Chapter 70 (Final Chapter)

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** IT'S FRIIIIDAY!! So how about a double to finish up CRAZY LIFE!!


Tim and Adam walk down the path with an arm wrapped around the other's waist.

They walk in comfortable silence. Their minds seem to be on other things.

Tim smiles as he glances up and sees the log. The log where they shared their first kiss. This was a special place for them. The place where their love for each other was born.

Stepping over the log, they sit down and stare out across the calm waters of the Bayou.

"I love you, Swamp Rat." Adam says softly. Today was the day. It was the day he was going to ask his swamp rat to marry him. He could feel his nerves knotting up in his stomach. He knew in his heart that Tim would say yes. He just wasn't sure what to say.

"I love you too, City Mouse." Tim smiles, kissing Adam on the side of the head.

"I mean, I really do. Saying it just don't feel like enough." Adam says, turning to Tim taking him by the hand. "You gave me your body. I was your first. That means so much to me. And then when you were in the hospital and they wasn't sure if you would live through the night. That was the most scared I've ever been in my life. I felt like I was dying. I never want to be without you, Tim"

Tim stares at his lover, listening to the heartfelt words. He sniffs as he fights back the tears.

"Sweetheart, I know that you love me, with all your heart." Tim says as he quickly wipes a tear. "You gave up everything to be with me. Probably a beautiful home, your friends. Just to be with me in a raggedy old shack in the middle of an alligator-filled swamp in the middle of nowhere."

"And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat." Adam smiles. "I want you to be mine forever."

He slowly stands up and smiles down into Tim's loving brown eyes.

Tim's eyes widen as Adam gets down on one knee in front of him. His jaw drops as Adam reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box.

"I love you so much, Timothy Regan Foust. Would you do me the honor and be my husband?" Adam asks softly.

Tim finds himself staring down at a beautiful engagement ring.

'This freaking can't be happening right now.' He thought as he looks back up at Adam's smiling blue eyes.

Tim rubs a hand over his face as he begins to laugh uncontrollably.

Adam's expression turns from confused to angry as he watches his lover laugh at his proposal.

"And just what do you find so f*cking funny?" Adam growls standing up quickly. "Was my proposal that d*mn funny?"

"No!, No, I'm so sorry." Tim laughs, taking off his glasses and wiping the tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. "It was absolutely beautiful."

"Then, why the hell are you laughing at me?" Adam asks, tears fogging his blue eyes.

"I not laughing at you, Sweetheart." Tim smiles as he stands up and caresses his boyfriend's cheek. He then chuckles. "I'm laughing because of this."

He reaches into the pocket of his blue jean jacket and pulls out a small black box.

Adam's eyes widen as a smile comes across his face.

Tim opens the box revealing an engagement ring quite similar to the one Adam was still holding.

Adam covers his mouth as he begins to laugh.

"This is why I was laughing. I wasn't laughing at you, Baby." Tim chuckles. "I was planning on asking you to marry me."

Adam turns around laughing hysterically. "That's hilarious."

"You blew my proposal. I had a big speech prepared and everything." Tim laughs.

Adam turns back around and runs to Tim jumping into his arms and wrapping his legs around him, crashing his lips to his lover's.

Tim breaks the heated kiss and stares into his boyfriend's eye.

"I love you, Adam Henry Rupp. Will you marry me?" Tim whispers.

"I asked you first, Timothy Regan Foust." Adam smirks as he puts his feet back onto the ground.

"My answer is yes." Tim chuckles.

"Funny, mine is too." Adam giggles, kissing Tim again.

Adam steps back and takes the ring out of the box, slipping the box back inside his pocket.

Tim smiles as he holds out his shaking hand.

"Why are you shaking?" Adam giggles, taking Tim's hand.

"I've never been proposed to before." Tim smiles with tears in his eyes.

Adam slowly slips the ring onto his finger and then kisses it.

Tim takes the ring out of the box returning the box back into his pocket.

Adam let's go of a breath as he holds out his trembling hand.

"And your reason?" Tim asks with a raised brow as he takes Adam's hand.

"I'm cold?" Adam gives his excuse.

"You're so full of sh*t." Tim chuckles as he slides the engagement ring on his fiance's finger. Kissing the ring.


Chris sits on the tailgate of Tim's truck, nervously tapping out a rhythm on his legs with his hands.

"Come on. Where the hell are you?" He mumbles to himself.

Suddenly Austin comes running out of the swamp. He leans over resting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"Well? Did you get it?" Chris asks, hopping off the tailgate.

Austin raises up giving a boyish grin and holds up the video camera. "Got it."

"How'd it go?" Chris smiles.

"It was hilarious. Adam proposed,Tim started laughing, Adam got mad, Tim propose, they both were laughing hysterically. Priceless." Austin chuckles and gives Chris a high-five.

"Now, let's get the beer on ice, the bonfire going and the steaks on the grill. I think we will have something to celebrate." Chris laughs.

"What are we celebrating?" Rob asks as he and the others come out of the house.

"You'll see." Austin answers with a smirk.

Tim and Adam come strolling up the path, holding hands, smiling and talking.

They stop as everyone turns to look at them.

Austin steps forward with an anxious look on his face.

Tim and Adam look at each other, a smile growing on their faces.

As they look back at their friends, they both hold up their left hands.

"WE'RE ENGAGED!!" They shout in unison.

*** THE END ***



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