Chapter 45

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Tim had rented them a hotel room to finish out Adam's birthday. He knew it would be late by the time they left the amusement park and it was a long drive home. He didn't want to take the chance driving as tired as they both were.

As soon as they walk into the room and close the door, Adam pushes Tim up against the wall.

"Do you know just how much I love you?" Adam smiles looking Tim in the eyes.

"Oh, I think so." Tim smirks.

"Well." Adam says as he begins to pull Tim's tee shirt up, taking it off of him. "I'm fixing to show you, Lover Boy. The other night when we got drunk, Chris said that you didn't want to go to sleep because you wanted me to make love to you. Remember? Tonight you're getting your wish."

"But it's your birthday. I should be the one making love to you." Tim says as Adam begins to work on undoing Tim's pants while kissing him on the neck.

"That's right, it is my birthday. And this is what I want." Adam smiles, biting his bottom lip. "I want to make love to you, Timothy." He whispers.

"Oh Hell." Tim says letting out a shaky breath. He looks down to see that Adam had already had him practically undressed.

"I just unwrapped my final birthday present." Adam chuckles as he stands back and eyes Tim's body.

"Happy Birthday." Tim shrugs as his face blushes a deep red.

~~~~~~~~~~ We all know what happens between these squiggly lines ~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning, Adam is awaken by Tim kissing him softly on the cheek.

"Hey beautiful. We need to get up and get on the road." Tim says softly. "We got a long drive ahead of us."

"How are you feeling this morning?" Adam ask as he snuggles up to his lover.

"Sore. You definitely wore me out." Tim smiles.

"I'm so sorry. But I was really turned on last night." Adam says.

"Really?" Tim smirks. "I can't hardly talk this morning from all my screaming."

"You want to continue in the shower?" Adam smiles as he runs a finger down Tim's chest.

"Honeyyyy." Tim whines. "I'm awfully sore."

"Okay, I'll give you a break this time. But we can still take a shower together." Adam says. "It'll save time."

"Yea, Okay. I wanna get back home. I'm just don't care much for big cities." Tim stands up and pulls Adam up out of bed.

"You're just a swamp rat." Adam smiles putting his arm around Tim's neck and kissing him on the cheek.

"Maybe. But I'm your swamp rat." Tim chuckles, popping Adam on his naked butt.

"You got that right." Adam says giving him a tender kiss. "Let's go shower."

After their shower they put on some clean clothes that Tim had secretly packed before they left Teche.

They make their way out to the car. Tim opens the door for Adam.

"Well thank-you kind sir." Adam giggles as he gets into the car.

"You're are so welcome my love." Tim chuckles, leaning inside the car giving Adam a quick kiss.

He puts the suit case into the trunk and then gets into the car.

He looks around at Adam. He was admiring the promise ring with a huge smile on his face.

"Did you have fun?" Tim ask as he smiles at his beautiful boyfriend.

"The best time of my life." Adam answers, his face glowing with happiness.

"I just hope you know just how much I love you, Adam." Tim says seriously. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You've made me so happy."

"I love you." Adam says as he fights back the tears. "I honestly didn't think I could ever be this happy.

"Let's go home." Tim says wiping a tear from his eye.

"Does anyone know that you were gonna give me this ring?" Adam ask, holding his hand up again admiring the ring.

"Nope, no one. Not even the little bird wearing the hat." Tim laughs as they pull out of the parking lot.

"Good. I can show it off when we get home." Adam smiles, taking Tim by the hand as they drove down the busy street.

The screeching of brakes. Breaking glass. Crushing of metal colliding and Adam's scream was the last Tim heard before darkness overtook him.


#ItsMelsfault !!!!




** TIDAM **

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