Chapter 47

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They walk up to the door of Adam's room. Chris stops before going in and lets go of a heavy breath.

"Honey, the doctors said that he was going to be just fine." Jenika whispers.

"Yea, I know. But what do we tell him about Tim? You know that will be the first thing he'll ask." Chris says softly.

"The doctors may have already told him." Olena says.

"But what if they haven't?" Chris ask.

"Then we should tell him." Austin says quietly. "Because if Tim doesn't make it through the night, Adam will never forgive us for not telling. So maybe he can go see him. And maybe that's what Tim needs. He needs Adam." His voice breaking.

Chris nods, reaching out and rubbing Austin on the arm. He turns around and takes a deep breath before opening the door and pecking lightly.

Adam was lying in the bed, staring at the blank screen of the t.v., his bed raised into a more of a sitting position. Tears were rolling down his face.

"Adam?" Chris says softly.

Adam turns his eyes toward his big brother. "Chris." He says before breaking down into heavy sobs.

Chris hurries over to Adam pulling him into a hug but careful not to hurt him.

"God, I was so scared." Chris says kissing his little brother on the head.

"I'm fine. But, Chris? Tim, Tim is in a coma. They don't know if he's gonna make it." He sobs covering his eyes with his uninjured hand.

Olena pulls Austin into a hug when she sees him crying quietly.

"We know honey. But I know Bubba, and he's a fighter. Especially when he's got someone to fight for. And he's got you and he's got Austin. He's not gonna let either one of you down." Jenika says, rubbing Adam on the head.

"Would ya'll please ask someone if I can go see him? I need to see my Tim." Adam says as tears continue to roll down his cheeks. "I need to tell my Swamp rat that I love him."

There was a knock on the door and Dr. Pharrell peaked in.

"I thought I'd find you in here." He said directing his statement to Austin. "Your brother was just moved into a room in ICU."

"Thank-you, Dr. Pharrell. Uh, this is Adam, Tim's boyfriend. Is there anyway that he can go see him?"

"Well, I will need to ask Dr. Lavine. But he injures aren't to severe so I'm sure his doctor will say okay, as long as he is in a wheel chair. If he says he can, I need to talk to you all before you go in to see him. Alright? I'll be right back." He said before leaving.

"It all happen so fast." Adam spoke, not really speaking to just one person. "One minute we were happy, holding hands and were on our way home. The next thing I knew, I was looking at a lifeless Tim. God, there was so much blood." He starts to cry again.

"Hey, you need to calm down. They're not gonna let you go see him, hysterical like this." Chris says as he brushes back his brother's hair.

Adam nods as he wipes at his eyes.

A few minutes later, Dr. Pharell returns with a wheel chair. "Dr. Lavine said it was alright. But I need to talk to you first, and kind of let you know what to expect. First of all, we do have him hooked up to life support. He is breathing on his own but it's pretty shallow and irregular. The machine is not breathing for him, it's just helping him along making sure he's getting enough oxygen to the brain. He does have several tubes run down his throat, and his head is bandaged."

"Did you have to cut his hair?" Adam asked quietly.

"No, we didn't." Dr. Pharrell smiles. "There's ways now to get around shaving the head. The left side of his face is badly bruise. And his entire face is swelled. Truthfully, right now, he looks pretty rough. And I just wanted to warn you. Now, Adam, let me help you into your ride."

Dr. Pharrell helps Adam into the wheel chair, careful not to hurt his cracked rib. "Do you need me to send a nurse in here to accompany you down to ICU?"

"No, we can get it. If that's alright?" Chris says.

The doctor gives them the directions to ICU before leaving.

They walk quietly down the hallway toward the elevator.

Chris wheels Adam into the elevator and Jenika presses the button for the ICU floor.

Adam hears Austin let out a shaky breath. He reaches out taking Austin by the hand.

"He's going to be alright, Austin. He's just gotta be." Adam says as he forces a small smile to the younger brother.

Austin smiles but it never reaches his sad eyes, gently squeezing Adam's hand.

The door to the elevator opens and they begin to walk down the hall. All the rooms in ICU had glass fronts, to make it easier for the nurses to see the patients.

"Could you tell what room Tim Foust is in?" Austin quietly ask the nurse at the desk. Austin glances around at all the monitors. Each patient was visible on a monitor along with their vital signs, being watched at all times.

"Timothy Foust is in room 2, right here." She says pointing at a room near the nurses station.  "I'm sorry but only 2 allowed at a time."

"Here Austin." Chris says as he steps away from the wheel chair. "You take Adam."

The drapes inside Tim's room were partially drawn, but you could still see inside the room.

"Oh my God." Adam whispers.

"I'm so scared." Austin mumbles.

They both stare through the window at a lifeless Tim laying in bed hooked up to a bunch of machines.



** TIDAM **

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