I made in the microwave, and put out the red table blanket, rose petals and candles. I hope he will like it.

    "Hey I am going to get us our coffee! I'd ask you what kind, but I already know to get you your grande low-fat mocha!" He said while walking out the door. Now is my chance! I ran out to our bedroom and grab out the candles and rose petals. I asked Rachel to go hang out with her new stupid boyfriend Brody. I want him to rot in a hole and die.

    After I set out our dinner, I got the movie Moulin Rouge, we both love that movie and we want to sing Come What May to each other at our wedding. Then right as I got finished, the door opened. Blaine walked in and had our two coffees in a big cup holder in one hand, and his other hand behind his back.

    "What do you got there?" I asked. "First of all, you did amazing with this, and second of all, these are for you" he said while pulling out a bouquet of (again!) red and yellow roses, our special flowers. "Aww" I said taking them and giving my fiancé a huge hug. "Anything, weird, about them?" He asked as if he was hiding something, which he was.
    I look down at the flowers, about 3 rows are real ones, but in the middle is a fake plastic one. "Yeah, there is a plastic one in the middle" I said with an eyebrow raised at him. "I did that because, I will always love you until the last rose dies" he said with heart eyes.

    "Oh my god, you are so sweet, I wish I could've done something like that, instead I make you a dinner with Chinese take-out" I said with tears in my eyes. "Hey, that is so sweet of you" he said wiping my tears with his thumb. "I wouldn't care if you got me a banana with a bow on it, all of it is enough because, just thinking that I've been with you for 3 years, is enough for me" he said back.

    "Thanks, now let's go eat dinner my sappy fiancé" I said leading him to the table. After dinner we got cuddled up on the couch and watched Moulin Rouge. When the movie played Come What May Blaine got up and held out his hand for me, I gladly took it and hopped up. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Dancing, this is our soon-to-be weeding song" he said while we slow danced around the apartment. He is so cheesy and sappy, but that is why I love him.

Blaine's POV:
     Only 3 months and 17 days until our wedding, I plan on telling him 2 weeks before, so he can prep. I already talked to both of our bosses so we can get 3 weeks off. One and a half weeks to prep, the other half to actually have the wedding. And another week for our honeymoon.

    I saved up even more and got us tickets after the wedding to go to Hawaii, a hotel all to ourselves and no one to distract or walk in on us. No person can count how many times Rachel has walked in on us, she is so quiet, you can't hear her. It is literally impossible to hear her come in! Now I just need to keep planning, and not have Kurt find out, I hope he won't hate me, I am doing all of this for him.
    The love of my life...

Sorry for holding off and not writing for a while, I had major writers block. Then I figured out what to write and I was fine! I have more ideas for the future, I just need to build my way up to that point. Thanks for reading because I love writing! Also the song up above is Come What May, but glee version. (I does not owns any things glee related)

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