The next morning

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K. Michelle P.O.V
9:34 am

I woke up to Aubrey's arms wrapped around me and I smiled, slipping out of arms and I sat up sore stretching. I found Aubrey's button up shirt and I slipped it on.

I stood up going into his bathroom and I used the mouth wash I found under the sink.

I splashed water on my face seeing my reflection and the guilt started to hit me, I sighed as memories came across me from last night.

I felt arms snake around my waist and I looked up in the mirror to see Aubrey and he placed kisses on my shoulder and neck making me shiver.

"What you doing up so early" He asked and I shook my head

"Nothing just thinking" I said simply

"About..." He asked resting his head on my shoulder

"Last night" I said looking down

"Your thinking about how bad I might regret it because, I'm a soon to be married man and you don't want to mess anything up because, of that." He said and I nodded

"Well in that case I don't regret a single thing. Kimberly I don't want you to worry about anything, I got you. Now come on so we can eat breakfast" He said pulling me out of the bathroom into the kitchen and he sat on the couch and I stood there my arms crossed over my chest

"So...." I said looking around

" gone start cooking" He said and I pushed him playful and walked into the kitchen

"Thanks baby girl" He said and I kissed my teeth and I looked in the fridge and pulled out the eggs and bacon and I found the skillet and started cooking

I finished everything and the coffee was just about to be done and I tried to get the coffee mugs but, I couldn't reach it. A hand soon appeared and grabbed the two mugs and I turned around seeing Aubrey smirking.

"Too short" He teased me

"I'm 5'5 I'm not that short. I just couldn't reach it" I said looking at his 6'0 height towering over me

"Whatever shorty" He said and poured the coffee in both cups and sat them down on the island and I grabbed our plates sitting down with him on the island

"This is good" He said digging into his food

"Thank you" I said looking down blushing and I started eating

"So what did you do, before you started stripping" He asked me

"Usually when people ask me this question, I shut them down but I guess your cool. I use to be a singer, one of the best but my career was over due to some past history events between me and someone" I said rolling my eyes thinking about trey

"Hey everything we share between us, stays between us. But I'm not going to force anything out of you" He said with a smile and I smiled back


All through breakfast, I had so much fun with Aubrey he made me smile and laugh, we ran around the house and took pictures of us together, talked about what we wanted in life. Watched movies and chilled, it was about 5:45pm and I decided to get dressed and leave.

I had my purse and my bag on my shoulder and Aubrey stood at the door with me his hand on my waist.

"Do you have to go" He said kissing on my neck trying to get me to stay

"Aubrey I have to get home, plus you need to get home to your finance" I said and he kissed his teeth (They were at Aubrey's private home)

"You know Ion like that bitch" He said and I gasped as he pulled me closer grabbing my ass

"Then why you marrying her" I said and he sighed

"If she wasn't carrying my child and my mother wasn't on my back about her having my baby, I wouldn't be marrying her. I told you this already and if I would have met you before her, I would be with you" He said and I blushed smiling looking down

"Well it didn't happen. Maybe in a different world and a different time." I said kissing his cheek and I walked away getting in the cab and I looked forward


Beyoncé P.O.V

"So bey why you on Kim so, much about stripping" Alex said and I rolled my eyes looking back at the lady doing my nails

"Bey what the hell is wrong with you" Honey spoke up

"Honey shut the hell up, you better tell yo cousin ling ling to be careful with my damn nails" I said and Rihanna had to stop her before she got up

"Bey what the hell climbed up yo ass and died" Alex said and I kissed my teeth

"Somebody needs some dick again because, your attitude level has been on bitch mode ever since Kim gave you the news" Alex said

"It has nothing to do with Kim. I guess I just snapped on her because, of everything happened before we went dinner. I just been stressed out and everything. Sorry Honey and Ling Ling" I said and they nodded

"You wanna spill" Alex said and I sighed

"Alright so remember when, I went to that club last week with y'all and I wind up leaving early" I said and they nodded

"I left with a man that night." I said

"So bitch me, Alex, and Honey had to call a uber driver to drop us off" Rihanna said shocked

"Bitch you owe me 32 dollars" Rihanna said

I went in my purse and pulled out a 50 dollar bill, and gave it to her and she snatched it out of my hand

"Anyways back to the story" Alex said

"So I left with him and I wind up having sex with him..." I was cut off by Alex

"Oooooh look at Mrs. Beyoncé getting dicked yassss that's my bitch. Question why the fuck you, still acting like this if you got dicked down" Alex yelled through the nail shop and everyone looked at us and I looked down and they resumed back to what they were doing

"Waait...Who is this him?" Honey spoke up

"Yeah, bitch don't be just having sex with some mysterious men out there" Rihanna said and I rolled my eyes

"His name is Will" I said mumbling

"Who the fuck is Will" Honey said

"Yeah tf Ion know no Will" Rihanna said

"Same we don't just know no Will" Alex said and I sighed

"His name Will but, y'all know him as Fetty Wap" I said and they all gasped

"Wait wait...before we all start freaking out let bey finish her story" Alex said

"So we had sex that night, and he left the next morning nothing. No talk nothing and it's like I really felt for him but and he left. Next day he some how had my number and he came over, and after I asked him to leave he refused make the story short we fucked again" I said and Alex hive fived me

"But he's been acting on and off with me, texting me whenever he wants, hitting me up, coming over my house whenever. I started to get the feeling I was being used so, I just stopped talking to him and now he's with someone else." I said looking down and Alex, honey, and Rihanna all came and hugged me

"Aw bey don't worry, he's just a boy toy. You'll find you the one and you'll know he's the one when he actually loves you for all of you." Alex said

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