Don't worry about me

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K.. Michelle P.O.V

1 year later....

October 1st 2016

Monday 1:45pm

"Hey baby you had a good day at school" I said picking up Ava and she giggled and smiled as I put her in her carseat

I got in the front seat and pulled off and I drove over to bey's house. Me and bey had set up a play date for Ava and her daughter Gaberielle, they are a month apart from eachother both 1 years old. Only Gaberielle born before Ava.

Since the day Aubrey has gotten married to karrchue haven't heard from him. Not a call, text, nothing.

But I heard that he moved to back, home to Candana with Karrchue as his wife and with his two year old son.

It hurts me to know she won't have her father in her life, It hurts me every time I look at this ring to see a promise.

That went to shit and I've cried so many nights mad at myself, for falling in love, and being so dumb to think he would leave her for me.

"Baby girl you hungry" I said and she mumbled some babish talk and I giggled at her talk and she opened her mouth and I looked in my review mirror to see her and I laughed that's how she tells me she hungry

"Okay baby girl, wait a mintute" I said and she just nodded and played with her hands

Ava is my heart and soul, everything about her makes my world light up. From her smile, her comfort, her big heart, and how gentle and kind she is. She has my smile, my eyes, my hair, she has aubrey's nose, skin complexion, and dimples.

I stopped by McDonalds picking up me, bey, and the kids something to eat and I made it to bey's house.

I pulled up and I got Ava out and I put her on my hip while, I held the food and bey opened the door and helped me with the food and I walked in behind her closing the door.

We walked in the kitchen and I put the food on the counter and I put Ava on the counter and bey went straight for her.

"My niece looking fablous today. I see mama put on your outfit I brought you, now you looking flawless like auntie bey." Bey said making Ava smile

"Don't boost her too much. I don't need her to get pop like last time, thinking she was grown" I said if for anything she has her mother's attuide and inner diva

"Girl whatever, my niece can be a diva when she's with me" Bey said and I rolled my eyes

"Where is my Gabby at?" I asked

"Her father picked her up from day care so, she should be on her way" Bey said and I nodded

"So Will has changed and stepped up. I'm proud of him" I said and Bey laughed

"Girl bye he ain't changed that much, he got some thot around my daughter and you know I don't play that" She said and I sighed looking down

"At least he wants to be in her life" I said and bey put her hand on my shoulder

"Kimberly just like I said in the hosptial when you found out you were pregunat. Your going to get through this matter fact we're going to get through this." Bey said


"Alright goodnight baby girl, I'll see you in the morning. Get some sleep" I said kissing Ava forehead and she kept fighing her sleep until she gave in and closed her eyes falling asleep

I walked out of the room and I walked downstairs grabbing my purse to see bey on the couch watching some movie.

"Alright I'll be back to get her when, I'm done with my shift" I said and she shook her head

"When are you going to quit, this so called job" Bey said and I sighed I didn't feel like hearing this again

"Bey, look this so called job is getting me and my daughter food in our mouths, roof over our head, clothes on our backs, and anything we need or want. So when I make enough for me to live off of or when I get a better job, I'll quit. Bey I love you like a sister but, you need to learn how to mind your business" I said and I left out on my way to work


I was buzzed up and I felt good, I was wearing my lime green victorica serect matching bra and thong. A few men kept sweet talking me but, I never gave them my attention.

"So mami what's a fine lady like you doing here" I looked over to my right to see this man talking to me and he didn't seem drunk at all

"I work here" I said panly don't get me wrong he is fine

He was white, blue eyes, brownish hair, tall, finest features. He was dressed well he was wearing an all blacksuit, with a diamond rolex, and just from telling I could tell he was packing.

"Figures, you don't just meet some beautiful half naked women at a strip club for no reason" He said making me laugh a little

"Lance" He said extending his hand over to me

"Kimberly but, you can call me Kim" I said and he flashed me a smile and I fashed him back shaking his hand

"Well look Kimberly I have to go but I would really like to get to know you better. So here's my number may we can get together some time" He said handing me his number and I nodded

"Yeah that would be nice" I said and we exchanged smiles and he left

"So Kimberly this is how you do me" I heard Taz voice

"Taz it's nothing but, some man who wanted to get to know me as a friend. I find no interst in him, now stop worrying" I said walking over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and he grabbed my ass

"Your jealous" I said smiling and he kissed his teeth picking me up and I squeal

"Girl you already know what it is, who own it" He said and I giggled

"You daddy" I said teasing him and he went straight upstairs to his office and as soon as he opened the door Britiney was sitting in his chair naked with just her robe on and Taz put me down

My smile fadded and I looked down, damn I really must be this damn stupid.

"Uh...I guess I'll leave you two alone" I said about to walk out but Taz grabbed me

"Kimberly..." I cut him off

"It's fine taz, I should have known. Never mix bussiness with pleaurse, like I said before" I said and I finally got out of his grip walking out

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