Chapter 66

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Adam climbs up into the cab of the truck and pulls Tim into his arms.

Tim hides his face in Adam's neck as he cries from the severe pain in his head.

"Shhhh." Adam whispers, rubbing the back of Tim's head. "Please, don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."

"I hate this." Tim says between sobs. "I hate not being able to see, I hate the pain. I'm so sick of it all."

"I know you are, Sweetie." Adam says softly. "But it's just a matter of time before your sight comes back and it will all over."

"But what if it doesn't?" Tim sniffs. "What if this is how it's meant to be for the rest of my life. I can't live this way. I..I just...I just can't."

"Timothy." Adam says pushing Tim back so that he could see his face. "Don't you dare talk that way. Do you hear me?" 

"Adam, the pain is unbearable." Tim cries. "It hurts to even hold my head up."

"I know, Baby." Adam says softly as he gently pushes Tim's head back down on his shoulder. "I'll take you home and give you your medicine and then you can lie down."

"I can drive you." Mark says. "I'll just have Pa to come by and pick me up."

"That would be great, Mark, if you don't mind?" Adam says, still speaking softly.

"I don't mind at all. Just give me a minute to go tell my pa I'm leaving." Mark says before walking away.

Adam looks around at the sad faces of his friends.

"Y'all please be careful coming home." Adam tells them.

"You don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Just take care of Timmy." Austin says, a worried look on his face as he reaches inside the truck and rubs his older brother on the back of his head.

"Austin, you make sure you bring Chance to the house. He's in no shape to try to drive back to New Orleans." Austin says just loud enough for Austin to hear him.

"No problem." Austin nods.

"Y'all ready?" Mark asks as he opens the driver's side door and gets in.

"Yeah, let's get him home." Adam says, kissing Tim on the head.


As they drive up into the driveway, Mark hops out of the truck and hurries around to the passenger side to help with Tim.

Adam got out of the truck and was trying to help his lover out of the truck.

The minute Tim's feet hit the ground his knees buckles and Mark catches him before he hits the ground.

Tim groans as he reaches for his head.

"Go get the door, Adam." Mark says as he scoops Tim up bridal style.

Adam runs ahead and unlocks the door. He then goes and turns down the covers on their bed.

"Just lay him on the bed, Mark." Adam says. "I'm going to go get his medicine."

Mark lays Tim down on the bed and begins to take off his boots trying to make him more comfortable.

"I'm pretty sure this is what Hell feels like." Tim groans holding his head.

"I'm pretty sure it's not." Mark gives a low chuckle.

Adam comes back into the room carrying a couple of pills and a glass of water.

"Here ya go, Baby. Take these." Adam says.

Mark helps Tim raise up so he could take the pills.

He smiles to himself as he watches Adam gently kiss Tim on the forehead like a mother would a sick child. As long as he has known Tim Foust, he had never seen him babied in this sort of way. 

Tim has always been a quiet but somewhat dangerous man. He might not be as big as Mark or Bob but he could definitely take care of himself. Mark, himself, was glad of their friendship and for the fact that he would not ever have to fight the guy.

"Thank you so much for your help, Mark." Adam says bringing him out of his thoughts.

"That's no problem." Mark smiles. "Tim is probably the first person in this town besides my Pa and Hattie to ever treat me like a human being and not a monster."

"He doesn't judge people, Mark, probably because he's always being judged." Adam says at he looks down at Tim, who had finally dozed off to sleep. "I remember when Chris and I first came into town, no one wanted to talk to us. They pretended that they couldn't understand us. Tim was standing on the steps of Hattie's Cafe eating some jerky, Satchmo was sitting beside him." Adam smiles as he reminisces. 

"Let me guess, gator jerky." Mark chuckles.

"Yea, he even gave me some." Adam grins. "He was so nice to us. Even carried us over to get us something to eat. God, he was so gorgeous. He kept smiling at me." Adam smiles, his cheeks blushing.

"And look at you now." Mark laughs.

"Yeah." Adam grins looking at the promise ring on his finger. "I just wish that he'd get better and his sight would come back."

"It will. You just gotta believe and keep the faith." Mark says in a low tone.

"And this is coming from the one that people calls the Son of Satan?" Adam smiles.

"Just because my mom was into voodoo doesn't mean that I am. But hey." Mark says with an evil smile. "Let people believe what they want, besides, I do have a reputation to uphold."



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