Chapter 44

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** In honor of ADAM RUPP's Birthday!!


Adam awakes to the smell of breakfast and sweet soft kisses on his cheek and neck. He smiles as he wraps his arm around his lover's neck.

"Good morning, Angel." A low voice whispers in his ear. "You hungry?"

"For what?" Adam smirks.

"Breakfast is all you're getting this morning. You wore me out last night." Tim chuckles.

Adam opens his eyes to see a tray with food on it. 

"Oh my God. Breakfast in bed?" He smiles as he sits up.

"Not just any breakfast but a birthday breakfast." Tim smiles kissing him softly.

"How did you know? I don't remember telling you my birthday." Adam say as Tim sets the tray in front of him.

"A little bird wearing a hat told me." Tim grins as he begins to feed Adam.

"Chris." Adam chuckles as he chews. "Soooo, what are we going to do today?"

"We're going to Atlanta." Tim answers as he takes a sip of his coffee and then feeds Adam another bite.

"Atlanta? Why?" Adam ask.

"Well, that part is a surprise." Tim says with a smirk, stealing a piece of Adam's bacon.

"You know, Mr. Foust. I don't like surprises." Adam says crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well that's just tough sh*t, Mr. Rupp. Cause I'm not telling you." Tim says raising a brow.

Adam pouts, he tends to forget how stubborn Tim can be.

"O.K., you go take a shower while I clean this up." Tim says picking up the tray.

Adam notices that Tim had already taken a shower and was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, so it couldn't be anywhere fancy.

"What should I wear?" Adam ask as he climbs out of bed.

"Something comfortable." Tim answers as he leaves the bedroom.

45 minutes later they was in Adam's car heading for Atlanta.

Tim knew that car rides usually put Adam to sleep and he was hoping that this would be the case. And sure enough as hard as Adam tried to stay awake, he was still pretty exhausted from their romantic night of love making. He begins to doze off.

Every time they would pass a sign, Tim would glance around at Adam to make sure he was still asleep.

Tim pulls into the parking lot, turning the car off, and smiles at his gorgeous sleeping boyfriend.

"Hey." He whispers as he leans over kissing him on the cheek. "Happy birthday, Sweetie."

Adam slowly opens his eyes. He looks around and his eyes grow with excitement.

"OH MY GOD!! TIM!!" He grabs Tim around the neck and gives him a tight hug. "I love you so much."

"So you like your surprise?" Tim chuckles at the childlike excitement in his boyfriend's face.

"Like it?? I LOVE IT!! SIX FLAGS!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" He screams giving Tim kisses all over his face. "I've always wanted to go but never have."

"I know." Tim says getting out of the car and walking around the car to open Adam's door, taking Adam's hand and helping him out of the car.

"Oh, let me guess, a little bird wearing a hat told you." Adam laughs.

"Yep." Tim chuckles, taking Adam by the hand as they walk toward the entrance. "I wanted to do something special for your birthday and what better way to get ideas but to ask your older brother."

"I've always wanted to go to Six Flags but mom and dad was always too busy to take us." Adam says. "Have you ever been?"

"Nope. First time." Tim says pulling out his wallet to pay for two admissions.

"Can we ride some rides?" Adam says as he looks around trying to take everything in.

"Of course we can ride rides. You don't go to an amusement and not ride rides." Tim smiles, putting an arm around Adam's shoulder.

"I love you so much." Adam saying, slipping his arm around Tim's waist.

They spend the whole day riding rides, going to shows, shopping for souvenirs and eating. They stop and have their picture taken, wearing vintage western clothes. They both dress as cowboys sitting at a table playing cards, a bottle of whiskey with two glass and a pile of fake money in front of them. It was printed on tin for an authentic look. Adam loved it.

At the end of the day, they stand on a little bridge crossing over a beautiful little stream, fireworks going off in the distance.

"This was the most perfect birthday ever." Adam sighs as they hold each other close.

"It's not over yet." Tim says softly kissing Adam on the temple.

"I don't know of anything that you could do to make it more perfect, Tim." Adam says looking into Tim's soft brown eyes.

"So should I take this back and get my money back?" Tim smirks holding up a 'promise ring'.



** TIDAM **

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