Chapter 1

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"You will fit right in here, don't worry." My social worker, who also happened to double as my psychologist, Daniel told me.

I looked around the endearing, private neighbourhood to get a feel of my surroundings. It was like a scene from a television series about rich kids and their divorced alcoholic parents that dwells into the daily struggles and scandals of the privileged. This is where I had to live? My parents die, I almost die and I get lumbered with my cousins. I shouldn't be here, I really shouldn't be here, I thought to myself continuously. I should be home with my mom and dad and my big brother but now I've no one. My big brother Tyler is out being successful in a different country and he left me behind. I just see myself as a burden to everyone and trouble.

Daniel knocked the door and as his fist touched that finely carved door, it swung open. I took a step back when my uncle and the man of the house, Marty answered the door. The next thing I knew I was lifted up, spun around and clung into a gripping hug. My arms flung by the side, I wasn't much of a hugging girl. Over the last few weeks since my parents death I had received more hugs than I ever have in 17 years of life but they were empty and full of pity. This hug from Marty was captivating and safe. From over Marty's shoulder I could see Daniel frowning at me for my deflated physical reaction, so I slowly hugged him back until he sat me down.

"Marley! It's been too long." Marty exclaimed.

"Yeah I guess." I sighed. It had been a while.... There was a time my cousins were my best friends but we drifted and I became me, a selfish, cold, lonely shell.

"Well come on in!" Marty took my wrist but I snapped it back as a sheer reaction. I didn't like being touched.... by anyone.

"Mr Callaghan why don't you go on inside and Marley-Rose will follow, I should say goodbye." Daniel said.

Marty nodded then walked back into his house, leaving the door open. I turned back around to Daniel who was smiling at me.

"I'm gonna miss you sport, you've been by far my most challenging, stubborn, arrogant yet loveable, funny and special patient I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Daniel told me getting all emotional.

"You should know I don't take goodbyes very well Danny." I sighed.

"Well this isn't goodbye, officially, I'll still see you every week and if you're ever at the hospital and you've got my card for my practice." Daniel reminded me. "I just want you to be safe Marley-Rose."

"Yeah well I should go now, I'll see you around Danny." I smiled before walking into the house.

I prepared myself before entering the family room. I knew this was going to be crazy, not for me, for them. I haven't seen my cousins in years, they were a nice family, from what I can remember. I walked into the family room anyway where they were all standing waiting for me. There was uncle Marty and his five sons, Zayn aged 22, the twins Joseph and Jeremy aged 18, Jake aged 17 (the same age as me) and Matt aged 15. It's a family of all boys, their mum left when the boys were young but they all had each other and were all very close from what I remember.

"That's Marley-Rose?" Matt asked. He had grew up so much since the last time I seen home. It's crazy how people can change so much.

"Obviously, she's still got that scar on her shoulder." Zayn laughed and I touched my scar insecurely. That scar was courtesy of the boys.

"Well it's getting dark now, you should go unpack." Marty told me. "Jake, show Marley to her room."

Jake took some of my bags and led me up the stairs. We passed many rooms until we came to one beside a room with 'Jake' wrote all over it. Jake opened the door of my room and let me go in. It was a beautiful room, simple, quiet and just what I needed. The walls were painted blame white with rose gold bed sheets, Greg curtains, a grey mat and lovely white furniture. I assumed they had some help in decorating because from what I can remember these boys didn't know a lot about girls style. It was nice though.

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