Chapter 35

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Adam slowly opened his eyes when he heard Tim groan. The morning sun was just beginning to creep into their bedroom.

Adam rolls over to face his boyfriend. Tim was laying on his side, with his hand covering his eyes.

"Baby, are you awake?" Adam whispers softly.

"Shhh, stop yelling." Tim whispers.

"I'm not yelling, I'm whispering."Adam giggles.

"Oh God, my head."Tim groans, rolling over on his back and covering his face with his hands. "Just shoot me."

"Do you remember last night?" Adam ask softly, raising up on his elbow.

"Umm, we had S'mores. They were really good." Tim says as he rubs his aching forehead.

"Is that all you remember?" Adam ask with a bit of hurt in his voice.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Tim ask as he opened one eye to see Adam bit his lip and hang his head. "Sweetie, I'm just joking. I remember making love to you last night. And it was totally amazing. It may be a little foggy, but I do remember it."

Adam smiles and leans forward to give Tim a kiss but Tim turns his head.

"What? What's wrong?" Adam frowns.

"Nothing, Baby. It's just." Tim pauses as he licks lips. "Taste like something crawled in my mouth and died."

"Oh." Adam chuckles. "You do kind of smell like a brewery."

"Thanks." Tim smiles, rubbing his forehead.

"I need some drugs." Tim says as he slowly raises up and sits on the side of the bed. 

Adam gets up and goes to the dresser and gets him and Tim some boxers to put on. 

"This is not going to be a good day." Tim grumbles as he slips on his boxers. His stomach felt as if it was doing somersaults.

"I'll take care of you." Adam smiles as he gives Tim a kiss on the cheek. He takes Tim by the hand and leads him out of the bedroom and heads to the kitchen.

Austin is sitting with his head laying on the table.

"Dang. And I thought Austin looked bad." Olena laughs as she looks around and sees Tim.

"Screw you, Olena." Tim growls as he goes to the cabinet to get the aspirins. He opens the cabinet door but there were no aspirins. "Oh hell no." He groans as he moves things around searching for the much needed medicine.

"If you're looking for the Advil, it's over here by this dead guy." Olena laughs, pointing at Austin.

"Go sit down, before you fall down." Adam chuckles, rubbing Tim on the back. "You want some coffee?"

"Please." Tim says softly.

"What about some breakfast?" Adam ask, giving Tim a kiss on his bare shoulder.

"Ugh, No. I think it would just come right back up." Tim says as he sits down at the table, grabbing the bottle of pain reliever.

"Good morning, beautiful people." Jenika smiles as she walks into the kitchen.

"Screw you, Jen." Tim groans dropping his head to the table at the same time they hear.

"Oh shut up, Jen." coming from Austin.

"Ooo, such happy people." She laughs, reaching down ruffling Tim's hair. "I figured from the noises you two were making last night, Timmy, that you'd be in a very good mood this morning."

Tim raises his head up from the table. "Jenika..." He stops and puts his hand on his stomach. "Oh God." He moans jumping up from the table, covering his mouth with his other hand. He runs toward the bathroom, running into Chris in the hallway.

"Morning, Tim." Chris smiles but only to be pushed out of the way.

Tim runs into the bathroom, falling on his knees by the toilet and begins throwing up.

Adam runs into Chris on his way to the bathroom following Tim.

"Morning, Bro." Chris smiles but only to be shoved out of the way.

Adam stoops down beside Tim, quickly pulling his hair back out of the way.

The stench of beer was so strong that Adam even gagged a few times.

Tim brings up a shaky hand covering his eyes as he tries to swallow and catch his breath, but the smell just made him gag and throw up again.

Adam reaches for a towel that was hanging by the shower and hands it to Tim.

Tim takes the towel and covers his face with it. "I'm so sorry." He mumbles.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Baby" Adam says softly as he gently rubs Tim on the back. "I said I was gonna take care of you. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do." He adds, pulling Tim's head to his chest.

"What did I do to deserve you? I must have done something right." Tim sniffs as he wipes his mouth with the towel.

Adam smiles and brushes Tim's hair back, placing a kiss on top of his head. "Why don't you take a nice hot shower and then go lay back down." Adam whispers.

Tim nods as he tries to stand up on wobbly legs. Adam helps him up.

"Are you alright now?" Adam ask, pushing some of Tim's hair behind his ear.

"Yea, I just feel weak." Tim says as he reaches for a clean towel.

"That's understandable." Adam says as he starts to leave the bathroom. "Oh, and be sure to brush your teeth."

"Yes, Mother." Tim chuckles lightly.

"Well, I haven't had my morning kiss yet and it's killing me." Adam smiles as he closes the door behind him.


Hey Y'all!! I published a book for me to write messages in called "A NOTE FROM OBSESSEDWITHAVI" please add it. Thanks


** TIDAM **

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