The L word

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K. Michelle P.O.V

December 8th


Damn I actually was looking good, tonight I wanted to do something special for Aubrey. Tonight he had a stressful day at work so, I think Ima make it up to him.

Ava's at her grandma's house, Aubrey's mothers house and I had set everything all up for Aubrey. I sprayed some perfurm and fixed my hair again as I heard Aubrey's keys in the door. I hurried and walked out to the living room, damn only if y'all could see him, papi was looking hot.

He may be pissed off but, he's looking finer than a motherfucker...let me stop.

"Hey papi" I said helping him take off his suit jacket and taking his case

"I have the biggest headache ever, the people at work were irriating, Some bitch threw herself at me, I almost lost a deal, I caught two of my empoloyes fucking in the bathroom..." I cut him off sitting him down and I started rubbing his back

"Papi just relax and let me take care of you" I whrispered in his ear and he breathed in and out finally relaxing and I smirked going into the kitchen bring out his dinner and he smiled lightly at me and I fed him his food

"Baby girl you ain't have to do all this" He said and I cleaned his face

"Yes I did. I knew you were having a rough day, when you called me about work. So I wanted to make it up to you." I said and I stuffed food in his mouth and he chewed smiling and he kissed my cheek

After he finished eating, I took his plate and I put it in the kitchen. I was just about to take his desert to him but, he had already beat me to it when, I felt his arms around my waist.

"What you doing mami?" He said lowly and husky in my ear

"I was about to feed you your desert" I said and I felt his dick print against my ass making my knees weak

"I think I want somthing else for desert." He said and I spung around

"You can have whatever you want papi" I said and he picked me up making me giggle and he carried me all the way to the bedroom

"Kimberly Ion think you know how..." He said in between kisses and I smiled hard

"What don't I know" I said as he lowered me onto the bed

"How much I love you" He said and it was like I froze and Aubrey noticed

"What?You don't feel the same way" He asked me and I couldn't speak it was like my throat had closed up on me

"Really Kimberly. I changed for you and you still don't love me" He said

"Aubrey no..." He stromed out the room and slammed the door and I sighed putting my head down damn


4 hours later...


I was sitting in the bed crying with my knees to my chest. I was upset because, of what happened last night with Aubrey. It's 3 in the morning and I've been up since then waiting on him to come home, I'm worried about him. I love Aubrey but, I don't wanna be heart broken again and I'm proud of him becoming a changed man. I just don't need the hurt all over again.

I heard the door unlock and I heard it close and I heard movements around the room. Then the door opened and it reavlied a drunk Aubrey. He looked horrible and he held a empty liqour bottle.

"Aubrey..." I said softly

"You don't love me. I am I nothing to you. You want me to pull out my heart and give it to you. What else do you want from me..." He started to cry falling on his knees banging on his chest and I got up and I wrapped myself around him

"Aubrey I love you I just don't want to be hurt again..." I said and we didn't say anything after

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