Chapter 59

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~~ A few days later ~~

Tim's movements wake Adam up from a sound sleep. 

The morning sun was slowly creeping into their bedroom. The fan they had sitting in the window, brought in the cool morning air.

Adam was lying on his side facing Tim with an arm around his lover's waist. He slowly opens his eyes to look at Tim to see what he was doing.

Tim was squinting his eyes, laying a hand over one eye and then the other.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Adam asks in a soft sleepy voice.

"That's the window, right?" Tim asks as he points.

Adam glances over his shoulder at the open window and the bright morning sun. 

He quickly looks back around at Tim and raises up on his elbow, looking down at his boyfriend.

"Yea, why? What's going on, Babe?" Adam asks with a confused look.

"I see...I see a really blurry light." Tim says as he squints his eyes still staring in the direction of the window. "With this eye (pointing to his right eye) but I still can't see anything with this one." (pointing to his left eye)

"Are you serious?" Adam smiles. "Oh my God! This is fantastic! Your vision is coming back!"

"But it's really blurry and kind of foggy. But I can see the brightness." Tim smiles slightly. "Is that the sun or am I just seeing things?"

"That's the sun, Babe." Adam giggles as he kisses Tim on the cheek.

Tim looks around at Adam, blinking his eyes several times and squinting them again.

Tim smiles as he lays a hand on Adam's cheek.

"What do you see? Can you see me?" Adam smiles as tears come to his eyes. He lays his hand on top of Tim's.

"It's, Uh, it's just too blurry to make anything out." Tim sighs. "It's like a drugged up dream or something."

Adam slowly raises a hand and waves it back and forth. His smiles widen as Tim's eyes shift toward the movement.

Tim squints and reaches for the movement, taking Adam by the hand and chuckles lightly.

Adam squeals as he pulls Tim up into a tight hug.

"Oh my God." Adam whispers as he begins to cry as he holds Tim in his arms.

"Maybe in a few days, I'll be able to see that beautiful face of yours." Tim smiles. "Don't cry."

"Oh, trust me. These are happy tears." Adam says before kissing Tim passionately.

Adam throws the covers back and begins to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Tim ask as he tries to watch the blurry figure of his boyfriend.

"I have to go tell Austin." Adam says as he slips on some clothes and runs out of the bedroom.

Tim sits up in bed, pulling the covers up around his waist and stares at the light coming from the window. Again he covers each eye with his hand.

He hears the footsteps as they run back into the bedroom. He chuckles to himself thinking they sounded like a stampede of horses.

Suddenly Austin is on the bed grabbing Tim by the face forcing his older brother to look at him.

"Your vision is coming back?" Austin asks with excitement in his voice.

"I think so. I see light coming...." Tim is hushed when pulled into a quick hug by his little brother.

Tim smiles and rubs Austin on the back when he hears the smaller man sob into his shoulder.

"I mean, it may take some time to get it fully back." Tim says as Austin pulls out of the embrace and wipes his eyes. "And I still can't see anything out of my left eye."

"The left side is where the injury was." Olena says. "It just may take longer to come back."

"If it comes back at all." Tim says sadly.

"Hey, don't talk that way." Adam says as he crawls into the bed beside him. "We just need to take one day at a time. Your sight is beginning to come back in your right eye and that's fantastic."

"It's not much but it's a start." Tim shrugs as he squints at the blurry figures in front of him.

"This calls for a celebration breakfast." Jenika laughs. "Come on, Olena."

They each give their boyfriends a quick kiss and hurries out of the bedroom.

"Baby, can you get me some boxers?" Tim whispers to Adam.

Adam nods and crawls off the bed and walks over to their dresser.

"What? You don't have any clothes on?" Austin asks with a horrid look.

"Uh, No." Tim answers as he holds the blankets securely around his waist.

"Ewww, I just hugged my naked brother?" Austin gasps playfully. "Wait. Did ya'll have sex again?"

"Maybe. What's it to ya." Tim answers with a smirk as Adam giggles and hands Tim his boxers.

"Dang. Ya'll screw more than a hooker on Bourbon Street." Austin laughs.

"At least we were quieter this time." Adam says shyly.

"I find that a little unsettling that my little brother keeps track of my sex life." Tim says, shaking his head as he feels for the front of his boxers.

"I don't keep track. Why are we even discussing this?" Austin laughs, shaking his head.

"You brought it up." Tim chuckles as he throws the covers back and sits up on the side of the bed.

Tim slips his feet through the legs of his boxers then stands up and starts to pull them up.

"Hey, guys?" Jenika says as she and Olena come into the bedroom.

Everyone in the room freezes including Tim, who only had his boxers pulled up half way.



*~*  TIDAM  *~*

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