Chapter 39

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** Most of you probably know who is in the picture above. For those of you who don't, he is known as The Undertaker, a wrestler. In this story, he is Joe Ben's son. The Undertaker's real name is Mark Calaway. So his name in this story will naturally be Mark. **


Adam walks over and stoops down in front of Tim still sitting on the ground. He giggles at the expression on Tim's face, along with the others. 

Tim stares at Adam with wide eyes and an opened mouth.

Adam laughs, reaching up and pushes up on Tim's chin, closing his mouth.

"Are you alright?" He ask softly.

Tim nods slowly, still staring at his boyfriend.

"What the hell was that?" Austin ask with the same shocked look on his face.

"I may have taken a few classes in kick boxing." Adam chuckles.

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Tim says quietly.

Adam kisses him softly. "Are you sure you're Okay, Baby?" 

"Yea, I'm alright." Tim says as Adam gently rubs the back of his head, feeling the lump.

"How you be, Timothy?" Joe Ben ask, stooping down beside him.

"I'm fine Joe, Thanks." Tim says smiling at the old man.

"I tell you what, I bout darn tarred of dis crap. (tired)" Joe Ben says as he stands and walks over to Bob who was still out cold on the ground.

He stoops down and slaps the big man hard on the face. Bob shakes his head and starts to raise up but the old Cajun places a bony finger against his chest stopping him.

"Hold up right dare (there). I got sometin' to tell ya, and ya betta listen good. I gittin purdy tarred (getting pretty tired) of ya pickin' on my boy Timothy. He almost like a son to me. If ya even tank (think) bout jumpin' on him 'gain, well, ya know my son, Mawk (Mark), well he don't like you. It'd do him good to rip yo head off and spit down yo throat. I guarantee. Now I know, you not dat smart of a man, but I hope yo smart enough to heed my wawning (warning). Cause I guarantee, when my boy Mawk, is done with you, you won't be gittin' up. He here today too. So you betta make like shit and hit da trail." The old man warns as he stands up.

"Who's Mark?" Adam whispers to Tim.

"Probably the meanest looking man you'd ever want to see." Tim answers. "Trust me, you'll know him when you see him."

"Meaner than Bob?" Chris ask, finding that hard to believe.

"Shoot, Bob's a pussy cat compared to Mark Laveau. They're about the same size, but Mark has evil written all over his face and Bob knows better to go up against him." Austin says. "He's probably the only man on this Bayou that Bob is actually scared of."

"So, does this Mark like you?" Adam ask Tim with a worried look on his face.

"I know Mark. You might say we respect each other." Tim chuckles. "I don't have a problem with him and he doesn't have one with me. We get along. He doesn't talk that much at all."

"That's a relief." Adam chuckles nervously.

"That first day that you met Joe Ben in the swamp? I guarantee that Mark was in the woods somewhere watching." Tim says as he finally gets up from the ground.

"Well, that's kind of scary." Adam says as he helps Tim back over to the porch to sit down.

"They take their moonshining very seriously. And they're not too comfortable with unexpected guest." Tim says as he puts the ice pack back on the lump on the back of his head.

"Holy cow. I..I..Is t..that him?" Chris stutters nodding toward the crowd. 

Tim looks up and smiles. "That's him.

Slowly walking through the crowd was a giant of a man. Dressed all in black, wearing a wide brim black hat. His long black curly hair hung pass his shoulders. His stone face was covered partially by a mustache and goatee.

In Adam's mind, this is what he pictured Satan looking like.

As he started pass, he locks eyes with Tim.

Adam's heart skips a beat until he thought he saw a small smile creep onto the man's face.

"How's it going, Mark?" Tim ask as he held out his hand.

"Not too bad." He answers with a low rugged voice shaking Tim's hand. "How 'bout yoself?" (yourself)

"Just trying to survive." Tim chuckles. "Mark, this is my boyfriend, Adam and his brother, Chris."

He nods a hello to the two men then turns his attention back to Tim.

"Pa, says you been havin some trouble wit Bob." He says as his cold eyes looks over the crowd of people.

"Yea, you might say that. I can't come into town without him trying to start something." Tim sighs.

"I don't think you have trouble no more out of him today." Mark says and with a nod to the others, turns to leave.

"Try to enjoy yourself, Mark." Tim calls out to him, then chuckles as the big man shoots him the bird over his shoulder.

"Was I the only one afraid to breath?" Adam ask with a nervous chuckle.

"Uh, No." Chris answers.


** TIDAM **

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