Chapter 3

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** The photograph above is of a wrestler many years ago, known as Hillbilly Jim. But in this story, this is Bayou Bob. **


**I'm really pumped about this book, so just bare with me on the updates on the other stories as I get this story up and going.


~~ SANDRA ~~


Tim, Adam and Chris stands up from the log they were sitting on and turns around.

Both of the brothers's mouth drops in shock as they stare at a gigantic man. Standing at least 6' 7" and about 320 pounds. He had a bushy beard and long wild hair, wearing only overalls and combat boots.

"Holy sh*t! It's Saquatch!" Adam mumbled under his breath.

Tim steps over the log toward the giant. "Now is not the time or the place for this, Jennings." Tim said in a deep voice, showing no fear of the big man in front of him.

"You're wrong about that, fag. Now's the perfect time." Bob said, hitting Tim hard in the chest, flat handed.

Tim is forced back by the blow, tripping over the log behind him. Austin barely had time to grab Olena by the arm and pull her out of the way, before Tim falls flat on his back on the ground in front of them

Satchmo jumps up, growling fiercely at the giant.

"Grab Satchmo." Tim tells Austin as he gets off the ground. He steps back over the log and without any hesitation, walks up to Bob and punches him hard in the jaw.

The big man stumbles backward a few steps and shakes his head. "You carry quite a punch, faggot."

Not wanting to give him time to fully recover from the punch, Tim throws another punch and then another. Each punch causing the man to stagger more. Tim was having to put everything he had into the punches because Bob was much bigger than he was.

"Ain't anybody gonna break this up?" Adam asked. He could easily see that Tim was outmatched by this monster of a man, by height and weight. Even though Tim was not backing down and was clearly standing his ground, he was quickly becoming fatigued.

"Are you kidding. To them, this is entertainment." Olena said pointing to the crowd that was gathering. Satchmo was going nuts. It was all Austin could do to hold the big dog back.

Tim grunts loudly as he throws another punch, putting his last bit of strength into it actually knocking the big man off his feet.

"YES!!!" Adam and Austin shouts in unison.

"Tim's running out of steam fast." Chris said, glancing nervously at his brother who looked nervous as well.

Tim leaned over trying to catch his breath. The crowd cheered him on, the underdog that was brave enough to take on Bayou Bob.

He raises up and brushes his hair back out of his face. He starts to walk over to the big man, who was getting up on his knees. Just as Tim was about to reach for Bob, the larger man throws a hand full of sand into Tim's eyes then brings a hard forearm up between Tim's legs.

Tim screamed out in pain grabbing his crotch and falling to his knees.

"NOOO! YOU COULDN'T FIGHT FAIR COULD YOU!! YOU WERE GETTING YOUR A** WHOOPED SO YOU HAD TO CHEAT, YOU SORRY MOTHER..." Adam's shouts were stopped by his brother's hand over his mouth.

"WILL YOU HUSH! YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED??!!" Chris shouted at him.

The larger man throws a punch hitting Tim in the face, knocking him to the ground. He then steps over him, sitting down hard on his hips. Reaching down, he grabs a hand full of Tim's hair punching him again. Bob brings his fist back and as hard as he could slams it into Tim's rib cage.

Again Tim screams out in pain as he felt a rib crack.

"COME ON, BRO!! DON'T GIVE UP!!" Austin yelled with tears in his eyes.

Tim opened his eye that wasn't swollen shut and looked at his little brother, Adam and Chris.

"Come on." Adam mouthed to him.

A smile come across Tim's face and he nodded.

He looked up at Bob's face that was actually cover in blood. 

"Surely you don't think you're the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve." Tim said breathing heavily through the pain. He smiled. "SATCHMO!!!!"

Austin laughs through his tears and turned loose of the collar.



**  NAILED IT!!  **

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