Chapter 21

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Tim sat the laundry basket in the back seat of Kelsey's car and closes the door. He turns around and starts walking back to the house, looking at the ground as he walked. He hears the screen door slam causing him to look up.

Adam leaps off of the porch into Tim's arms. The force causes Tim to stumble back and fall to the ground with a grunt with Adam laying on top of him.

Adam grabs Tim's arms and holds them above his head by the the wrist then crashes his lips into Tim's.

Kelsey comes out of the house and walks around the two to get to her car. "Bye Y'all." She giggles as she gets into her car to leave.

Adam moved to kissing along Tim's neck.

"Adam?" Tim whispered, still trying to catch his breath from the fall. He moaned as Adam found his sweet spot.

He closed his eyes and his breath quickened as he let another moan escape his lips as Adam nibbled on his neck.

Adam softly kisses the dark love bite he had left on Tim's neck, for everyone to see. He nibbles on Tim's ear and then whispers "I love you too."

He turns a loose of Tim's wrist and lays his head down on Tim's chest. Tim wraps his arms around Adam and hugs him tightly.

"You know how to get things worked up really fast don't you." Tim chuckled.

"A small sample of things to come." Adam smiled, kissing Tim on the chin.

"I love you, Adam. But you know what?" Tim asked with his eyes closed tightly.

"What." Adam replied, rubbing Tim's whiskered jaw.

"I'm... Uh... Kind of laying on a rock." He winced looking into Adam's blue eyes.

"Oh my God!" Adam said getting off of Tim and reaching for his hand to help him up. "Are you hurt?"

"Naw, I don't think so." Tim said reaching under his jacket rubbing his back.

"Let me see."Adam said, raising the back of Tim's shirt up. There was a red spot on his back, but his leather jacket kept it from being any worse.

"I'm so sorry." Adam said, wrapping his arms around Tim's waist.

"Oh, I was thoroughly enjoying it, and I don't mean the rock" Tim smiled, wrapping his arms around Adam. "You're a wild cat, should I be nervous?"

"Nope, I will be as gentle with you as you would a new born baby."Adam said, rubbing Tim on the cheek.

"That's good to know." Tim smiles hanging his head as a blush covers his cheeks.

Tim looks up as he hears his truck pulling into their gravel drive-way.

They walk toward the truck with their arms around each others waist.

"It's good to see that y'all have kissed and made up and I mean really made up." Austin smirks looking at the large hickey on Tim's neck.

"I was attacked, literally." Tim chuckles, rubbing his neck.

"Hey, I saw Jen in town. She's caught some critters that she needs us to clean, if it's alright." Austin said handing Tim his share of the money for the furs.

"Uh..." Tim said, looking at Adam.

"It's fine. I'd like to get to know her better anyways." Adam smiled.

"You sure?" Tim asked, sticking his money in his pocket.

"Positive." Adam said kissing Tim's cheek.

"Alright, give her a call. I need to go change clothes." Tim said to Austin as he heads to the house.

"Soooo, what happened?" Chris asked after Tim went in the house.

"Not much, he just told me that he loved me." Adam said grinning.

"For real? Man, that's awesome." Austin chuckled giving Adam a high-five. "Well, I need to go call Jenika. Don't know if you've notice or not, but there's no cell phone service out here. All we have is a land line." Austin shrugs and heads to the house.

"No cell phones? Well, that sucks." Adam said looking at his brother.

"Well, sometimes you have to give up the luxuries of life to get want you really want." Chris said with a shrug.

"And that's suppose to mean what?" Adam asked looking confused.

Chris holds up his hands palms up. "O.K., this hand." He holds up his left hand. "You have your cell phone. And this hand." Holding up his right. "Is Tim. Which do you choose? You can only have one or the other. You can't have both."

"I got it." Adam nods.

"Hey, mind if I borrow this?" Tim said, walking out to the two brothers with a bandanna in his hand.

"No, of course. Come here." Adam sits down on the tailgate so he would be just a little higher than Tim. He takes the bandanna and folds it up then puts it around Tim's head and ties it. He turns Tim back around to face him.

He brushes Tim's hair back behind his ears. "You're so pretty." Adam smiles.

Tim chuckles and hangs his head.

Adam drapes his arms loosely around Tim's neck and kisses him.

Chris had squatted down in the yard, petting Satchmo, trying to ignore the two lovebirds. He hears a vehicle pulling up, and sees a late model beat-up pick up truck pulling up in the drive-way. Jenika was driving and Olena in the passenger seat. 

"Ugh, not in front of the children." Jenika said, getting out of the truck, causing Tim and Adam to break their kiss.

"What children?" Tim asked, looking around at her.

"Us." She said, pointing to herself and Olena.

"Whatever." Tim said shaking his head.

Austin came out of the house, he had also change into older clothes and had a hand full of gloves for them to use.

"Let's see what ya got here." Tim said as they all walk up to the back of her truck.

After giving Austin a kiss, Olena ran over to Adam. "Well, from the looks of that lip lock you two had going, I take it that everything is fine now?"

"Mhmm." Adam answered leaning over to whisper to her. "He told me he loved me."

Olena squealed and clapped and Adam shushed her.

Tim was reaching over into the back of the truck, checking out what Jenika had brought.

"What's a nice looking beaver right there." Tim said.

"You think so." Jenika said glancing around at him, noticing the big hickey on his neck. "DANG! BUBBA!! Y'all got some bad ass mosquitoes around here." She laughed.

Tim reaches up and touches his neck, shooting a glance at Adam.

Jenika looks around at Adam giving him a smile and a wink.

Adam smiles back at her, thinking she may be O.K. after all.



(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

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