Chapter 6

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"Damn it." Tim mumbled hanging his head.

Adam quickly turned around. "Crap." He said to himself.

"Door's open." Tim called out.

A tall heavy set man with a bushy beard and glasses, stuck his head in and grinned.

Adam smiled and nodded to the man, thinking to himself that he looked like a huge cuddly teddy bear.

"What the heck did you think you were doing, Hot Shot?" Rob smiled as he stood looking down at the bruised face of his friend. "Taking on Bayou Bob like that. Have you done gone nuts?"

"Maybe." Tim shrugged. "I just felt I had too or I'd be labeled as a coward. And Rob, you know me, I don't go looking for trouble but I'm not gonna back down from it. No one has the backbone to stand up against him."

"So you took it upon your self?" Rob said, putting his hands on his hips.

"Rob, with all due respect, you know I love you like a brother. But I don't really think Austin came after you to stand here and scold me." Tim said looking up at his bearded friend.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Rob nodded. "But I did hear you held your own." He chuckled.

"Hey, I think I was doing damn good, till I got sand thrown in my eyes." Tim smirked looked over at Adam.

Rob looked around at Adam and couldn't help but notice the smiles the two men gave each other. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, This is Adam....." Tim paused when he realized he didn't even know Adam's last name. "I'm sorry, it's been a crazy day. I don't even know your last name." Tim chuckled.

"It has been a very crazy day. It's Rupp. Adam Rupp." Adam smiled shaking Rob's hand.

"Adam Rupp." Tim repeated, biting his bottom lip and giving Adam a shy smile.

Rob looked at the two, silently flirting with each other. "O.K." He whispered to himself, turning his attention back to Tim. "Let's get your shirt off so I can take a look at those ribs."

"Uh, Tim? I'm going outside to find Chris." Adam said.

"Alright. Just be careful." Tim said with a nod.

Adam walked outside and saw Chris and Austin leaning against Tim's truck talking. Olena was wrestling around with Satchmo in the yard.

"So how's my bro doing?" Austin asked taking a drink of what looked like water in a fruit jar.

"That guy, Rob, is checking his ribs. His face is pretty bruised." Adam said. He loved the weather here. It was so warm considering when they left Minnesota, they were calling for snow.

"I may be stepping out of line here. But I think my brother has taken a fancy to you." Austin said with a smirk on his face.

"Taken a fancy? I'm not sure if I know what that means." Adam said with a light chuckle.

"What he means is, Tim is attracted to you." Olena said, walking up slipping her arm around Austin.

"I can tell by the way he looks at you when he doesn't think anyone is looking." Austin said.

"Well, I think my brother has taken a fancy, as you would say, to your brother." Chris laughed.

"CHRIS!" Adam scolded, his face blushing.

"Am I not right? Come on, Adam. The very minute you laid eyes on Tim, your tongue hit the ground." Chris chuckled.

"It did not." Adam said, looking down at Satchmo, hoping to hide his red cheeks.

"Well, no not literally, but you know what I mean." Chris said rolling his eyes.

"I think they would make a very cute couple." Olena said with a smile.

Adam smiled shyly, looking out across the swamp. The ALMOST kiss heavy on his mind.



(((( AVI & TIM ))))

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