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K. Michelle P.O.V

Saturday Morning


I woke up to my alarm, I turned off my alarm groaning sitting up. I unlocked my phone seeing I had a bunch of miss calls from bey and I had text from Rihanna asking where the club was at. I called her up and after the few first rings she answered.

"Hello" She answered

"Hey RIRI" I said smiling and I stood up walking out of my room to my living room and I turned on my TV

"So I got your text, I know you, Honey, and Alex wanna go and see me at the club. But I would prefer y'all to come in on Monday because, I'm going this thing for my boss it's a party" I said and I bit my bottom lip

"Alright I'll let them know and we'll come and see you Monday. But let me get off this phone, majesty and my sister flew down here so I'm bout to go pick them" She said and I smiled

"Alright later RiRi" I said hanging up and I got a call from my boss as soon as I put my phone down and I answered it

"What's up boss man" I said and he sighed

"I need you to get down here at the club and get the girls in check. I'm having some very important money makers come in and I need someone to get these hoes in check" He said and I laughed

"Alright I be there in 30 minutes or more" I said

"Alright bet" He said hanging up and I went straight in the shower


I pulled up to the club taking my keys out of car and getting out in my louis Vuitton shoes. I was dressed in my high wasted shorts, my black 'faded' crop top, and my hair straighten.

I walked in seeing all these bitches all arguing and fighting, I'm usually the boss bitch in here who have to get all the young and immature bitches in check.

"Aye what the hell is this" I yelled and everyone looked up at me with horror in their eyes and they all got in line

"I know damn well y'all heard boss man. We got money coming through, you hoes ain't dressed and ready to strip. Go get ready you have 10 minutes and y'all better be ready" I said and I clapped my hands

"Y'all are dismissed" I said and they ran to their dressing room like their life depended on it

"That's my girl" My boss said and I scoffed and rolled my eyes walking to the bar about to pour me a drink

"Come on Kim why don't you let me take you out. Just once so, I can show you I'll be better than anyone else you ever been with." He said pulling my waist to him and I laughed

"Taz you know I don't mix business with pleasure" I said and he looked at me with pleading eyes and I giggled

"If you become mine, you won't ever have to work again. Won't even have to lift a finger if your mine" He said kissing my neck and I laughed pulling away from him

"Come on Kim let me take you on one date." He asked taking my hands

"If I say yes then will you leave me alone" I said and a smile appeared on his face

"Maybe" He said and I shook my head

"Then I'll think about it" I said teasing him

"Alright I'll leave you alone if you go on one date with me" He said and I smiled

"Alright then yes, one date then you leave me alone" I said walking to my dressing room

Unknown P.O.V

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