Letting it be known

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K. Michelle P.O.V

"So what are you going to do for Ava birthday since, you just up and left" My mother voice rang through the phone she was so pissed off I just left but, I had to

"Me and her daddy will plan something for her, hopefully I can get bey up here with Gabby and she can have someone with her for her birthday" I said

"I think it's a damn shame, that's my grandbaby. She should be able to see her grandmother" My mother said and I rolled my eyes as I cleaned up the house and I was Aubrey walk in from the elevator

"Alright, alright. We'll talk about this later. Later" I hung up the phone before she could even say anything else and I put my phone on the counter

"Where is Ava?" Aubrey asked and I pointed to her room and he nodded going towards it

It's been two weeks since me and Ava have been here, it's been nice and everything but I still have to get adjusted to this new lifestyle.

I haven't found a job yet which has kind of stressed me out, Aubrey keeps saying I don't need one. But too bad, I got a job interview today. I need to get out the house, and be doing something with my life.

I looked myself in the mirror one last time, I was wearing my nude colored skirt, my matching long sleeve crop top, and nude colored red bottoms. I grabbed my purse and keys off the counter and Ava and Aubrey walked back in the living room.

"Where you going?" He asked and I ran a hand through my hair

"Going to my job interview" I said kissing Ava cheek and she looked like she wanted to cry

"It's okay mommy's baby. Mama be back okay" I said and she started to crying breaking my heart

"What did I say, you don't need a job. I got you and Ava." Aubrey said and I shook my head

"I want one. I don't need to be no house wife nor a stay at home mother 24/7" I said and I walked out the house with nothing else to say and I went downstairs to the garage and I got in my new car leaving out

Aubrey P.O.V

I'm surprised, who would turn down a deal to just stay at home and get money anyways. I'm doing the same for karrchue and she doesn't even have a problem with being a house wife.

"Ava you wanna go to the park?" I asked tying her shoe up and her face lit up

"Alright we'll go but, let me go get someone and then we can go" I said and she just smiled

K. Michelle P.O.V

"Well Kimberly you have the job, you can start next week" The lady said and I shook her hand smiling

"Thank you so much" I said and I left out

Yasss I just got a job, I was going to be an assistance for a high paid company. It was a music label, and I was so excited to be finally working again. Aubrey probably will be mad but, I didn't care.

I walked out the building and I called up Bey, Alex, Honey, and Rihanna and merged the call together.

"Hello" They all said in sync

"Guess what bitches, I den finally got me a job up here" I said so happy

"Ayeee" They all screamed through the phone as I got in the car pulling off

"Now that's what's up" Alex said and I started up the car pulling off

"Yeah, I'm so happy but, in other news. I need y'all here, in Canada for Ava birthday she wants to see her auntie's and uncle. And of course gabby little cute self" I said

"Well I'm off the rest of this week but, I just dropped my album so, I would only be able to stay for three day den I would be gone to England" Rihanna said and I smiled one to go now three more to go

"Me and gabby can come, I just gotta get the private jet ready" Bey said

"Well Mrs. Knowles I'll be flying with you as well" Alex said

"So will I" Honey said

"And don't forget about me either" Rihanna said and I smiled

"Yassss, I am so excited and I know Ava will be too. So I'll call y'all tomorrow and we can plan this" I said

"Alright later" They hung up


I walked in and I saw Ava playing with some little boy and I raised an eyebrow. She looked up at me and smiled and the boy looked up at me smiling as well.

"Ava where is daddy?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders and I went past them and went into my room to find him laying on my bed on the phone

"Nah just get the beats together and I'll be in tomorrow" He said and he looked and saw me

"Alright bye" He said hanging up and I went and put my purse away put my phone on the charger

I had my back turned taking off my necklace, and I felt arms snake around my waist and I felt kisses all over my neck. I bit my lip trying to keep my moan in, I will not break for him. He slapped my ass and a moan escaped.

"Why you fronting, don't you want papi to make you feel good" Aubrey said and I rolled my eyes pushing him away

"Drake I'm not one of your little sex toys" I said almost yelling at him and he looked confused

"I didn't say that" He said

"You ain't have to. First of all you spoiled me and Ava thinking I would just up and forgive you, it takes time to heal a broken heart. You betrayed me and I forgave you but, if you really want me to have a better look on you. Try and actually heal my heart with love not sex nor gifts" I said and I walked away from him and went into the bathroom getting in the shower

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