Chapter 62

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The next couple of days was spent fishing and the evenings was spent cleaning that day's catch. The town's festival was this weekend and each month they always supplied fish and this month would be no different.

Tim was able to help fish, only needing help to do a few things. He was thankful for just being able to get the chance to do what he loved to do. Fishing and trapping were his life, even though he wasn't quite ready for trapping yet.

He discovers that wearing sunglasses to tone down the glares of the bright light of the sun, saved him from a lot of headaches.

In the evenings, he has to leave all the fish cleaning to the others. Tim has always been a workaholic. Sitting idle to the side while the others did all the work was about to drive him crazy.

He sits quietly in a lawn chair, bouncing his legs anxiously. Satchmo lies protectively by the chair.

He suddenly feels someone sit down in his lap.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Adam asks, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I want to help." Tim says with a pout.

"Aww, I know you do. And you'll be able to again one day soon. I'm sure of it." Adam smiles as Tim lays his head on his shoulder. "Do you have a headache?"

"No, the glasses seem to help." Tim says as he wraps his arms around his lover's waist.

"Don't get too lovey-dovey." Adam chuckles. "I still have work to do."

"I'm lonely." Tim pouts, sticking out his bottom lip.

Adam gives an evil smirk as he quickly takes Tim's bottom lip between his teeth. Tim lets out a quiet moan as he quickly pulls Adam into a very heated kiss.

Austin loudly clears this throat.

"Hey you two, break time is over." Austin laughs.

They break the kiss, Adam smiles as he leans in to whisper in Tim's ear.

"I love you so much, Swamp Rat." He whispers.

"I love you too, City Mouse." Tim smiles. "But you need to get back to work. I hear the boss can be a real *sshole."

"I heard that." Austin laughs.


Saturday morning they arrive in town, two hours before sunrise. After eating a quick breakfast, they all get to work setting up Kelsey's cooking area. The vendors were the only ones there this early in the morning.

Tim sits quietly on the front steps of Hattie's Cafe drinking a cup of coffee. His arm around Satchmo, who sat beside him.

"This really sucks, Buddy." Tim says as he stares out into the darkness. The sun still has not risen yet and the flashlights that the workers were using, was not putting off enough light for Tim to see.

Satchmo looks around at his master and raises his brows. Wagging his large fluffy tail, he licks Tim on the check.

"Ugh." Tim grunts as he wipes his cheek. "I know, I love you too but Adam is the only one allowed to give me sloppy kisses." Tim chuckles.

"You mean I can't give you a sloppy kiss." Hattie laughs as she sits down on the steps beside him.

Tim smiles and taps his cheek that was facing her.

She laughs as she leans over kissing him on the cheek.

"How you doing, Sweetie?" She asks as she brushes back his hair.

"I feel useless, Hattie. I just get in the way." Tim says, staring blankly ahead of him.

"Honey, it's gonna take time." Hattie says as she rubs him on the back. "You were in really bad shape. You almost died. It's a miracle that you're even sitting here."

"I know." Tim nods. "But when I started to see light, I just knew I'd be able to see again in no time. But it's been almost a week and nothing has changed. I'm still blind as a bat in my left eye. I'm beginning to lose hope."

"You can't loose faith, Timmy." Hattie says as she lays her head over on his shoulder.

"It's hard not too." Tim says quietly. "Enough of me and my self-pity. When's your man gonna be here?"

"My man?" Hattie asks with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, Joe Ben." Tim chuckles.

Hattie huffs as she stands up.

"I am so done with you, Timothy Foust." She says, putting her hands on her hips looking down at him.

"Aww, come on, Hattie. You guys are perfect for each other." Tim smirks.

She reaches down, snatching the empty coffee cup from his hands. "I think you need more coffee."

Tim chuckles as he hears her stomp back inside her restaurant. 

Reaching into the pocket of his jacket, he pulls out his cigarettes. Lighting one up, he blows the smoke into the brisk morning air.

"How you doing, Gorgeous?" Adam asks as he sits down beside Tim.

"Bored. Lonely. You name it." Tim says with a small smile.

"Satchmo is keeping you company." Adam smiles, looking around Tim, meeting the blue and brown eyes of the large bored-looking dog.

"Yeah, but he doesn't talk very much." Tim smiles, petting his dog. "And I think I just pissed Hattie off."

"Really? How?" Adam laughs.

"I might have called Joe Ben, her man." Tim chuckles.

"Oh, Heck. I don't think I'd want that little lady mad at me." Adam laughs, shaking his head.

"Aww, she ain't gonna do nothing. She loves me." Tim smirks.

Suddenly Tim's head is being pulled back by his hair.

"Excuse me?" The elderly lady asks.

"Oh, Uh, Hi, Hattie." Tim chuckles. "We were just talking about you."



*~*  TIDAM!  *~*

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