Daddy lessons

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K. Michelle P.O.V

6 years later

"Come on Ava, let's go" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs and she came downstairs.

Grabbing my hand she was dressed in her purple designer shirt, her bleached colored jeans, and her purple and white jordans. She even had her purple and white purse and her shades on lord she just like her mama.

I was wearing my high waisted ripped jeans, my purple 'boss chick' crop top, and my purple and white nike shoes. With my MK purse, my big hoop ears, and my shades.

We walked out hand and hand and got in my maybach, with the paparazzi watching us and taking photos. It's been six years since me and Aubrey split, I've Lived in the ATL for awhile then moved to California. I still make my music and I'm happy doing what I do, raising my daughter and doing what makes us happy.

Aubrey got married to India I saw on TMZ, the wedding was beautiful and I was upset when I heard they got engaged but I learned how to move on and just be happy for them. Ava hasn't seen her father in these six years, she asks about him all the time. He does send money for her 50 thousand each month, hey at least he does his part.

Me well at the moment I'm working on my More issues than vogue album and working on a soon to be coming tour. I'm also dating an actor at the moment Idris Elba, we've been dating for two years now and he's a good one. No gangs, no changing up, no cheating, just strictly good. Even Ava likes him, and he treats Ava like she's his daughter.

"Is Idris coming with us?" Ava asked as I pulled out the driveway

"No baby today. Mommy and Daughter day. So Since today is me and you day, what do you want to do today?" I asked her smiling

"Ooooh mommy can we go to the park, then after the park we can go get ice cream, then after that can we go try on princess dresses and go to the rainforest?" She asked

"You mean the cafe rainforest and it's whatever you want" I said and she cheered as I smiled


"Higher mommy higher" Ava giggled as I pushed her on the swings

"You having fun mommy's princess" I said and she giggled

"Yesss mommy" She said and I stood back just inhaling the moment and I jumped at the feeling of someone grabbing my waist

I looked over my shoulder to see Aubrey and I pulled him away from Ava and I made sure I could still see Ava from here and she was fine playing with some of the other kids

"Aubrey what the hell are you doing here?" I said at him and he smirked

"I came to spend time with my daughter, and since you and Ava out I decided to come and spend the day with y'all" He said and I folded my arms across my chest

"Aubrey you never came to see her since then six years so, why now? I guess you wanted to change up and be a better father and come see your daughter." I said and he smacked his lips

"And the money I send ain't good enough?" He asked

"No it's not. Having your father in your life, is better than money. I mean thanks for helping out but, she needs her father in her life. Not just pop ups, and now is just random and very irresponsible." I said and his face soften up

"Look I'm sorry and I promise to be more in Ava's life. I'm here now, so let's just make the best of it" He said and just when I was about to say something Ava ran over to us

"Daddy" She said and Aubrey picked her up

"Hey baby girl look at you, then got big now" He said

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