Chapter 51

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"This will take some time, if ya'll wanna go grab something to eat." Dr. Chance tells them as the interns roll Tim's bed toward MRI. "I promise, we'll take good care of him." He ends with a smile.

"I am kind of hungry." Austin says.

Adam nods as he watches them roll the love of his life away down the hall.

"If you don't want to go to the cafeteria, there's several restaurants within walking distance from the hospital." Chance tells them as he walks with them to the elevator.

"I could use some fresh air." Adam says as he looks around at Chris.

"By the way, how are you feeling?" Chance ask, laying a hand on Adam's back.

"A little sore, but other than that I'm fine." Adam says giving him a tired smile.

"Just don't over do it." Chance says as he pats Adam on the back. "I gotta go, don't wanna keep Dr. Pharrell waiting. See ya'll later." He walks away, down the hall to where they had carried Tim.

Adam, Austin, Chris and Jenika quietly walk into the elevator and Austin presses the ground floor button.

"How are you holding up?" Chris ask, putting an arm around his younger brother's shoulder.

"I'm tired, worried, scared to death. Take your pick." Adam says quietly.

"You just have to believe that everything is gonna be alright." Jenika says with a small smile.

"I know." Adam nods. "But it's so hard to see him that way. Bruised and swelled. And he's in so much pain."

The elevator opens and they make their way out of the hospital. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"So where do ya'll wanna eat?" Chris asks.

Adam looks around and sees a Taco Bell sign about a block from the hospital.

"Taco Bell?" Adam asks and the others nod.

Luckily it was after lunch time and the restaurant wasn't too busy. They were able to get their food quickly.

"What about my car?" Adam asks as they ate their meal.

"Honey, it was totaled." Jenika tells him.

"Yea, I know. But where is it? There's some stuff in the trunk I want." Adam says. "Our suit cases are in there and several bags of stuff we bought at Six Flags. We bought everyone tee shirts. And Tim and I had a picture made together at one of those vintage photo shops."

"Did you show them the ring Tim gave you?" Austin asks.

"Ring? Oh. My. God. Did he ask you to marry him?" Jenika asks with excitement in her voice.

"No. Not yet." Adam says trying to dig the ring out of his pocket. "It's a promise ring."

He holds the ring up so that they can see it.

"Oh, that's so beautiful. Can I see it?" Jenika asks.

Adam smiles and hands her the ring.

"It's so pretty. But why aren't you wearing it?" She asks as she hands the ring back to him.

"Cause I want Tim to put it back on my finger." Adam says sadly, looking down at the ring.

"And he will, Bro." Chris says as the rubs his little brother on the back. "It shouldn't be too hard to find your car. After we are done here, we'll get my car and see what we can find out."

Before leaving the restaurant, Chris ask the store manager where the police station was located. The manager politely gives them the address and the directions.

Once at the police station, they manage to find Officer Mandell. The officer, who was on call the day of the accident. He gives them the name of the towing company and tells them that the car is probably still there. He gives them the papers to give them permission to search their car.

As they pull into the towing company's parking lot, They see Adam's car setting behind the building.

Adam burst into tears when he sees the driver's side of the car.

"You sure you want to do this?" Chris asks, concerned about his little brother. "We could get the stuff out of the car for you."

"No, I can do this." Adam says as he wipes the tears from his face.

They get out of the car and walk slowly toward the wrecked vehicle.

Chris goes inside to give the attendant the paper work that Officer Mandell had given them.

"Oh my God." Adam whispers, putting his hand over his mouth. The amount of dried blood in the driver's seat was horrifying.

"It's a miracle he even survived." Austin says quietly, staring at the mangled car.

"But he did." Jenika says. "I told you he was tough."

Chris quickly unlocks the trunk. He wants to get his brother and Austin away from the car as soon as possible. He motions them back to the trunk.

Adam begins to gather up the bags of the things they had bought at Six Flags.

"We had so much fun." He mumbles through his tears. "Why did this have to happen? It was the best birthday I had ever had. He made it perfect."

"He'll pull through this, Adam." Jenika says as she tries to give him a comforting smile. "And ya'll can go back and celebrate."

"I want to take him to the Bahamas." Adam says with a small smile.

"He'd love that." Jenika smiles.

"Maybe the Bahamas should wait for a honeymoon." Austin smirks, with tears in his eyes. "Cause there WILL be one."

"That's true. There's no law that says he has to be the one to propose. You can propose to him." Chris smiles.

"I may just do that." Adam chuckles lightly as he wipes a stray tear.




** TIDAM **

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