Chapter 42

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"Okay, who's gonna help me get these drunks home?" Chris ask with a chuckle.

Adam was passed out leaning against Tim.

Tim was so drunk he could hardly hold his eyes open.

Austin was passed out laying on the porch.

Jenika was tipsy but wasn't fully drunk. 

Olena hadn't drunk anything.

Mark had quit drinking earlier and had sobered up.

"I'll help you load them up and follow you home to unload them, since I have to pass right by there anyway." Mark says.

"You can put Tim and Adam in the back seat of your car, Chris. I'll drive Tim's truck with Austin." Olena says.

"Sounds good. I'll grab Austin since he's lighter." Chris laughs, scooping Austin up from the porch.

Mark picks up Adam.

"Where... Where are.. are you taking boy..boyfriend?" Tim says with a lazy slur, trying to focus on Mark.

"To the car. You sit right there and don't move." Mark says, shaking his head.

"I can... I can walk, thank you very much." Tim slurs, he tries to stand but falls to his hands and knees. "Oops. I don't have any...any legs." He laughs.

Mark comes back from putting Adam in the car. "Chris you take Jenika and make sure she gets to the car and I'll get... It." He points to Tim on the ground.

"Good luck." Chris laughs taking the tipsy blond by the hand and leads her to the car.

Mark reaches down, wrapping his arms around a giggling Tim hoisting him up.

"Stand up on your feet, Tim." The big man tells him.

"I don't... don't have feet." Tim laughs. "Somebody stole 'em."

"Oh Geez." Mark says as he picks Tim up bridal style and starts to walk toward the car.

"What strong arms you ha...have, says Little Red...Red Riding Hood to... to the Big Baaad Wolf." Tim laughs loudly.

"Just get in the d*mn car." Mark growls.

"Oh, Are we... we going to grand...grandma's" Tim giggles and falls into the car next to Adam, who is still out cold. "Well, hello there sexy."

"Good luck." Mark says to Chris as he closes the car door.

"Thanks, I'll need it." He says starting the car.

"Hey Mister." Tim giggles, tapping Chris on the shoulder like a taxi cab driver. "Can you drop me and date off at the local bar, he...he looks like he ne...needs something drink." Tim chuckles.

"Actually I think you both have had enough to drink." Chris says glancing up into the mirror at Tim's glassy eyes.

"OH NO!!" Tim yells. "I for... forgot my!!"

"Satchmo is in your truck, Tim." Chris says shaking his head.

"I forgot my truck. We ne..ned to go go back." Tim pouts.

"Olena is driving your truck, Tim." Chris says as Jenika giggles. "Hey, why don't you just close your eyes and rest for a little while."

"No, I have stay awake. I want Ad..Adam to make love to me." Tim mumbles as he rubs his tired eyes.

"If he ever closes his eyes, he'll be out like a light." Jenika whispers to Chris. 

Chris nods. He was just glad that she has sobered up quite a bit.

After a few minutes of silence, Jenika looks around to the back seat. Tim is holding Adam's hand and has passed out with his head laying over on Adam's.

"He's out." Jenika giggles.

"I thought he was being awfully quiet back there." Chris smiles as they drive up into the driveway.

Olena pulls in beside them and Mark pulls up behind them.

Mark gets out of his truck and walks up to the car, opening the back door.

"So he finally gave up the ghost." He chuckles.

"Yea, finally. About two minutes before we got home." Chris says shaking his head. He heads over to Tim's truck to get Austin.

Oleana goes to unlock the door and turn the covers down on the beds.

Mark picks up Tim and carries him into the house and lays him down in the bed.

"Sweet dreams, Foust." He chuckles and pats Tim on the head. He then heads back outside to get Adam.

Mark came bringing Adam into the bedroom while Chris was busy taking off Tim's boots and his belt to make him more comfortable. 

Chris takes his brothers belt and boots off as Mark says his goodbyes and leaves.

"Aren't you gonna take their pants off?" Jenika ask from the doorway.

"Uh, No. I'm not in to undressing men." Chris chuckles.

"I'll do it." She grins, teasingly.

"Uh, No. I don't think so." Chris says taking her by the arm and pulling her out of the bedroom, closing the door behind them.




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