Chapter 49

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Adam and Austin freezes in the hallway and looks at each other, just as Dr. Chance runs by them.

"Room 2? That's Tim, right?" Adam ask Austin with tears clouding his eyes.

"Let's not panic." Austin says as he grabs Adam by the arm and starts to hurry toward the ICU rooms.

They both come to a complete stop when they see nurses running in and out of Room 2, Tim's room.

"Oh my God. No." Adam whispers as a tear rolls down his cheek.

They walk very slowly toward the window. Each step as agonizing, not knowing what they were gonna see once they get there.

They both hold their breath as they peak pass the half drawn curtain.

They see Dr. Chance, leaning over Tim. He has his hands on either side of Tim's head, holding his head still. Tim's eyes wide with fear as he stares at the ceiling. He seemed to be gagging or choking from the tubes down his throat.

"Oh my God! Adam, he's awake!" Austin smiles through his tears.

"Yea, but what's wrong? Is he having a seizure?" Adam ask as he notice tears streaming down from his lover's eyes. "He's crying." Adam says softly.

~~ inside the room ~~

"Tim, Please. You have to keep your head still." Dr. Chance says as he places his hands on either side of Tim's head. "My name is Dr. Chance. You're in the hospital in Atlanta. You were in an automobile accident and you're suffering from a severe head injury. So you need to try to keep your head still. I know the tubes are gagging you and the nurses will take them out just as soon as you calm down. Alright? Do you understand what I'm saying."

Tim tries to nod his head.

"That's good. You're also able to move your arms and legs, that's really good." Chance pulls a small flash light out of his pocket and starts to examine Tim's eyes.

Adam and Austin watches as Tim tries to nod or shake his head to the doctor's questions.

"I wish I knew what was going on." Adam says.

"I'm sure the doctor will come out and talk to us when he's through." Austin answers.

After a few minutes, Dr. Chance raises up, gently rubbing Tim on the arm. He turns around, his eyes meeting the worried eyes of Adam and Austin.

As he steps away from the bed, the nurses begins to work on removing the tubes from Tim's mouth and throat.

Dr. Chance walks out of the room, giving Adam and Austin a tired smile. "He's awake."

"How is he? Is he gonna be alright? Can we go in to see him?" Adam ask with rushed question.

"Well, let's go over here and sit down. I need to talk to you first." Chance says, pointing to the waiting room.

Brother and boyfriend exchanges worried looks.

"As you can see, he is out of the coma." Chance smiles as they sit down on the couch. "Now we'll be able to do a MRI and other test to check for any damages such as bleeding of the brain or blood clots and checking for any nerve damage. He is able to hear. He's been told that he's in the hospital from a car accident. I talked to him about his injuries. I also told him that you were fine and only received minor injuries, to help calm him down. He's able to move his arms and legs. I don't know about his talking yet, apparently, because of the tubes. The nurses are on the process of removing the tubes, as we speak. His heartbeat is strong. It's a little fast, which really ain't that good. The faster a heart pumps, the more blood it pumps to the brain. With the way Tim's brain is at the moment, he definitely doesn't need that. It could easily cause a stroke or an aneurysm. So we'll have to keep him a little sedated to slow his heart down some. That should eliminate that problem. I do not want him trying to raise his head for any reason. If he's unable to speak, he can simply nod or shake his head, slightly. Now." Dr. Chance says as he let's out a heavy breath.

"But, there is a problem. But before I tell you, I need you guys to remember that he has a lot of swelling in the brain. The brain controls every single thing that we do. There are countless number of nerves connecting to the brain. And when the brain is swelled as in Tim's case, nerves can be pinched not allowing signals to the brain. Kind of like a kink in a water hose."

Austin reaches over taking Adam by the hand, gently squeezing it. He feels as though Dr. Chance is fixing to drop a bomb on them.

Adam looks around at Austin. He let's go of a shaky breath that he didn't realize he had been holding.

"But like I said earlier." The doctor continues. "Once the swelling starts to go down hopefully the pinches and the kinks will automatically fix themselves."

"Dr. Chance? Please, just tell us what's wrong with Tim." Adam ask, feeling anxious.

Chance nods, understanding how they must be feeling.

"Alright. Guys, Tim's blind." 




** TIDAM **

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