Chapter 53

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The days pass by in a blur. Adam and Austin had lost track of the days. Chris and Jenika went back to Tech, seeing that Tim was out of danger. On week-ends the couple along with Olena would drive back to Atlanta to visit.

Tim was well enough to be moved to a private room. The swelling was beginning to go down, the doctors was well pleased with his progress.

The bandages were removed, along with the stitches in his head. He was able to finally take a decent shower and wash the dried blood from his hair, as long as someone remained close by, which was usually Adam. But he didn't mind at all.

They had just got back from a short walk in the garden. Austin was trying to find something on T.V. to watch as Tim and Adam lay snuggled up together in Tim's bed.

There was a light peck on the door and the door slowly opens.

"Oh. My. God." Adam chuckles.

"What? Who is it?" Tim asks softly, still not regaining his eyesight.

"Well dare ma boy." (there's my boy) A voice says.

A huge smile comes across Tim's face. He would recognize that voice any where.

"Joe Ben? I can't believe you crawled out of the swamp to a big city, just to see me." Tim laughs.

"He didn't have much say so in the matter." A low soft voice says.

"Mark?" Tim laughs.

"And when I heard they were planning on coming to see you, I closed the cafe just so I could come and see my sweetheart." Hattie laughs, kissing Tim on the forehead.

"I'm surprised they even let a bunch of swamp rats like ya'll in." Tim laughs.

"We did get a few weird looks." Mark chuckles.

"So how you be feelin?" Joe Ben asks.

"Much better." Tim nods. "I'm, Uh, I can't see."

"BUT, the doctors are certain that it's temporary." Adam adds.

"So sweetie, how are you feeling?" Hattie asks, seeing Adam's arm in a cast.

"I'm good. I get my cast off tomorrow." Adam smiles. "I can't believe we've been in here that long, that my arm is already healed."

"So when you be home?" Joe asks.

"Hopefully soon. The doctors said the swelling is almost gone. Then they'll do a few test to make sure everything is o.k., then I can come home." Tim says with a smile.

"I hope so, we've miss ya'll." Hattie says. "We had talked to Chris and Jenika, right after the accident. And they told us how bad you were hurt."

"He was in a coma for a little while." Adam tells her. "They weren't even sure he would make it the first 24 hours."

"They just didn't know our Timmy." Hattie giggles.

"So how is everything back home?" Tim asks. "Is Bob still being a pain in the ass?"

"When is he not a pain in the ass?" Mark chuckles.

"Ma boy whooped his ass da utter day." Joe laughs. (the other)

"I'm glad to hear you're keeping things in line, Mark." Austin laughs.

"Bob was in the restaurant and he was making fun of Tim being unable to see." Hattie says. "Mark pulled him out in the streets and kicked his ass."

"Well, I'm sure Bob will have his fun with this." Tim says.

After a lengthy visit, the Cajuns leaves to head back home.

Dr Chance walks in and chuckles. "Those are some interesting friends you have, Tim."

"Yea, they're a little strange. They don't get out much." Tim laughs.

"The big one is pretty scary." Chance laughs.

"But his looks are deceiving. He's really a very nice guy, once you get to know him." Austin smiles.

"You wanna hear some good news?" Chance asks with a smile.

"Sure, good news is always welcome." Tim says, mindlessly playing with Adam's pony tail as Adam sat beside him in bed.

"Well, you're doing great. Actually better than we anticipated. So I think we're going to set you up for a MRI in the morning. And if things look good, you may get to go home tomorrow. How's that sound?" Chance chuckles.

"Hallelujah." Adam laughs.

"Are you serious? I can go home tomorrow?" Tim says with a huge grin.

"Probably so." Chance smiles.

"Guess I need to give Chris a call and tell him to be here to get us." Adam chuckles.

"And Adam, we'll get that cast off your arm tomorrow morning also." Chance adds.

Adam reaches across Tim and grabs the phone from the table. Placing the reciever between his shoulder and ear, he dials their home phone.

"Hello?" Chris answers after the third ring.

"Hey, Bro! I got some good news!" Adam says with excitement in his voice.

"Really? What is it?" Chris asks.

"Looks like there is a very good possibilty that we may be coming home tomorrow! Isn't that great?!!!" Adam says with a huge grin on his face.

"That is great!!" Chris says. Adam couldn't see him but he could tell by Chris's voice that he was also smiling. "So what time should I be there?"

"They scheduled Tim a MRI in the morning and they're taking my cast off in the morning as well. If the MRI is good, they're gonna release him. So I would say at least by lunch time, maybe?" Adam says as he takes Tim by the hand and gently squeezes it.

"Sounds good. I'll probably come alone. I think Olena has to work and Jenika has something to do." Chris says.

"Alright, just be careful and I'll see you tomorrow." Adam says. He says his good-byes and hangs up the phone.

Adam reaches and puts the phone back on the table.

"Tomorrow is gonna be a good day." Adam says, smiling as he snuggles up to Tim.

"We hope." Tim says softly as he stares into the black nothingness in front of him.

Adam quickly raises up and lays a finger on Tim's lips.

"Hush." He whispers loudly. "I don't want to hear any negative thoughts. Understand?"

Tim kisses Adam's finger that is laying against his lips. He smiles slightly and nods.



** TIDAM **

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