Chapter 32

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It wasn't long before they were all outside, getting to work cleaning the fish they had caught the day before.

Tim and Adam worked at one table while Austin and Chris worked at the other. Jenika and Olena sat in lawn chairs, watching the guys work.

The two Cajuns were teaching the two city boys how to clean fish.

Olena had secretly told Jenika about Tim and Adam's night together. She was smiling ear to ear watching them work side by side, stealing kisses from time to time.

She was so happy for her 'Bubba'. Finally finding someone to fill the loneliness in his life. Who knows? Maybe someday they could be in-laws.

She told Olena about her date with Chris last night. And NO, they didn't have sex like Austin thought they did. Although they did do a lot of cuddling. But what impressed her the most was that Chris treated her like a lady. He showed her respect and was a true gentleman, something that she wasn't use to but she loved every minute of it. She could tell that she was falling quickly for him and prayed he felt the same.

She was brought from her thoughts when Tim accidentally dropped his knife on the ground. He leaned over to pick it up but stopped about half way, slowly raising back up. He had a grimace look on his face.

"I'll get it." Adam said while smiling shyly. He bends down to pick up the knife and then goes to wash it off.

"What's wrong Bubba?" Jenika asked innocently. "Are you alright? Is it your back again?"

"Uh... Yea... I'm just not use to that bed yet." Tim said with a slight blush to his cheeks. He could hear Austin snickering at the other table.

Adam comes back and hands him the knife, giving him a wink.

Jenika and Olena smiled and looked at each other, sharing knowing glances.

They finally got all the fish cleaned and packed away in a cooler to take to Rob's.

"So what do you guys want to do tonight?" Jenika asked.

"Let's roast hot dogs around a campfire." Olena suggested. "And maybe some S'mores."

"Don't you think it's a little warm for a campfire?" Austin asked, as the guys washed the fish smell from their hands.

"It won't be tonight. You know it cools off at night. Come on, it'll be fun." Olena whined. "Jen and I can run to the store to get everything we need."

"Sounds alright to me." Tim said, drying his hands. Chris and Adam nodded in agreement.

"Y'all can go to the store while we carry this stuff over to Rob's and put in his freezer." Austin said.

The girls jumped up cheering and ran to Jenika's truck. 

Adam and Chris lifted the coolers and put them in the back of Tim's truck.

Austin was gonna stay at the house and collect firewood for the fire while the other three delivered the fish.

"So, things went good between you and Jen last night?" Tim asked, looking around Adam at Chris as they headed to Rob's.

"Yea, I think so. And we didn't do anything like Austin thinks we did." Chris smiled and rolled his eyes.

"You just gotta look over Austin." Tim laughed. "That's all that's on the kid's mind. But I'm glad you had a good time."

"I really like her a lot." Chris smiled.

"She's a sweet girl. She's not too well liked in town by a lot of people because she's so outspoken. She definitely speaks her mind." Tim smiled. "But if you get your hooks into that one, you'll have  good one."

"Funny, that's the same think she told me about you." Adam smiled looking around at Tim.

"Really?" Tim asked.

"Mhmm." Adam answered as he leaned over and kissed Tim on the cheek.

"Well, you have me hooked." Tim said as he pulled up in front of the Lundquist house.

Tim slowly got out of the truck. He talked to Rob as Adam and Chris unloaded the coolers.

"Tim is your back hurting again? I could pop it if you need me too." Rob said, after noticing Tim was limping a bit.

Tim chuckled. "Uh...No, I'm good." He answered quickly then changed the subject. "Hey, listen. We're having a bon fire tonight if you and Kel want to come. We're roasting hot dogs and the girls want to make S'mores."

"S'mores! Man, I can eat my weight in S'mores." Rob laughed.

"Oh my God. We might ought to try and call the grocery store and try to catch the girls before they leave." Tim laughed heading back to the truck.

"I'm serious about your back though, Tim. I can fix it." Rob said as he put his arm around Kelsey.

Tim heard Adam and Chris laugh as they got in the truck.

He stopped before climbing into the truck and looked around at his bearded friend. "Ah, I don't think there's anything you can do to help me, cause it's not my back. It's my ass."



(((( TIM + ADAM = TIDAM ))))

(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

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