Dinner with just a friend?

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K. Michelle P.O.V

October 8th


"I thought you were taking you to dinner?" I questioned him

"I was but I made reservantions late and they canceled it so, I decided I would make dinner for you" He said

"Hope that's alright with you" He said parking the car in front of his manison and I looked at him with wide eyes

"Are you milliornaire?" I questioned joking around but then he looked at me smiling

"A billiornaire to be exact" He said and I was shocked

"Your kidding right?" I asked and he laughed

"No I'm seriorus I have my own company" He said and he lauged as the shock look appered on my face

"So, are you fine with me cooking?" He asked again picking up my jaw closing my mouth and I giggled a little

"Yup as long as you can cook" I said and he smiled big

"Can I cook? I can cook whatever you name" He said and we both got out and he grabbed my hand gently and we walked in the house

I was in a daze, his home was big beauitful and large. I couldn't understand why anyone would want such a big house but, sometimes I would die for such a large house like this.

"Your home is beautiful" I said and he smiled turning on some lights and took my jacket hanging it up

"Thank you" He said

"Can I ask why you have such a big house and it's only you?" I said

"I like my space and I also, used to have a family." He said

"Not to be in your business but do you mind, if I ask what happened to them" I said and he looked down

"I guess working as a man, I didn't spend enough time with them. I was working so hard for my company and working, so I could get my daughter in college in keep my son in highschool, and get my wife whatever she wanted" He said and I looked at the pictures of him and his family

I saw him dressed in a suit looked like he was at work, like he had a party or something at his job. Then I saw a moca skin colored women, she had curly hair, pretty smile, and clear skin.

"She's pretty" I said and he shook his head 

"She alright, but your more like every man's dream" He said making me blush

"I'm not that special, you only say that because you want some" I said mumbling and I covered my mouth when it sipped out

"Want some?" He busted into a fit of laughter making me embrassed

"Kimberly your sexy beautiful and don't get me wrong I would love to feel all of you but, I wanna get to know you first." He said and I looked down

"I'm sorry it just slipped out. I guess I only think like that because, I mean I met you at my job a strip club" I said and he smiled

"It's alright, I don't blame you for thinking that." He said and we walked into the kitchen


I had the best night ever, me and lance had so much fun wine, food, and laughter best mixer for the perfect night. I had finally gotten home, Ava was with my mother and I opened a message and I saw a picture of Ava fast asleep.

My bugga boo, she is so cute I'm already missing her. I got a call from an unknown number and I heistated before answering.

"Hello" I answered

"Kimberly I need you" I regonziged the voice it was Tremaine

"Trey I have already told you..." He cut me off

"Look I know but, please if you really cared or loved me once before do this for me please. I need to see you, come to the oakpark hosptial" He said and the line went dead


I walked into Tremaine hosptial room and saw him hooked up on machines and slowly breathing, it hit me hard bring back memeriors of the dream I once had before. I walked slowly over to him seeing he was sleeping, I pulled a chair up and sat by him and held his hand. He squezzed my hand and I looked up to see him opening his eyes slightly and we locked eyes.

"Hey beauitful" Tremaine said and he frowned seeing my face and I didn't even notice I was crying until he wipped the tears from my face

"What you crying for beauitful" He said kissing my hand

I hated Tremaine so why am I feeling so bad for him,after everything he did to me. I don't know why I still have a little bit of love for him.

"Tremaine why are in here" I asked and he smiled slightly before his smile fadded

"I been meaning to tell you this, I was tryna tell you that day you left. I have cancer, docs say I only have three days to live" He said and my heart dropped and I held his hand tighter before breaking down and crying in front of him

"Baby girl don't cry" Tremaine said softly

"Trey..." I said looking at him and he smiled softky

"Hold me please" I said and he nodded and I got in bed with him lying my head on his chest, my arms wrapped around him and his arms wrapped around me

And we fell asleep together like this.

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