Chapter 27

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Adam ran his hands down Tim's sides as they kissed passionately. His hands quickly found their destination, Tim's butt, with very little material in between. He gently squeezed, causing a soft moan to escape from Tim's lips as they kissed.

Tim pushed his hips forward, pressing down on Adam, causing him to groan slightly.

"Is this what your dream was about?" Adam whispered, breathing heavily.

"Mhmm, And more." Tim whispered and he attacked Adam's neck.

"Hey guys? Opps." Jenika said as her and Austin walked in from the kitchen.

"Not on the couch." Austin whined.

"D*mn it." Adam moaned as Tim dropped his head on Adam's shoulder.

"Oh, did I tell you that I lived at Grand Central Station." Tim grumbled, rolling off of Adam, slightly adjusting himself under the covers.

Adam laughed kissing him on the cheek. "Well, we both have a lot of work to do today, anyway. Y'all have to work on the house and Chris and I need to unload some stuff."

Tim nods and lets out a heavy breath.

"Besides, I'm not going anywhere. We'll have plenty of time for this." Adam whispered in Tim's ear.

"Are you sure? They'll probably build a freaking freeway through the bedroom." Tim said softly.

"Shhh, don't give them any ideas." Adam chuckled as he raised up from the couch.


After they had all eaten breakfast and got ready for the day, Rob arrived and the work day began. Tim, Austin, Rob and Jenika worked on finishing the house, which was nearly complete. Adam and Chris started unloading some stuff from the moving van.

"Hey, Babe?" Adam called up to Tim on the ladder. Tim looked down, holding some nails between his lips. "Do you and Austin have a minute? I thought maybe you guys could look at our couch and love seat, to see if you want to use it or put it into storage?"

Tim nodded, removing the nails from his mouth and started climbing down the ladder.

"Austin! Come here!" Tim yelled.

"What?" Austin said opening the door of the now upstairs bedroom.

"Adam wants us to look at their living room furniture in the truck." Tim said.

"YAY! FRESH AIR! Rob farted." Austin said coming down the steps.

"I beg your pardon." Rob said coming down after him. "I do believe that was you."

Tim put his arm around Adam's shoulder and walked out to the truck. Chris was already up in the back, trying to dig out what they really needed.

Tim and Austin hops up into the back of the moving van to look at the furniture.

"Wow, that's nice." Austin said looking at the couch. "Sure beats the shine off of ours."

"Anything beats the shine of ours, Austin." Tim said sitting down on the couch. "Oh my God. It's so comfortable." He said leaning back, resting his head on the back of the couch.

"So is that a yes?" Adam asked, still standing in the yard looking up at the guys in the truck.

"Definitely a yes." Tim said getting up from the couch. "Listen, we don't like but just a little being done. And then we can all work on unloading. Just get your clothes and what ever you need." Hopping down from the truck, he gave Adam a kiss and headed back inside.

After they were finished with the remodeling, Tim and Chris carried the old couch and love seat out of the house, sitting them in the yard. Austin and Adam took down Tim's bed and carried it out. Rob had got called away on a medical call. Jenika vacuumed the floor in the living room and bedroom after the furniture was removed.

They started unloading the truck, bringing in Adam and Chris's furniture. They had a difficult time getting Chris's furniture up the small steps. They would get to laughing and would almost drop whatever they were trying to carry up the steps. Jenika and Olena, who had arrived, sat on the couch laughing at them.

"This is one heavy *ss dresser." Austin complained as he walked backwards up the steps carrying one end of Chris's dresser.

"What the hell you talking about. You've got the easy part." Tim said holding the other end, at the bottom of the steps. The weight of the dresser was all on him. "ADAMMM!! A little help here!!"

Adam came out of the bedroom to see the situation. Chris, who was in his bedroom, came out to help Austin. Tim and Austin both, had sweat running down their faces. Adam ran over to help Tim.

After managing to get the dresser upstairs, Tim laid down on the floor trying to catch his breath.

"If you ever decide to move, Chris, you're on your own getting this stuff down them stairs." Tim chucked.

They had been outside loading all the older furniture on the truck to carry over to Rob's, to put in his storage.

As they were coming back inside to rest a minute, Jenika and Olena ran and sat down quickly on the couch.

Tim looked at them strangely as he and Adam started to his bedroom. Adam was wanting to show him his bed. (innocently)

He heard Adam start to laugh. Looking around him to see what was so funny, Tim saw a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign hanging on the bedroom door.

"Ladies? Really?" Tim said in a low voice, raising an eyebrow.



(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

(((( TIM + ADAM = TIDAM ))))

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