Chapter 41

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Mark walks over taking a seat on the porch with Tim and the others. He hands Tim the jar of moonshine.

Tim takes the jar and starts to take a sip.

"It'll put hair on your chest." Mark says with a low chuckle.

"Something needs too." Tim laughs as he takes a sip. The alcohol burned as it went down his throat. "Wow" He coughs. "This is some strong stuff." He hands the jar back to Mark.

Mark hands the jar to Adam.

"Uh, no thanks. If it makes Tim cough like that, it would definitely kill me." Adam laughs.

"Well, this is just straight shine, but Pa does make some that's fruit flavored. He makes one that taste just like an apple pie." Mark says.

"Oh, the apple pie is delicious, Adam." Jenika says. "But it does have a kick."

"Really?" Adam says then turns to Tim. "Can I go get some?"

"Sure, Babe. You don't have to ask." Tim chuckles. "But I really don't want you going alone."

"I'll go with him. I wanna get some too." Jenika says, jumping up grabbing Adam's hand.

"Oh that's real comforting." Tim says sarcastically. Jenika sticks her tongue out at him as they walk away.

"Well, Hello dare, Younguns." Joe Ben smiles as Adam and Jenika walks up to the table.

"Uh, Mark said you had some apple pie moonshine." Adam says as he picks up a couple of jars looking at the labels.

"I shore do. So ya been talkin to my boy?" Joe says as he looks for the shine they were wanting.

"Yea, he's actually really nice." Adam smiles.

"Well, I glad ya seein him fo (for) who he really is. And not whot (what) people round here tanks (thinks) he is. How many ya want?" Joe ben ask with a toothless grin.

"I want one and I think Jenika wants one." Adam answers. "Well, Joe. You know what they say, you can't tell a book by it's cover."

"Ain't dat da truth, I guarantee." Joe laughs. "Give dis one to Timothy. It's his liken. And dis one to Austin."

"What kind are these?" Adam ask taking the jars from the old man.

"Timothy likes da peach. It sweet but it'll shorely (surely) kick yo ass. And little brutha likes da strawberry/banana." Joe Ben says. "Now git along and don't dare pull out no money."

"Are you sure Joe?" Jenika ask. "This is four jars."

"Listen, you kids are da only ones dat treat my boy like he's not sum kind da monster. It's just Joe Ben's way of sayin' tanks." He says with a smile.

"Well we appreciate it." Adam smiles and nods as he picks up his and Tim's jars of moonshine.

"See you later, Joe. And Thanks." Jenika smiles as walks away with her's and Austin's shine.

"Wow, I had no idea moonshine comes in all these flavors." Adam says as they head back to where everyone was. "I may have to try the peach and strawberry/banana. Those sound good."

"Yea, Tim will be having to tote you home too." Jenika laughs.

"Here, Sweetie. Joe Ben sent this to you." Adam says as he hands Tim the jar.

"Well, that was mighty nice of him. He does love me, doesn't he." Tim laughs, taking the jar.

Mark chuckles and shakes his head.

"And this one is for you." Jenika says handing Austin a jar.

"Aw, Man! Strawberry/Banana!! My favorite!" Austin says, opening the jar.

"This is so good." Adam says as he takes a sip of the apple pie moonshine. "It does taste just like an apple pie."

"Yea, but I would take it slow. You'll end up passed out on the ground." Mark warns.

"Can I have a sip of the peach to see what it tastes like?" Adam ask as he watches Tim take a sip of his shine.

"Are you trying to get drunk?" Tim smirks.

"Maaaybe." Adam smiles.

"Just take a little sip. It's a stronger proof than the apple pie is." Tim says as he hands Adam the Mason jar.

"You're right. It is stronger." Adam says after he takes a small sip. "But it's good. Chris did you try some?"

"No, somebody has to be the designated driver." Chris laughs. "I may try some after we get home. IF there's any left."

"Try this one, Adam." Austin says handing him the strawberry/banana.

"Holy cow, that's good too." Adam giggles. "I think I'm getting hooked on moonshine."

Tim puts an arm around Adam as he snuggles up to him. They all sat in comfortable silence listening to the music as the sun began to sink behind the Cypress trees.

"I think I'm actually beginning to like this music." Adam giggles and takes another drink.

Tim looks around and notices Adam's jar was already half empty.

"You're getting drunk, is what I think." Tim laughs.

"And whyyy do you say that?" Adam giggles, his speech beginning to slur a little.

"Because with each drink you take, your hand moves a little bit further up my leg." Tim says with a smile.

"Oh is it? I haven't noticed. Is it bot.. bothering you?" Adam ask with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh no, not at all. I'm beginning to feel pretty tipsy too." Tim grins. "And you know how I am when I get drunk."

"Yea, you... you get really hor...horny." Adam whispers very loudly.

Tim hangs his head, clearly embarrassed as the others burst out laughing, including Mark.



** TIDAM **

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