Changing myself?

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Honey P.O.V

Same night 


I groned turning over and I grabbed my phone with michael still wrapped around my waist. He looked so cute sleeping, I got up naked and walked out the room to the balcony looking out at the view.

"Hello" I said my voice raispy and sleepy

"Honey uh we got a little situation" Kim said and I leaned against the balcony

"What is it?" I asked

"We need some back up, Odell trey brother out for us" Kim said and I yawned

"I'll call my asian home girls, Ling Ling and CL on they way. I can't come right now, I'm taking care of something but if something go down call me" I said

"Alright thanks honey " She said and I hung up and I sent some text to Ling Ling and she said she would get the girls together and take care of it

I felt arms wrap around me and I smirked, knowing it was michael. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him and he ducked his head down and kissed me and I kissed back. I pulled away and I smirked seeing he was pouting.

"I don't think Kylie, would like that?" I said and he smacked his lips

"Is she here now?" He said and I rolled my eyes turning away from him sticking out my ass and he smacked it

"You tryna to tease me mami" He said and I bit on my bottom lip and looked back at him

"And if I am" I said and he grabbed my waist and entered me and I hissed as he was hitting it so good and I couldn't help but scream his name to the world on his balcony.


Aubrey P.O.V

Toronto Canada


"Aubrey are you going to talk to me?" India asked me sitting in front of me giggling as I looked stupid day dreaming

"Come on, I know something is on your mind. Tell me?" She said smiling damn she beautiful 

"It's me. You know how I told you I'm in the SIX" I said

"Yeah I remember you told me, when we started dating and I was always your ride or die queen. Guess things change, anyways what about the six" She said and I put my head down I felt kind bad that me and things have changed between me and India

"Yea, well Kim got upset that I was still in it. Then she thought we were still messing with each other. So she left to go back to Atlanta, till I changed myself for her." I said and she picked my chin up

"Aubrey that's crazy , we were just friends. You shouldn't have to change yourself for anyone. You should be yourself, and if she doesn't love you for yourself then maybe yall need to talk" She said and I thought about what India said she was right but, then again maybe I am childish for still fucking with the six

"Thanks India, I gotta go but Ima think about what you said. Party tomorrow with the crew, bring a friend if you want" I said hugging her as I got up and left

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