Chapter 57

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"Hey guys? I don't want to scare ya'll." Hattie says as she walks up to the table. "But I think I just seen Bob slip into the bathroom."

"Oh no." Adam whispers loudly as he and Chris shoots each other a glance. Everyone jumps up from the table and runs toward the men's restroom.

Adam throws the door open just in time to see Bob turn a loose of Tim and Tim's falls to the fall on his hands and knees. His hand going to his throat as he coughs and gags, trying to get air into his lungs.

"TIM!" Adam shouts as he runs to his lover's side. "Baby, it's alright. Just breath easily."

"Just calm down, Tim." Rob says as he stoops down beside him, rubbing him on the back. "Calm down and take a deep breath."

Austin slowly walks around in front of Bob still holding the knife. Austin's face calm and relaxed but his eyes were cold and full of hatred.

"You sorry sack of sh*t you!" Jenika says as she sees what Bob had done. She stomps up in front of Bob. "It's bad enough, that Tim can't even come to town without you starting crap with him. But to attack him while he's blind and can't defend himself!!?? That's lower than the slime on a snail's belly, you son of a b*tch!" She brings her hand back and slaps him as hard as she can across the face.

"You stupid little b*tch." Bob says as he starts to step forward toward Jenika only to be stopped by Chris.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Chris says as he steps in front of his girlfriend.

"Oh, so you think you can take me on, Rupp?" Bob laughs.

"Probably not. I don't have the fighting skills as my brother." Chris says, shaking his head. "But I have back-up." He points toward the door.

Bob stops laughing as he sees Mark leaning against the door facing with his arms folded across his chest, coldly staring at him from under the brim of his hat.

"Austin?" Tim says as he is helped to his feet by Adam and Rob. "Come mere, Bro."

"Yea?" Austin asks as he reaches his big brother.

"Give me your knife." Tim says quietly, as he still tries to catch his breath. 

Austin puts the knife into Tim's hand.

"Lead me to Bob." Tim whispers.

Austin gives Adam a nervous look before taking Tim by the arm and leads him toward Bob.

Bob watches them with a smug look on his face, not noticing the knife Tim had hidden behind his back.

"Alright, he's right in front of you." Austin says to Tim before turning loose of his arm

Bob looks down his nose at the smaller man and chuckles.

"Just what do YOU plan on doing, BLIND MAN??" Bob asks with a laugh.

Tim quickly grabs onto the front of Bob's shirt and with all his strength, shoves Bob hard up against the wall.

The big man hits the wall hard with a loud grunt.

Mark unfolds his arms and takes a step forward in case Tim needs any help.

Tim swiftly runs his hand up Bob's chest until he finds his throat, then bringing Austin's knife out from behind his back. He quickly puts the blade against Bob's throat.

"The tables has turned." Tim says in a frightening calm voice. "You have from now until when I gain my sight back to enjoy your life, Bob Jennings. Cause when I'm able to see again, I'm coming after you." Tim nods slowly. "And when I find you, I will slit you throat from one ear to the other and leave you for the gators, coyotes or buzzards to feed off of. And no one will even care."

"You think I'm scared of you, Foust?" Bob asks as he stares into the blind man's cold brown eyes.

"You need to be." Tim answers, raising a brow. "Cause my face will be the last face you'll ever see before you feel the flames of Hell."

Tim slowly backs away from Bob. "Adam?" He calls over his shoulder.

Adam is quickly at his side and Tim takes him by the arm.

"I'll SEE you soon." Tim says to Bob, before letting Adam lead him toward the bathroom door, followed by the others.

Mark steps aside but watches Bob as the others leave the restroom.

"Are you ready to go home?" Adam asks.

"No." Tim shakes his head. "I'm not going to let him spoil our evening."

"Just don't over do it. You just got out of the hospital this morning, remember." Adam says as he leads Tim back over to the table.

"I know and I won't." Tim smiles gently squeezing Adam's hand. "Hattie, can you bring another round of drinks?"

"On my way, Sweetie." Hattie answers.

"Your neck is bruising." Adam says softly as he gently runs a finger along Tim's neck.

"It'll be alright." Tim says as Hattie delivers their drinks.

"I'd like to make a toast." Tim says as he picks up his beer. "To my family and friends, who are always there for me. Oh, and to Austin, Jenika and Chris, who had the balls to stand up against Bayou Bob." Tim smirks. "And to Mark, who had all of our backs."

"Uh, excuse me." Jenika sassed.

Tim just laughs and takes a drink of his beer.



** TIDAM! **

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