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K. Michelle P.O.V

"Come on Ava, it's time to go" I said and I looked in the mirror at my reflection

I was dressed in a nude and cream color dress with my white cream colored fur coat and my nude colored red bottoms. My makeup was natural simple, hair was curled and I wore my diamond watch and silver bracelet.

"Look at Mrs. Beautiful Kimberly" Idris said coming behind me whispering in my ear kissing on my neck and I turned around to see Idris dressed in a well fitted black suit with a black shirt unbuttoned a little and his gold watch and he smelled so good

"My handson boyfriend cleans up good too" I said looking him up and down with lust in my eyes

"I would take you upstairs and strip that dress off your sexy ass body. Kiss all them curves..." I giggled and stopped him

"Idris come on we have to be serious" I said and he kissed my cheek

"Alright I'll be have for now" He said smirking and I smiled rolling my eyes playful and Ava came downstairs with her suitcase

"You ready princess?" Idris said and she nodded grabbing me and Idris hand leading us out the door.


"Alright baby be good for grandma" I said kissing Ava's forehead and she nodded eating her ice cream

"Here you and grandma can go out for breakfast tomorrow and go shopping" Idris said giving her a big stack of money and she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed Idris cheek

"Thank you Idris" She said cheerful

"No problem baby girl" He said putting her down and I grabbed Idris hand and pulled him away from her

"Idris how much did you give her" I whispered yelled at him

"Relax Kim, I gave her a thousand. So they could eat and go shop" He said and my eyes got wide

"I'm still curious where you getting this money from?" I said and he kissed my cheek and as we were walking to the door I looked up to see my mom

"Idris I'll be there in a second." I said and he nodded leaving out and my mother watched him and he when he was far enough away she turned back to me

"So Aubrey back?" She said and I sighed

"How did you know?" I said

"Well Ava came in here talking about I seen daddy we went the day together" She said and I sighed

"So you just wasn't gonna tell me Kimberly. I'm your mother. I've been helping you with Ava since Aubrey left so don't you think I should know, I thinks it's best if you and Aubrey get back to..." I cut her off

"Mother you are not apart of my personal love life. Me and Aubrey over and we will never be together again. For Ava, we decided to coparent. Me and Aubrey even decided to have a dinner to get me, him, Idris, and India all on good terms for Ava. Aubrey will never be my fiancé again, so you need to get that their your mind. Accept Idris please ma, he's doing as much as he can to make you accept him." I said and I walked past her

"I'll be back here at 5 to get Ava, say your goodbyes because you're never seeing her again" I said and I walked out the door never looking back and getting in the car with Idris

"You okay?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh and I turned my head smiling at him and kissed him


Once we finally made it Idris got out opening my door for me and of course we were surrounded by fans and paparazzi. I smiled and waved at some and me and Idris walked in the restaurant hand and hand and the waiter already knew who I was and took us to our table.

Walking to the table people looked our way and once we arrived at the table there sat Aubrey in a blue suit and a pregnant Indian dressed in a short red dress with her hair down.

"Hello Audrey" I said and he looked up

"Kimberly" He said in a cheerful way and I kept my face still and he got up and hugged me and shook Idris hand

"And Idris that's Aubrey, and India his wife. Everyone this is Idris my boyfriend" I said

"Nice to meet you" India said shaking Idris hand and she flashed me a smile and I flashed her a fake one

"Sit, sit" Aubrey initiated and Idris pulled out my chair and I sat as he pushed it in and sat next to me

"So shall we talk over some wine" Aubrey said clapping his hand sitting down and a waiter came over with a bottle of wine and poured into everyone's cups

I picked my glass up and inched the waiter and I whispered in his ear.

"Every time my glass gets halfway keep filling it to the top and I'll keep these tips coming" I whispered sliding him a 5 dollar bill and he smirked nodding

"So co parenting I work on Monday's, Wednesday's and Sunday's. I can kept her the other days, I still have to work on the other days but I get off early but India will be at home with the kids she can watch them till I get home" Aubrey said and I shook my head laughing

"That's not going to work, I can drop her off on the days you get off early when you get off work" I said

"And why is not going to work. India watches Ace so what's the problem" Aubrey said leaning back putting his arm over India's shoulder and I looked down and looked back up at him

"No offense India but I don't know you, and Aubrey I don't trust you so it's going to take time to try and trust you again" I said and India sucked her teeth

"It's not like y'all are in a relationship, this is his child and I'm capable of watching your child, it's not like I would mistreat her. I love Aubrey so Ima love his kid as my own." India said and Aubrey stopped her

"Look I'm just saying I don't trust him because he's done a lot of shit to put our child in damage, the six. And I know he's still the boss, so I don't have trust. India I don't know you, I mean I meant you that one time but I haven't even got to know you. For all I know you could be a murder" I said

"Look here bitch I'll murder yo ass" She said and that's when she crossed the line

"Aubrey you better get ya bitch cuz I'm not finna play with her and then disappearing edges and them small ass Asian eyes, bitch can you see me or nah. Look I'll drop her off when you get off work, just text me the times and I'll be there with her." I said getting up and Idris got up with me

"You're just mad because Aubrey left you for me and now I have the life you wish you had. Ha figures this bitch just jealous" She said and I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around throwing a drink in her face

"No, I'm happy that I don't have to deal with a motherfucker like yours who is a complete fuck up. Oh baby how long do you think it is he'll find another pretty bitch, and leave yo ass. And your be just another bitch like me but, oh wait you have no talent and no money so good luck being a poor petty bitch" I said walking away with Idris following behind me

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