Chapter 33

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** Please listen to the video as you're reading Tim's story to get the full effect of his story telling. 


Tim climbed into the truck, leaving his two friends with shocked looks on their faces.

Adam was wiping tears from his eyes from laughing so hard. "Oh God, I can't believe you said that."

"Well, it's the truth." Tim chuckled as he started the truck and pulled out of the Lundquist driveway. He glanced around at Adam, noticing his red face. "Are you blushing? It's your fault you know."

"I'm not blushing. It's... It's just...It's just really hot in here." Adam stammered, trying to think of another excuse why his face would be red.

"How long does it usually hurt?" Tim asked.

"Uh...Guys. I sitting here." Chris said feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Maybe a day or two." Adam whispers.

"Are you kidding me? I sure hope I don't have to sh.." Tim started to say before being cut off by Adam.

"TIM!!" Adam said loudly, popping him on the leg.

Chris covered his eyes and shook his head.

They got back to the house to find that Austin had found plenty of fire wood and had set up several lawn chairs.

Tim went to the cooler and grabbed him a beer along with Adam a bottle water. Adam went and claimed them a long lounge chair. Tim handed him his water then sat down between his legs.

"You care if I get drunk tonight?" Tim asked, looking over his shoulder at Adam.

"It depends. Are you abusive when you get drunk?" Adam asked.

"No. Absolutely not. I get horny when I get drunk." Tim smiles at Adam.

Adam gives him a confused look and leans nearer to him.

"If you haven't been with anyone in a long time, and you get horny when you drink, how...." Adam was asking quietly when Tim turns around a little more to face him and holds up his hand and smirks.

Adam chuckles and drops his head on Tim's back. "Sorry I asked. If you get drunk, don't worry, you won't have to use your hand tonight. 

Tim gives him a thumbs up as the rest of the group comes driving up. The girls quickly got busy preparing the stuff while Austin got the fire going.

"Hey, why don't we change places so if you need anything it's easier for me to go get it than you." Adam said.

"Great idea." Tim smiled, groaning slightly as he raised up to let Adam up. Tim sat down letting Adam sit down between his legs. Tim wrapped his arms around Adam's waist as he leaned back against his chest.

After they were through eating, Austin and Olena went into the house and got everyone blankets to wrap up in. The damp night air had gotten a little cool.

They sat around the fire chatting about first one thing and then another. They eventually got on the subject of ghost stories and urban legends of the Bayou. 

Austin, Rob and Jenika each took turn telling tales of spooky legends. Tim sat quietly with his arms around Adam, both wrapped in a blanket.  Tim was downing his fifth beer so he was pretty well buzzed.

With each story, Adam would snuggle a little closer to Tim. "Do you have any stories?" He said turning to face Tim.

"Maybe." Tim said, pitching his cigarette into the fire. "Have you ever heard of Swamp Witch Hattie and the Black Bayou?" 

Adam shook his head slowly with wide eyes. Everyone except for Adam and Chris smiled knowing that it was just a song.

"Wait a minute, isn't that lady that runs the restaurant name Hattie?" Chris asked as he sat with Jenika snuggled to his side.

"Hattie at the restaurant is believed to be the great, great granddaughter of Swamp Witch Hattie, so the legend goes." Jenika said, adding to the story.

Tim tightened his hug on Adam as he stared into the fire. Then he began his story:

Black water Hattie lived back in the swamp
Where the strange green reptiles crawl
Snakes hang thick from the cypress trees
Like sausage on a smokehouse wall
Where the swamp is alive with a thousand eyes
An' all of them watching you. (turning his eyes to meet Adam's frightened eyes)
Stay off the track to Hattie's Shack in the back of the Black Bayou.

Way up the road from Hattie's Shack
Lies a sleepy little Okeechobee town
Talk of swamp witch Hattie lock you in when the sun go down
Rumors of what she'd done, rumors of what she'd do 
Kept folks off the track of Hattie's shack
In the back of the Black Bayou

One day brought the rain and the rain stayed on
And the swamp water overflowed
Mosquitoes and the fever grabbed the town like a fist
Doctor Jackson was the first to go
Some say the plague was brought by Hattie
There was talk of a hang'n too
But the talk got shackled by the howls and the cackles
From the bowels of the Black bayou

Early one morn 'tween dark and dawn when shadows filled the sky
There came an unseen caller on a town where hope run dry
In the square there was found a big black round
Vat full of gurgling brew
Whispering sounds as the folk gathered round
"It came from the Black Bayou"  (he whispered in Adam's ear)

There ain't much pride when you're trapped inside
A slowly sink'n ship
Scooped up the liquid deep and green
And the whole town took a sip
Fever went away and the very next day the skies again were blue
Let's thank old Hattie for sav'n our town
We'll fetch her from the Black Bayou

Party of ten of the town's best men headed for Hattie's Shack
Said Swamp Witch magic was useful and good
And they're gonna bring Hattie back
Never found Hattie and they never found the shack
And they never made a trip back in
'Twas a parchment note they found tacked to a stump
Said don't come look'n again.  (he growled in a low voice near Adam's ear)

Adam shivered in Tim's arms. The vibration that he felt in Tim's chest from his low growl sent shivers down his spine. Fear was quickly replaced with lust. "You horny yet?" He whispered in Tim's ear.

"Yep." Tim said with a drunken smile.





(((( TIDAM ))))

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