I'm done with you

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K. Michelle P.O.V
1 week later

Ugh I felt so sick today, I was throwing up I don't know if it was because what I ate at the at chiness resturant yesterday with Honey or what. I have headaches on and off and I had to take off work, I even had to cancel my date with Taz tonight.

I felt bad but, I didn't feel good and he understood he was so sweet he brought me roses and chochoclates leaving them at my door this morning.

So I reschudled next week hoping I felt better soon. But I did need to talk to Tremaine so, I invited him over so we could talk.

I heard a knock on the door and I walked over to the door opening it and Trey stood there mad and I rolled my eyes. Letting him come and and he walked, and I closed and locked the door.

"Have a seat" I said softly and he did as said sitting on the couch and I sat in front of him

"Trey what happened the night between me and you. That was that should have not happened and I don't appericate you coming to my job and....." I suddenly felt something coming up

I ran to the bathroom rushing, to the toliet and threw up. I soon felt someone pulling my hair back and rubbing my back.

"Are you..." I cut him off flushing the toliet and wipping my mouth

"Shut the hell up. No No No, I don't wanna hear that shit" I said standing up and pushing him out the way and I started brushing my teeth

Once I was done I turned back to him and I sighed looking him in his eyes and we walked back to the living room.

"Look me and you are done. So leave me alone and stop appering where im at. Now that's it, goodbye Tremaine. By the way here's your keys" I said pushing him out the door and throwing him his keys

"Hmmm that's what you think, I'll be back" He said and walked away

Damn Creep.


Chris Brown P.O.V

I was at the studio recording my new album, but I having some trouble finding the theme for my album. I threw a paper ball into the trash can sighing getting frustarted with myself.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door and it opened realiving Rihanna and her studio crew.

Our eyes connected and I smiled and she blushed looking away and then her finger banged softly against the door.

"Um...your studio time, is overlapping with mine. So are you done?" She asked and I looked at the time damn it's nine already

"Yeah just finishing up. Bout to head out" I said standing up and grabbing my backpack and my notepad and I walked to the door

I grabbed her hand and kissed it exchanging my number in it and I walked out the building leaving her shocked.

-IK short n boring more coming next

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