Think about it...

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K. Michelle P.O.V

"Aww, you look pretty. You just got a little baby bump but you good. It's not even that noticeable" Bey said and I sighed

"Well I may as well wear this, I don't have anything else to wear." I said looking at my outfit

I was wearing my nude color wrapped long skirt, my nude colored crop top, and my nude colored red bottoms. I grabbed my nude color and gold chain cross over purse and my keys to my all white BMW.

"Alright wish me luck. Hopefully nothing go down but, I got my tazer just in case these bitches wanna act up" I said and bey and alex laughed

"Alright good luck later Kimmy cakes" Alex said and I walked out the door with Honey and Rihanna on my side

They kept begging me to go, so I let them come.

I just told them they couldn't act a fool when Aubrey told her he couldn't do it anymore. I got in the car with Honey riding shot gun and Rihanna in the back.


I pulled up and it actually looked really pretty, it was an all white venue. I got out and I gave the the valet my car and all eyes went on me, honey, and Rihanna.

Honey was wearing a all white skirt with and a black crop top and RiRi was wearing a black leather dress. Some girls were eyeing us but me, honey and rihanna all smiled.

"We know we cute but, damn can we have our face back" We all said at the same time and flipped our hair walking in the backyard seeing it was set up pretty and waitress came by and served drinks and Honey and Rihanna took one

"You lucky, I can't drink. I need one, nerves is making me bad" I said and Rihanna pulled out a juice pouch handing it to me and I snatched it out her hand as her and honey laughed at me

"Alright if you would all sit we are about to get started with the the wedding of Aubrey Drake Graham and Karrchue Blan Tran (Made up that middle name sorry karrchue)" The preacher said and I took my seat in the back while everyone else did the same

I saw Aubrey take his place, I know he didn't see me but he looked nervous and I just smiled. It was something that made me worried but, I just brushed it off and relaxed.

Soon I was out of my thoughts when I heard the wedding music playing and everyone stood and Rihanna helped me up and I soon saw Karcchue walking down the isle with her father and I looked in her arms and saw a newborn baby.

Hers, I was shocked and I started seeing Aubrey who seemed worried and nervous. Lord please don't let me regreat my promise.

"Everyone you may take your seats" The preacher said and we all sat

"Dearly beloved we are gather here today in the joining of Karrchue tran and Aubrey Graham." The preacher said and Karrchue had stopped the preacher and whrispered something in his ear and he pulled away nodding

"Well the bride wants to rush this along so, Karrchue do you take Aubrey Graham for better or worst, as your husband through sickness and health, for rich or poor, till death do you part" The preacher said and I smiled

"Yes I do" She said smiling big dreams about to me crushed like a motherfucker

"Now Aubrey do you take Karrchue as your dearly beloved it. For better or worst, as your wife through sickness and helth, for rich or poor, till death do you part" The preacher said and my heart stopped

As the room grew slient and everyone looked at Aubrey, and he looked nervous and he started shaking. I looked confused at, why it was taking him so long to say something or do something.

"I do..." Is all he said and my world stopped and I didn't do anything but get up and walk out of the wedding and I could feel everyone eyes on me and Honey and Rihanna ran right after me

I was just about to put the cup of wine to my mouth and honey smacked it out of my hand. I looked at her and Rihanna and her looked at me like I was crazy.

"I wanna drink" I said

"Your pregunat" Rihanna said softly we were still at this fucked up ass wedding why I don't know I was ready to go too but honey and Rihanna wanted to stay because, they was tryna mingle with Aubrey's cousins

"I wanna drink" I kept repreating and each time i kept repeting it I kept getting louder and I started to cry grabbing everyone attention until I was picked up in someone's arms and taken into a room

When I opened my eyes I looked up to see Aubrey and I was so angry at him. He tried to wip my tears away but, I pushed his hand away

"Kimberly..." He said and I looked at him

"Your pregunat, you can't drink" He said and I flipped him off

"Don't you think I know that. You put me in that position. And you made me come here just so you could break my heart, make me feel like I wasn't shit, ruin my life." I said

"Why...Why did you lie to me...If you didn't really want me, why did you lie" I said crying out my emotions were all over the place

"I do want you but, I can't just leave my son. I know if I didn't marry karrchue I wouldn't be able to see my own son ever." He said and I rolled my eyes

"And what about me? Did you ever think about me and what will happen to me." I said and he just looked at me and I stood about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him

"Kimberly please just think of our promise." He said and I just pulled away from him and I walked outside and Rihanna and Honey were already at the car and I unlocked the doors getting in and pulled off

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