Chapter 64

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Tim walks up to a large metal tub full of bottled beer packed in ice. He digs down into the ice trying to find a nice cold one. He hears someone beside him also digging in the ice. 

He stops digging, not really wanting to look around but a little worried that it could be Bob.

"Is this what you're searching for, Tim." A man's voice says as he places an ice cold beer into Tim's hand.

"I'm sorry? Do I know you?" Tim asks, looking around at the blurry form . "The voice sounds vaguely familiar but I can't place it."

"Chance." The man says.

"Dr. Chance?" Tim asks, a smile growing on his face.

"Yep, it's me." Chance chuckles.

"Well, Hell's fire. You'd think I'd recognise the voice belonging to the man that saved my life." Tim laughs as he sits down his beer and grabs the doctor into a hug. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I live in New Orleans now. Got a job offer at Ochsner Medical Center and I thought, what the hell. I needed a change." Chance shrugs even though Tim couldn't see it.

"I'm glad to hear that. Heck, New Orleans ain't but a skip and a hop down the road from here." Tim smiles as he feels around to find his beer. "But why on earth are you here in Teche?"

"One of the other doctors mention this festival and says y'all have the best gumbo around. And I remembered you guys being from Teche. So here I am." Chance says.

"Adam is around here somewhere. He feels pretty comfortable leaving me when I have Satchmo with me." Tim smiles petting the large dog on the head.

"He's a beautiful dog." Chance says as he cautiously reaches down to pet Satchmo. "So how are you?"

"I'm doing better, I guess." Tim says with a shrug. "I'm beginning to see shadows and blurs with my right eye."

"That's great to hear." Chance says patting him on the back. "What about the headaches?"

"Yeah, I get quite a few but I've only had a couple really bad ones. Wearing these sunglasses seems to help a little. They tone down the bright glare." Tim says.

"Well, where's this great gumbo that brought me here?" Chance laughs.

"That would be Hattie." Tim smiles. "Do you see a booth with a 'Hattie's Cafe' sign?"

"Ummmm." Chance hums as he looks around at the crowded street. "Yeah, there it is over there."

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the chef." Tim chuckles.


"There's my sweetie." Hattie laughs as Tim and Chance walk up to her booth. "Well, who's your friend? I don't recall ever seeing him around these parts."

"Hattie, this is Dr. Chance. You might say the one that saved my life." Tim says.

"Dr. Chance, if I wasn't so old I would get down on my hands and knees and kiss your feet, for saving our Timmy." Hattie says, ignoring Tim's eye roll and head shake at the name.

"No need for all that, Ms. Hattie. I was just doing my job. And please just call me Chance." Chance smiles as he shakes the older lady's hand.


"Uh Oh." Tim says as he hears an angry Adam stomping closer.

"Don't you dare slip off like that. I've been looking all over the place for you. You had me scared to death." Adam scolds his lover.

"You can blame me for that, Adam." Chance says as he looks around Tim.

"WHAT?? CHANCE??" Adam screams as he grabs the doctor in a hug. "Holy cow, what a surprise!!"

"He lives in New Orleans now." Tim says.

"Be quiet, I'm still mad at you for giving me a heartattack." Adam says before turning his attention back to Chance.

Tim chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Uh, I live in New Orleans now." Chance laughs as he repeats what Tim had said.

"Hattie, Chance was wanting a bowl of your gumbo." Tim says.

"Well, the good doctor gets a complimentary bowl." She laughs as she fills a bowl and hands it to Chance.

"Thank you, but I'll pay for it." Chance says reaching for his wallet.

"Nope." She says before walking away to wait on someone else.

Chance takes his bowl of gumbo and follows Tim and Adam back to where the others were gathered.

"I see you finally tracked him down." Chris says to Adam with a chuckle. "Tim, he was about to have a fit cause he couldn't find."

"Oh, trust me. He made it known." Tim smirks as he slips his arm around Adam's waist.

"Dr. Chance?" Austin asks with a smile. "I almost didn't recognize you in regular clothes and a snapback."

"Yea, I thought I'd come and see how you Cajuns have fun." Chance laughs.

"Well, in that case, we need to hit Joe Ben up for some of his miracle brew." Austin laughs.

"Uh, Tim?" Chance whispers. "Who's the big guy?"

"That would be Mark. You might say he's my guardian angel. He watches out for me." Tim smiles as he takes a drink of his beer.

"Angel? Of what? Death?" Chance asks.

"No, actually, he's not as scary as he looks." Adam chuckles.

"I don't know, he looks pretty freaking scary to me." Chance says.

"He's got a reputation to uphold." Tim smirks. "But yes, technically, he is a very dangerous man. But if he knows that you're a friend of our's, you'll have nothing to worry about."

"Well, you make sure that he knows that we're friends." Chance says as he eyes the Son of Satan. "Cause I really don't want to end up looking like a pretzel."



** TIDAM **

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