Still got love...

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K. Michelle P.O.V

Today probably was the saddest days I've ever had to wake up to. I woke up to find someone who I use to have so much love was dead right by my side, wow ain't cancer a bitch. I was so scared, I was screaming bloody murder waking up to him just dead.

I had no emotion, I felt so sad and I was so scared. I called Aubrey up and he said he would be coming to get me and Ava, I couldn't deal with anymore. Just that happening, it messed me up and I needed to just leave.

"C'mere baby girl" Aubrey said and he picked me and we got on the jet and I saw one of Aubrey's bodyguards strapping Ava in she was still sleeping

Aubrey put me down and I sat by the window, and we took off I looked out the window looking back at Atlanta. I'm going to miss home here, but hopefully this can be a new start.


"Do you wanna talk about?" Aubrey asked gripping my thigh and I shook my head 'no' pouting

I was sitting on Aubrey's lap, I just wanted to be held I couldn't forget about Tremaine I just needed someone to hold me.

"Kimberly your going to have to talk about it sooner or later" He said and I sighed wiping a tear away before they slipped down my face

"Someone I loved way before, someone who I fell into a fake fantasy with. Someone who treated me wrong but could never expressed his true feelings the right way. He called me to the hospital and I told him, I was done with him and he begged me to come to the hospital to see him." I said looking down

"I finally decided to come to see him, something deep inside said go and see him it would be important. I regret it because, I woke up to him dead wrapped in his arms. Hated him so much because, all the pain and suffering he put me through and I still had a little love for him. It would never go away" I said

"Tremaine" He said and I looked up at Aubrey confused

"What?" I said

"That's who your talking about. I been knew ever since trey was my friend he always talked about you but, never put a name on the girl but I realized it cause of the fake marriage thing" He said and I looked down

"I know Kim it hurts but, it's going to be alright. When you get to Toronto it will be all a brand new start" He said and I just held onto him like if I was going to lose him next


"Ava baby girl wake up so, you can see our new home" I said trying to wake up Ava and she started fussing causing her to break out and cry and I started tickling her sides

"Ava I love you" I said cheesing at her and she giggled smiling and I looked at Aubrey smiling at us from a far

She looked over at him and she smiled hard showing her dimples and she started mumbling some words and she kept trying and trying then...

"Da da" She said shocking me and I looked back at Aubrey who was shocked as well

"Say it again baby girl" I said and she looked at me hard before she kept fumbling over her words

"Da da" She said again and I picked her up jumping up and down with her and Aubrey grabbed her from me and I clapped smiling

"Yay look at mommy's baby talking" I said smiling proud of her and Aubrey kissed her cheek

"Da da" She said again and Aubrey smiled

"Yes baby" He answered her and she pointed to her mouth and I laughed and we walked into the kitchen

We had finally got to Toronto and it was beautiful even though it was cold as fuck and it was snowing, it was pretty.

The house Aubrey he said he gotten us was a condo that was on the top floor right above where he lived with karrchue.

It was big to be just a condo it had four bedrooms, two bathroom, and a big kitchen, dinning room, and living room.

He even brought me a car, it was a....I was so happy, he spoiled me and Ava so much. He brought us a whole new wardrobe, brought us everything you could imagine. I guess he felt bad for what all he did so, he decided to spoil us.

"How do you like it so far?" Aubrey asked as I fed Ava some applesauce

"It's pretty" Is all I said and a frown appeared on his face I guess my answer wasn't enough for him

"Nothing else?" He said and I smiled grabbing his face and I looked at him

"Drake I just got here, I haven't really gotten to get how I feel ask me in a week or so and I'll let you know" I said letting his pouty face go and I finished feeding Ava and I started getting her ready for bed

She started crying and whining, trying to show out cuz Aubrey was here. Uh huh she got another thing coming if she think she bout to try to stay up all night.

"Ava Nova Graham do not start" I said and she pouted and I sighed putting her in the tub and washed her up after that I slipped her Minnie mouse pajamas on

"Alright say goodnight to daddy" I said and she kissed Aubrey's cheek and I walked down the hall by my room and put her in her crib turning on the TV to blue's clues

"Goodnight Ava" I kissed her cheeks and put her blanket over her and I turned off her light cracking the door

I walked back out to the living room to see Aubrey standing there, and I was surprised. He's still here, would have thought her would have left and went downstairs to karrchue.

"So I guess I should be going" Aubrey said and I looked down I didn't even want him to go I didn't want to sleep alone, Trey's been stuck in my mind

"Yea" I said softly

"Anything you need before I go" He asked and I shook my head

"Alright I'm out" He said


I woke up for my dream it was about trey again and I almost scream but, I opened my eyes to see Aubrey wrapped around me and I relaxed in his arms.

When did he get up here, I'm just glad he's here. I laid back down resting in his arms. I closed my eyes and I felt him kiss my cheek surprising me

"Goodnight babygirl" He whispered low and husky in my ear

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