Love to Infinity

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K. Michelle P.O.V 

1 week later...



"Alright Idris baby, I'll be back" I said holding Ava's bag and Ava came from upstairs to face me with a pout on her face

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked

"I don't want to leave I want to stay with you and Idris." She said and I got on my knees to be at level with her

"Baby, don't you want to see Daddy and go see Ace. I know you miss him, you haven't seen eachother in awhile." She kept crying and I opened my arms taking her in my arms kissing her head

"It's alright baby girl" I said picking her up and she wrapped her arms around me


"Mommy" She cried as I tried to get her off me

"You might want to come in, until she relaxes" Aubrey said and I nodded as he took her bag and my purse and walked into the living room and I followed him and he insited for me to sit on the couch and we both sat with Ava in the middle of us

"What's wrong with her?" He asked

"She doesn't want to leave me" I said and Ava wrapped herself around me tighter

"Princess you don't want to hang with daddy" Aubrey said softly and she shook her head

"I don't want mommy to leave" Ava said and I rubbed her head

"Baby how bout this, you spend the night with daddy and hang out all night with him. I come and check on you and then you and daddy spend the day together" I said and she stayed quiet and Ace came from no where

"He's gotten so big" I said and ace looked surpised

"Mommy" He said and he hugged me and I was shocked and I looked at Aubrey for help but he looked shocked as well

"Mommy are you leaving me again" Ace said and I kissed his forehead

"No I won't. But for right now how about you and Ava play and I'll see the both of you tommrow for lunch." I said and him and Ava kissed my cheeck

"Bye mommy" They both said

"Come on Ava, let's play on the XBox" Ace said grabbing her hand and they ran upstairs together

"So your coming to lunch with us?" Aubrey asked

"I guess so, let me leave before Ava comes back downstairs crying" I said and I stood and Aubrey stood following me and he grabbed my arm and I turned back around facing him

"Hmm you need me too? Seems like everyone just needs me" I said laughing slightly and then my smile turned serious

"Kim I just want to apoligze..." He said and I put my hand up stopping him

"It's fine, we both moved on and our both happy. Keep my baby safe and happy and keep that bitch away from my daughter" I said smiling and I pulled away from him leaving out in my maybach


"Idris baby..." I said and I walked into the living room to see him dressed nicely and he had dinner set out for me and him a candle light dinner

"I'm right here, my queen" He said grabbing my hand and kissing it and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck

"You know baby I love you so much. So sweet, supportive, loving, always there for me, understanding, loyal to me. I appericate you so much and I love you baby" I said and he chuckled kissing me and I kisssed him back and we pulled away

"I love you too, now come on sit" He said sitting me down and scotting my chair in and he sat in front of me

"I thought you said you couldn't cook" I said seeing he cooked a whole seafood dish

"I can't, I called in my cheif to cook this" He said and we laughed

"Well it looks good babe" I said and he grabbed my hand over the table


All through the night me and Idris laughed, talked, smiled. Love was all through the air, and I was happy. Ever since I've been with Idris, he's brought me nothing but happiness and joy. Turned me from a broken heart to someone who is stronger loving and is happier.

"Kimberly you've changed me, and I love you and Ava so much I'm willing to do anything for the both of you. Made me a happy man, we've been together for two years soon to be three years and I appericate you. Baby I want to make you my queen and do nothing but love you, spoil you, treat you how he should have treated you" He said and he got on one knee infront of me and I was in a complete shock

"Will you marry me?" Idris asked and I had tears falling down my face

"Yes, Yes I will" I said and he pulled a little black box and reavled a big diamond ring and he slipped it on my finger and picked me up spinning me around

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in a fairy tail and I felt like I was a queen.

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