Chapter 37

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Adam rolls over to put an arm around his boyfriend, only to find an empty bed. He raises up rubbing his eyes so that he could see the clock. 2:45am.

The full moon was shining brightly illuminating the bedroom.

He gets out of bed and quietly opens the bedroom door and looks out into the living room. He notices a small light coming from the kitchen.

He tip toes through the living room and peeks into the kitchen. He sees Tim leaning over, looking inside of the refrigerator. Adam smiles and slips up beside him.

"What are you doing?" He whispers near Tim's ear. Causing Tim to gasp and jump back, putting a hand on his chest, giving Adam a startled look.

The door to the fridge closes, leaving them in only a moon lit room.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." Adam giggles quietly. "I didn't mean to scare you." Brushing Tim's hair back and softly kissing him.

"I'm hungry." Tim whispers.

"Well, I would imagine so. You haven't eaten anything in almost two days. You want me to make you a sandwich or something?" Adam says softly as he turns the light on above the stove.

"A sandwich would be fine." Tim answers.

"You sit down, I got this." Adam says as he starts getting the things out of the refrigerator that he needed. "I'm glad you feel well enough to try to eat something."

"I feel a lot better. Just a little weak." Tim says sitting down at the table.

"I hope you get your strength back before this week-end." Adam says placing the sandwich in front of Tim. "What would you like to drink?"

"Water is fine. What's happening this week-end?" Tim says taking a bite from his sandwich.

"The big town get together." Adam says as he sits down, handing Tim the water.

"That is this week-end, isn't it. What is today? We need to get some more fish caught." Tim says, his mind still a little foggy from being sick.

"Today is Wednesday." Adam says placing a kiss on Tim's cheek. "But you don't need to rush it. Austin, Chris, Jenika and Olena can go fishing."

"I thought I heard voices." Austin says from the doorway, ruffling up his reddish brown hair. "Timmy, you feeling better?"

"A little bit." Tim answers softly to keep from waking anyone else.

"I heard part of the conversation, and Adam is right. You don't need to push yourself." Austin says as he gets himself some water and joins them at the table. "Don't worry about the fish, we'll take care of it. I'm not meaning this to sound mean, but you still don't look 100% just yet."

"Trust me, I'm not." Tim chuckles. "I feel really weak and run down. My stomach feels better though."

"That's good, but you still need to rest." Austin says as he stands up from the table. "I'm going back to bed. The rest of us will go out on the river later and do some fishing."

"You ready to go back to bed?" Adam ask as Tim finishes up his sandwich.

Tim nods as he drinks the last of his water.

Tim groans as he lays back down on the bed.

"You Okay?" Adam ask as he lays down beside him.

"Yea, it's just my hip where Rob stuck that big ass needle in me. It's really sore." Tim moans as he rolls over to face Adam.

"Bless your heart. You can't win for losing." Adam smiles as he brushes Tim's hair back behind his ear.

"Thank you." Tim whispers softly.

"For what?" Adam ask softly.

"I might have been out of it a lot because I was so sick, but I know that you never left my side." Tim says as he wraps an arm around Adam's waist.

"That's because I love you, Timothy Foust. I hope you know that." Adam says staring deep into Tim's eyes.

"I do." Tim says with a slight nod. "I hope you know I love you too. With every beat of my heart." Tim smiles.

"You know that sounds really cheesy, right." Adam says with a smile and Tim chuckles. " But I love it."

"Yea it did, but I really do mean it. You know it just dawned on me that I don't think I've ever asked you to be my boyfriend." Tim chuckles lightly.

"Seriously?" Adam laughs. "Sweetie, we're living together. We've made love."

"Yea, I know. But I want to make it official." Tim smiles. "Adam, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Gee, I don't know." Adam fakes a frown and shakes his head.

"Please." Tim begs while giving Adam a tender kiss on his cheek.

"Yes, my little Swamp Rat. I will gladly be your boyfriend." Adam giggles as he snuggles closer to his BOYFRIEND.



** TIDAM **

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