My Secret comes out

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K. Michelle P.O.V

Next day

8:30 pm

I looked at myself in the mirror a couple times, looking at my outfit. I was wearing my black and white short dress that stopped above my knee, with my black high heels, and my Michael kors black purse. I ran my hand through my hand one last time before walking out and I left out driving to the restaurant.

Once I pulled up I walked in and found the girls and two other men sitting with them. I smiled and they all stood to greet me hugging me.

"Oh my god look at Kimmy cakes" Honey said and I smiled hugging her first

"Look at the honey cheerios" I said and she smiled

"Hey bumble bee and RiRi the island girl" I said and bey and Rihanna stood hugging me

"Look at them cakes" Rihanna said and I laughed

"Where you think she get the nickname from" Honey said and I laughed at them

"Excuse me, Excuse me bitches, make way for the queen." Alex said flipping his imagery long weave and I laughed smiling and I jumped in his arms

"I missed you best friend" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and he put me down

"I know everybody loves me" He said and I playfully hit his chest and we both laughed

"How you been hunty" He asked

"Holding on you?" I said and he smiled

"Got me a new man he rich and fine" He said and I hived fived him

"That's what I'm talking about." I said and we both laughed

"Alright come on y'all let's sit and talk. We haven't really all been together in a while" Bey said and we all sat down

"Bey always on humbled and peaceful shit. Ruining the fun" Honey said kissing her teeth

"We need some humble and peace shit to keep all our crazy ass in check" I said and we laughed

"Bey like the mama and we all like her bad ass kids running around. Honey you the bad one that always starts the trouble, Rihanna you like sneaky bad motherfucker that acts like you innocent. Kim you the good but bad one that get's influenced, and I'm like the full gay out son" Alex said and we all laughed together


"So Kim can I ask you ask you something if you don't mind" Bey asked me

We were finishing up dinner the whole night, was filled with laughter and smiles. Us making fun of people in the restaurant and doing silly things, we were like a big family and we were having fun.

"Yeah what's up yonce" I asked and everyone paid attention to our convo

"So I know you lost the record deal because of trey, sadly. And I wanted to know did you need help finding a new job because, my girl Remy opened up a her little store and she needed someone to come and work for her." She asked and I laughed

"Nah I'm good I have a new job" I said and everyone smiled hard looking at me

"What?!?! That's good new, how come you ain't tell me. What you do now?" She asked and I froze up well I should have expected bey to ask

"Umm...guess I never got around to tell you" I said

"Girl we been talking on the phone like 24/7. So what do you do at this new job?" Bey asked

"Ummm...nothing much" I said and Alex pushed me

"Girl why you getting all quite now, what you a stripper on the low" Alex asked and everyone laughed only if you knew, I was dying on the inside hoping they don't crack me open looking at my face. I guess I should just tell them

"Um...actually I am a stripper" I said and everyone paused from their laughter and stared at me as if their life depended on it

"WHAT THE FUCK" Bey yelled and everyone in the restaurant turned and looked at us

"Hahaha... I knew you was a freak" Honey said laughing her ass off

"Talking bout she innocent and shit. Kim ain't no where innocent" Rihanna said

"I'm proud of you Kim, I'll never look down on you. But you better be the best damn stripper if you strip" Alex said and I just sat there embarrassed and uncomfortable


"Kim don't worry bey, just overreacted like I told you bey is like the mother in the group. I'll get her off your case" Alex said as I pouted about to get in the car

"Yeah don't worry bey ass just tripping. She'll get over it" Rihanna said

"Yea but, aye let me know where you work at. So me and RiRi can slide through." Honey said and I laughed

"And Alex, me too bitch. Me too don't forget about the main queen" Alex said and we all laughed

"Alright I'll call y'all. Goodnight babes" I said getting in my car and pulling off heading home.

Once I got home, I got all my stuff ready for tomorrow. Couldn't wait to do this little a party and get paid, hope it's everything I imagine it to be.

Short n kind of boring sorry lol next will be better promise

Comment & Vote- Dancer Jay<3

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