Chapter 36

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Adam goes back to the bathroom to carry Tim some clean boxers. He pecks on the door and opens it.

Tim is sitting on the edge of the bathtub near the toilet. With only a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes were covered with his hands. Beads of water drips from his hair, rolling down his back.

"Baby? Are you alright?" Adam ask as he grabs another towel and starts to towel dry Tim's hair a little.

Tim shakes his head. "I don't think this is a hang over." He says softly in a weak voice. "I've been drunk plenty of times and have never felt like this."

Adam places a hand on Tim's forehead and notices that he did feel pretty warm, as if he was running a fever.

"Why don't you get your underwear on and go back to bed. I'm going to go call Rob." Adam says as he runs a hair through Tim's damp hair.

Tim nods, letting out a shaky breath. He stands up slowly, removing the towel.

Adam couldn't help but let his eyes roam his lover's body. He tries hard to hide the smile growing on his face as his mind goes back a couple of days ago when Tim gave his body to him. That, undoubtedly, was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Adam?" Tim's soft low voice quickly brings him out of his thoughts. "Are you alright?"

Adam smiles. "I'm fine, Baby. Just thinking." He notices that Tim had already slipped his boxers on and was giving him a puzzled look.

Adam leans in, giving Tim a soft kiss on the jaw. "I love you so much." He whispers.

"I love you too." Tim manages a smile.

Adam takes him by the hand and leads him out of the bathroom.

Tim follows him to their bedroom and sits down on the side of the bed. Adam gets a small trash can and set it by the bed, just in case.

"Hey, is he alright?" Austin ask, appearing in the doorway as Tim lays down pulling the covers up around his shoulders.

"I'm fixing to call Rob. Tim doesn't think it's a hangover." Adam says.

"He usually only has a bad head ache during a hangover. You stay with him, I can call Rob." Austin says, turning around to leave the bedroom.

Adam crawls into bed behind Tim and wraps an arm around him, kissing him on the back of the head.

"Hey, Bub." Jenika says softly as she came in to check on him. "What's wrong with you, Huh?" She says brushing his hair back.

"I feel like sh*t." Tim says through heavy breaths.

"Do y'all need me to get you anything?" She ask, looking at Adam, who shakes his head.

"Maybe some water?" Tim ask. "I'm so thirsty."

"I'll be right back." She says as she leaves the room.

A few minutes later she returns with a glass of water. Tim props himself up on an elbow and takes the glass with a trembling hand.

"I wouldn't drink too much. Water is great going down but awful coming up." Jenika smiles.

Tim gives a slight nod and hands her the glass and lays back down. "Thanks."

"We're all fixing to go to town. Do you need anything?" She ask, sitting the glass on the night stand.

"Uh, yea. Can you pick me up some cigarettes?" Tim ask as he snuggles up to Adam.

"Sure, no problem." She says bending over and places a kiss on his forehead.

"Adam? Rob is on his way over." Austin says from the doorway.

"Thanks, Austin. I'll listen for him." Adam tells him before they leave for town.

Adam pulls Tim closer forming a spoon, laying his cheek on his lover's head.

About 15 minutes later, Adam hears a knock on the front door.

"That's Rob." Adam whispers, kissing Tim's head and starts getting up from the bed.

"Hope he brought a gun." Tim jokes.

Adam goes to the front door and opens it to a smiling Rob holding his medical bag.

"I hear we have a sick Timmy." The bearded man says as he walks in.

"Yea, He..."Adam gets interrupted by the sound of Tim throwing up in the bedroom. "Been throwing up all morning." He finishes with a worried smile.

"There's a stomach virus going around. Kel had it a few days ago. That's probably what it is." Rob says as he follows Adam to the bedroom.

They walk in to see Tim leaning over the trash can, wiping his mouth and nose with a small towel.

"Jenika's right. Water is horrible coming back up." Tim says as he wipes his watering eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna fix you right up." Rob says, laying his hand on Tim's forehead.

"I'm gonna give y'all some privacy. I'm gonna go hop in the shower." Adam says, and Rob gives him a nod.

Adam comes back into the bedroom after his shower and sees Rob pulling the covers back up around Tim's shoulders.

"You get some rest. That shot I gave you should knock this right out." Rob says as he pats Tim on the shoulder.

"Adam, I gave him a shot, that should do the job. All he needs now is rest and some TLC." Rob smiles.

"That's where I come in." Adam chuckles. "Thanks, Rob." He says as he walks him to the door.

Adam goes back to the bed room and lays back down next to Tim, pulling him close again.

"I love you, Sweetheart." Adam whispers in Tim's ear.

"I love you too, Baby." Tim says as he snuggles closer to Adam and drifts off to sleep.



**  TIDAM  **

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