What the future holds for you?

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K. Michelle P.O.V 

December 10th

7:45 AM

I was up with my chief sitting in the living room just looking out at the view. I heard someone coming behind me and it was Aubrey and I smiled lightly.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked

"Nothing just couldn't go back to sleep. But the real question is why are you up?" He asked

"Moring sickness woke me up, and I couldn't go back to sleep" I said and he rubbed my back

"I'm sorry maybe this will cheer you up" He said and he pulled out a long black box and I grabbed it and opened it

It was a necklace full diamond with the charm of a small heart that was had my name ingraved in the heart. I smiled and hugged him and pulled away looking at the necklace.

"Here let me put it on for you" Aubrey said and he took the necklace and I moved my hair out the way and he put it on and I looked down at necklace it was beauitful

"Aubrey it's beauitful, thank you" I said

"It's something to make up for being so rude and to let you know how much I appericate you" He said and I smiled

"Well I forgive you" I said and I started to hear Aaliyah India's baby and he sighed

"I guess I have to go" He said and I shook my head

"Non sense, I'll go with you. I haven't really seen her since the two of you got here. I want to see her" I said and he seemed heiste but I walked past him letting him follow me and I went up to the guest room he was in and found her

She was a beauitful little baby, she cried and when Aubrey picked her up she cried even louder.

"Awww C'mere Aaliyah" I said and Aubrey handed me to her and I patted her back and started to sing softly

(And yes I changed some of the names)

"There was Trey

He wasn't ready

Oh so young, baggage heavy

And there was Robert

Laid in Tennessee but he fucked up and had twins on me

(Oh) oh a little piece, piece of each that's all I need

Little piece, piece of each

Build him her a fan for me

There was Taz, he adored me

Loved to hear me sing but control me

There was this actor, had a baby not the same dude you see in a movie

Is it love, was he acting? but I missed him how did this happen?

So many men gave me a song to sing but none of them gave me a ring

A little piece, piece of each that's all I need" I sung and she calmed down and I smiled

"See she just want's someone to sing to her, plus she needs to be changed" I said

"Grab that blanket and lay it across the bed. Grab me a diaper and some wipes." I said and he did as I said and I laid Aaliyah on the bed and I gave her a toy while I changed her and Aubrey watched me

"See all better" I said and I handed her to Aubrey as I threw her dirty diaper away and I hear some giggling and I walked out the room with Aubrey to find my mother and his mother with Ace and Ava

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