Chapter 54

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The next morning they take Tim down to have, hopefully, his last MRI done. Austin had just got back from the break room with coffee for him and Adam as they waited.

Dr. Levine lightly pecks on the already opened door.

"Morning guys." He smiles. "I hear you guys might finally get to go home today."

"That's what we're hoping." Austin smiles.

"Adam, would you like to finally get that cast off your arm? Or do you want to wear it home?" The doctor chuckles.

"Take it off, PLEASE." Adam says with a smile.

"As you wish. Just come with me and I'll take care of it." He laughs as Adam quickly jumps up to follow him. "I'd also like to do final x-rays on your arm and rib to make sure everything is healed properly."

Austin leans back in his chair and takes a sip of his coffee as he stares at the television. "Please let everything be alright so we can go home." He mumbles to himself.

About 15 minutes had passed when he hears voices coming up the hallway. He smiles and looks toward the door as he recognizes one of the voices being the bass voice of his brother.

"Adam?" Tim calls to his lover with a smile on his face.

"They've carried him down to take the cast off his arm." Austin tells him. "I'm hoping by the smile on your face that it is good news?"

"Great news for him, sad news for us. Cause we're gonna miss him." Chance grins as he pushes Tim in the wheelchair.

"So you're going home?" Austin asks, his tired eyes becoming brighter.

"I'm going home." Tim nods with a huge grin on his face.

"Hallelujah!" Austin laughs as he hugs his brother.

Tim slowly stands from his chair. "Where's my clothes, Austin? I wanna get dressed so we can get the hell out of here."

"I'll go start the paper work for your release." Chance says. "I'll be back cause I want to talk to ya'll before you leave."

Austin hands Tim his clothes and then helps him to the bathroom. "If you need any help just holler."

"Alright, I think I can handle it from here, though." Tim says before closing the bathroom door.

Austin sighs as he begins to pack up their things. "Thank you, Lord." He smiles looking up. "I guess you heard me."

"Is Tim back yet?" Adam asks as he walks in.

"Yea, he's in the bathroom." Austin says, quickly sitting down. He didn't want to give Adam any hint of Tim's news. "What'd the doctor say?"

"I'm good as new." Adam smiles. "What did they say about Tim?"

"I'll let him tell you." Austin says as he tries to keep a serious face.

"Oh no. Please don't tell me they're not letting him go home. He had his hopes up in going home." Adam says sadly.

Austin sees Tim come out of the bathroom fully dressed. He tells Adam to look behind him by doing a turn around motion with his finger.

"Oh my God!" Adam says happily as he sees a fully dressed Tim in front of him.

"I'm ready to go home, Babe." Tim smiles.

"Oh, I am sooo ready to take you home too." Adam giggles as he wraps his arms around Tim's waist, pulling him closer.

"Is your arm alright?" Tim asks, putting his arms around his lover.

"My arm and rib both healed perfectly." Adam says, giving Tim a soft kiss.

"I'm fixin to finish packing so when Dr. Chance comes back with the papers, we can get out of here." Austin says getting up from his chair.

"We have to wait on Chris." Adam says as he leads Tim back over to the bed.

"Dr. Chance said he needed to talk to us before we leave. Probably the 'Do's' and 'Don't's' of what I can and can not do." Tim says as he sits back down on the bed.

Adam begins to help Austin pack.

"I take it, since you guys are packing, you're getting to go home." Chris smiles from the doorway.

"Yep." Tim smiles. "It may be weird for me to say and I probably sound like Shrek, but I miss my swamp."

"I do too, Bro." Austin laughs.

Chris begins to gather up the suit cases that Adam and Austin were through packing, to take them out to the car.

He passes Chance on his way out the door.

"Boy, ya'll ain't wasting no time are you." Chance laughs.

"Not if we can help it." Tim chuckles.

"Well, I just need a few signatures and you'll be out the door." Chance says as he sits down beside Tim.

He puts a pen in Tim's hand and directs his hand in the places to sign.

"Adam, here's a prescription for some pain pills. I'm pretty sure Tim will have some pretty powerful headaches, from time to time. After a head injury like he had, those are pretty ordinary. So don't panic." Chance says as he hands Adam a slip of paper. "Tim do you have a regular doctor that you see."

Austin snickers.

"Uh, not really." Tim chuckles. "Not unless you count, Rob Lundquist. He's a retired doctor from New Orleans that lives now in Teche."

"He's the one everyone goes to in Teche. The Cajuns can't afford a normal doctor plus they're too far away. And a lot of Cajuns only means of travel is by pirogue." Austin says.

"Alright. But when things start to happen with your vision, I would really like for you to go see a doctor that specializes in head injuries and vision. New Orleans is the biggest city near you?" Chance asks.

"Well, there's smaller towns but yea." Tim says.

"Well, let me check in on it and find you a specialist. I'll get in touch with him and fax him your medical records and then I'll give you a call. Alright?" Chance says, patting Tim on the leg as he stands up. "It was nice meeting ya'll, just wish it had been under better circumstances. Take care of yourself, Tim."

"Will do. And thanks for everything Chance. And please tell Dr. Pharrell that I said thanks. You guys probably saved my life." Tim says as he shakes Chance's hand.

"That's what we're here for, Tim." Chance says, patting Tim on the back. He turns to the other three. "Guys, take care." He waves and then leaves the room.

"You ready for your limo ride." A nurse asks as she brings in a wheelchair.

The nurse helps Tim into the chair as Adam, Austin and Chris grabs the rest of their things.

"Give this thing some gas and let's get the hell out of here." Tim tells the nurse.



** TIDAM **

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