The Old K is back and The New is gone

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K. Michelle P.O.V 

I picked up Ava and covered her up in a blanket and I put my shades on and I had my security grab the rest of my bags. I stepped off faced with hundred of paparazzi asking me a thousand questions.

'K. Michelle where's drake'

'Did you two call off the wedding'

'What bring you back to the ATL'

'Who was that mystery girl with Drake'

'Was drake cheating'

I rolled my eyes and got in the limo strapping Ava in and looked like she was ready to cry, lord give me the strength.

"Baby girl what's wrong with mommy's princess" I said hoping she wasn't listening to them talking about Aubrey

"Is daddy cheating on mommy. Why didn't daddy come with us, and Ace" She said starting crying and I had to pick her up and calm her down

"Shhhh...daddy isn't cheating on me. Daddy didn't come with us because, this weekend it's all about mommy and you. We're going to see Auntie bey, Gabby, Auntie Honey, and Uncle Alex okay" I said and she wiped her tears away

"Can we call daddy?" She said and I mentally sighed knowing Aubrey was going to wake off pissed off knowing I was gone with Ava to Atlanta but I didn't want Ava to cry again either so

"Hello" I heard Aubrey's groggy voice answer the phone

"Daddy" Ava little voice said and I heard him yawn and he looked over

"Hey baby give the phone to mommy" He said and Ava handed me the phone and I took it off speaker and put the phone to my ear sighing

"Yes Aubrey" I said softly

"Where the fuck are you?" He yelled

"In Atlanta what about you" I said looking at Ava who was staring at me

"Kimberly stop fucking with me. Who told you, you could just up and leave and without me" He said and I rolled my eyes

"Baby I'm grown women, I don't take orders I make them. I guess you've forgot who you messing with baby. When you get yo mind together hit me up until then don't" I said and I hung up

"Ava daddy say's he loves you. Now we're about to go see Auntie bey and cousin Gabby so play on your tablet until then" I said handing her tablet and she started playing games on it


I knocked on the door and bey answered it and she was surprised jumping up and down screaming. She embraced me and Ava into a hug and invited us in.

"Girl I missed you, and I missed my lil diva of a niece too" She said kissing Ava on her cheek

"Go on ahead Ava, Gabby in the living room" Bey said walking her in and she came back in

"Girl I need a couple of drinks and I need honey here to roll me up one" I said and bey put her hand on her hip

"What's going on this time" She said grabbing two cups

"Girl it's Aubrey, he has his mind fucked all the way up. Thinking I'm just a personal slave and that he can just control me. Talking to his damn ex, and shit just too much" I said

"Oh hell nah, he must have forgotten who Miss K. Michelle is" Bey said pouring liquor into both the cups

"Exactly, but Ima make him beg and change his ass. Cuz right now ain't no marriage bihhh, ya hear that K. Michelle is a free bitch till he get his act together." I said and she handed me my drink and we clinked our glasses together before swallowing it letting it burn my throat

"So does that mean, the old K. Michelle is back?" Bey asked and I smirked

"Yup boo, and tonight I'm dropping the kids off with my moms. Then me, you, Alex, and Honey all heading to the club. We getting fucked up tonight" I said and she smiled laughing and he hived each other

"That's my best friend go best friend" Bey said

"But bitch I gotta tell you about Chris, August and this new nigga" She said and I eyed her

"My bitch getting dick from left to right" I said and she shook her head as I laughed

"Girl Chris been blowing my line up, I've been ignoring him because I don't wanna get attach to him. August lord help me, girl I went over his house cuz he called me saying he was sick. For some reason I brought my ass over there and wind up kissing on August in the shower..." I cut her off choking on my drink

"Wayment, did y'all fuck?" I said and she shook her head

"Girl no all we did was kiss. Then the new nigga, I met him at work and he's like a sex god..." I cut her off again

"Girl who is he?" I asked eager sipping on my drink

"If you give me the chance I might tell you, His name Miguel..." I spit my drink out

"THE MIGUEL" I said and she nodded her head

"Yup, and he knows I'm tied up with Chris and August. Doesn't give a fuck, wants me as his mistress and he talking bout paying me five thousand a night." She said and I looked at her with wide eyes

"Girl you is in too much shit, but you fucking with a sex god. You need to get this organized" I said and she sighed

"I know, never had so much dick around me" She said fake crying and I laughed

"Girl better enjoy it while you can, just don't get pregnant and be carefully" I said and we clinked glasses again

Unknown P.O.V

Little does she know I'm watching her and her little friend, I miss you baby.

-Sorry for the wait, alot been going on N IK YALL LIKE WE DON'T GIVE AF WE JUST WANT THE CHAPTERS I GOT YALL

-What y'all think finna happen tho?

Comment & Vote PLZ -Dancer Jay

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