Are you pregnant or nah?

354 17 4

K. Michelle P.O.V 

"Mommy" Ava and Ace yelled running to me and I smiled as they hugged my legs

"Hey babies" I said picking them up and hugging them and I put them down and they grabbed my hands pulling me to the table that they sat with Aubrey

"Okay okay, I'm sitting down now y'all sit y'all little self down" I said and Ava sat by Aubrey and Ace sat by me

"So Ava did you have fun hanging out with daddy and Ace" I said and she smiled leaning on Aubrey

"I had so much fun, we played games and ate junk food all night. Then I rode daddy's Tiger" Ava said and I smiled

"Good" I said

"Oooh daddy can we go play with the fish over there" Ace said

"Yeah go ahead" He said and him and Ava both ran over to the fish tank

"So how are you Aubrey" I said settling in my chair

"I'm doing good, working in the studio coming out with a album future. And it's gone be hot this summer. But what about you" He asked

"Sounds good. I'm doing great, happy and working on my last album. Ready for early retirement" I said smiling

"Damn really you just started" He said

"I know, but I'm worth 55.5 billion. I've made my mark on this world as a R&B singer, and I'm ready to settle down and focus on me and Ava" I said smiling and he looked down at my ring and his face dropped

"He proposed" He said in a shock

"Yeah he did last night when I got back." I said admiring my ring

"Are you fucking serious..." He said and I looked at him like he was crazy

"Aubrey lower your voice, and I don't see what's the big deal. If for anything you should be happy for me" I said

"Kimberly you've only known him for two years" He said and I looked at him in disbelief

"And you married India in less than a month. Don't come for me, Idris has done nothing but love me and been loyal. You on the other hand left me alone to raise Ava, and married some broad you think is the one. But little do you know that hoe slept with the game, but isn't that your bestfriend" I said

"I don't trust him" He said

"I don't care, this is none of your concern" I said

"You know what, I'm leaving. Would think you would be happy for me but I guess not" I said getting up

"Ava baby come on, we'll see daddy and Ace later" I said and she ran to Aubrey kissing him on his cheek

"Bye daddy" She said and I kissed ace forehead and I grabbed Ava's hand leaving out


"Girl he jealous, probably want you now" Bey said and I rolled my eyes and I looked out the window

"Waitress can I get four rounds of shots" Honey said and I looked at honey in shock

"Honey what's going on?" I asked

"It's Jay, he went back on tour and I miss him. I think I'm even pregunat by him" She said and bey took the glass right out her hand

"Honey you can't be drinking and you might be pregunat. Come on let's go to the Phamacy." I said

"Girl how, you know parazzi follow us?" Bey said

"Cuz I got my wigs in the car, shit and my shades. They ain't gone know who I am" I said and we got up and left together


"Girl we look a hot ass mess, we best not get caught. Cannot be on TMZ looking like Madea mama" Beyonce said her southern accent coming out

"Shit I look like somebody grandma" Honey said

"Shut the hell up, we are only here to buy a pregunacy test and leave" I said and we walked into the CVS and had our shades on and walked to the back finding the test

"Alright let's not stand here, pick one" I said and honey sighed

"Which one, ain't never did this" She said and me and bey grabbed a whole bunch and thew them in the basket and we walked to the counter and paid for them and I put them in my purse and boom we were faced with paparazzi and fans shit

They pushed and shoved me, bey, and honey and my purse fell showing all the pregunacy test and paparazzi took pictures of me picking up the test. And bey and honey helped me up and we ran to the car pulling out.

"Damn well here comes us on TMZ" I said sighing


"So how long is it gone take" Honey said

"Five mintutes" Bey said

"Alright let's go downstairs and make sum popcorn until five mintutes are up" I said and we walked downstairs to the kitchen and bey pulled out the cups and I pulled out the popcorn and put it in the mircowave

"Kimberly..." I heard Idris voice coming in and he walked in coming up to me and I put my hands to his face

"Baby I saw, are you pregunat" He said and I laughed

"No Idris the test are for Honey, she might be pregunat" I said and he sighed in relief putting his hands on my waist

"Shit had me worried there for a second, had to leave work." He said and I laughed

"Nah baby" I said and he smacked my ass

"But I could if you wanted" He said and I giggled as he kissed on my neck

"Idris bey and honey here" I whrisper in his ear

"Later tho you owe me" He said and I rolled my eyes kissing him and he pulled away smirking going upstairs

"Alright the test should be done, I'll be back with the results" Bey said going upstairs and I started to hear sniffling and crying and it was honey

"Kim I can't have a baby right now, I'm on tour right now and everything. Jay's gone on his tour, were both doing our own things right now." She said and I hugged her rubbing her back

"Sochitta you gone be fine, your strong. Jay will be fine, if he really is the one for you he will love you and this baby and be there for you and the baby. If he won't we'll cut his dick and balls off and feed them to the pitbulls and me and bey will help you raise the baby. But eirther way, your going to fine honey" I said wiping her tears away

"Thanks Kim" She said smling hugging me

"Alright Honey you ready to know your results" Bey said holding the stick and honey nodded

"Your pregunat, congrats" She said

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